Friday, June 7, 2013

HyunMin GForce: Category #4 Contest Result

First of all, apology to everyone as I wasn't able to publish the winner result last week as I initially said in the announcement. 

We'd like to thank the participants of the Categorical Contest #4, namingly:  Burningsoul16, Serene, Cielito, Mi7chimes and PrncMcKr.  All of you did an excellent job - thank you so much for making the time to share your talent in story writing with us. We want more if not Part 2 of your respective stories  (the other judges asked me to include that).  ^-^
Here are the vote tallies which consists of star rating, straight vote and views count:

Entry #1:  *rating-24.1/2; straight vote-5; views=480
Entry #2:  *rating-20; straight vote-0; views=321
Entry #3:  *rating-13; straight vote-0; views=142
Entry #4:  *rating-12; straight vote-0; views=185
Entry #5:  *rating-16.1/2; straight vote-0; views=194

As it can be seen above, Entry #1 dominated the contest. 

Congratulations to BurningSoul16!  
(Please let us know by email where to send the prizes.)  

Part 2 of Entry #1 story will be published this weekend.

*** ~~~ ***

Once again, a big thank you to all participants!!!

Next contest category will be announced this weekend so stay tuned.  ^-^