Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jung So Min at "I'm Home"

This past August 5, our dear So Min updated us with a picture of her.  In her message, she mentioned she is at “I’m Home” and eating a delicious green tea ice cream.

Thanks to the Standby HyunMin Japanese group (they are like the CIA and CSI combined… kekeke) who researched MM's message.

“I’m Home” is an ice-cream shop located near MM’s college.

Below, you will see the pictures of the shop and the ice cream MM ordered

Cr. Standby HyunMin 

♥♥♥ PLAYFUL KISS - Episode 2 BTS ♥♥♥

Since the filming of every scenes in PK drama were not in sequenced, i.e., the above scene in Epi 1 when Hani and her appa arrived at BSJ's house was filmed on 7/24/10.

But the scene following it was on August 15, 2010, I'll take a guess on when some of the bts scenes happened.