Tuesday, March 26, 2013

HyunMin GForce: Trivia Game Q#1

As mentioned in announcement #1, the Hyunmin GForce is celebrating its blog's 7th monthsary which also coincides with the release of PK DVD Cut in Japan today, March 27th, by providing a 'trivia game' for the Hyunmin fans and/or avid viewers.  We hope everyone would participate -- the more, the merrier!!!

First of all, congratulations to the producer of the new PK DVD to be released as I'm sure a lot of fans are anxious to get a copy

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First, a few reminders...

GForce blog admins are prohibited to play -- sorry, GFs!  

Rules of the game:  The answer must be precise or complete as some questions might have follow-up questions (for example:  In PK, where did the first stolen kiss happen and in which episode?)

Important noteYour answer must be in the comment section to be counted (must have google account in order to access the comment section.)  

The first person to guess the answer correctly wins a prize. We move on to the next question tomorrow, if the  correct answer is not given.
Prizeplease refer to announcement #1 for the photos.  

 Good luck to all participants!!!

Why I cut my hair??

At his latest concert in Hiroshima, HJ told  his fans:

"I had my hair cut and hair doesn't bother me anymore.  And not bothered by the curls and frizzy hair anymore?  (someone special was bothered by the long curly, frizzy hair style???  lol)  I was told that a person's hair grows quicker or faster if he watches tv til late at night... I don't know what it means, kekeke."  

(GForce's interpretation:  being that he's a nocturnal; he can't see himself not staying up late.)  

We are very pleased that you cut your hair short HJ! Why??? Because... it doesn't bother the GForce's eyes anymore (particularly GF Cyni)...kekeke. Sorry, we are just kidding; we are very happy with your new haircut!!!!... you look cute and very handsome with your new look especially when you smile!

Credit: as tagged