Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sicky-poo HJ!!

MM: My poor Hyun Joong… he’s feeling sick lately.


MM: But don’t worry love, nurse MinMin will take good care of you!.

MM: First, I have to take your temperature.  “Open your mouth Hyunnie…  aaaahhh!”

HJ: (mmm…mmm) What are you trying to do?  That’s not what I need.

MM: Second, I’ll you give you a shot… (kekeke).

HJ: OMO… I don’t need that… I just need…ouchhhhhhhhh!!! [X_X]

HJ: Jung So Min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MM:  I’m sorry Hyun Joong-ah.  I just wanted you to get well.

HJ: Please don’t cry babe.

HJ:  That’s not the medicine I need.

MM: Oh? Tell me what you need and I’ll get it.

HJ: Don’t worry love, my medicine is already here!!!

MM: Yah!  What are you trying to do?

HJ: Kekeke <3 <3

Credit as tagged.