Tuesday, August 27, 2013


 Happy 1st Anniversary GForce


HJ wearing an MCM cap with studs - less obvious than wearing an 'M' cap?  lol
Vintage MCM cap

╰☆╮ FAN CONFESSION of Mazzy ╰☆╮

Assalamualaikum( peace be upon you), Hello, and Annyeong!

Hello I am Mazzy, this would be my second fan confession..and there will be a continuation…. Oh!! the first confession, I have already posted last year, whatta big gap!)
P/S: From here, you will know a bit about my self.. As well as how I become a real big fan of HyunMin ^^
Okay! Let’s start with this ^^
First of all..I am not a fan of Kim Hyun Joong... not before I watched PLAYFUL KISS… and I never knew a cutie, Jung So Min will grab my heart first than KHJ in PK…hahaha And the story goes like this...
During the filming of PK 2010, I was in secondary school, and during that time..I was having a major exam, named GCE O’Level.. Approximately, a week before the exam, we were given extra leave to get prepared. So, it is not necessary for us to come to school. But a best friend of mine named Athilah suggested something for us.. she said, “let’s come to school on ___, for study group..” and yes I agreed, since studying together is more effective.


We do a little recap about Physics..HOWEVER, in the middle of our private.study.session, Athilah suddenly said to me, “I bring a laptop, do you want to watch theeee very latest K-drama?” “come on, this drama is really fun to watch” (hahah!! Its common for students like us get distracted when studying -.-“ lalala)

But, I am really a good student at that time uh! O_o, hahah  I said, “no its okay, you can watch with Maizura(my bestfriend)”.. without wasting time, both of them  watch it.. and how bout me?--- I was left behind with the Physics books. Aishh I don’t think so this is what it meant by “study group
(ahh..I really want to score well in Phys, because it is my less-favorite subject ^^). Hahaha
While studying A.L.O.N.E… you know what, I got bothered by their laughter… they were laughing out loud while watching the drama, so I wondered if the drama was really that fun.. then I asked them, what drama they were watching…
PLAYFUL KISS that’s what they said…
And my reaction?

I just mumbled two words “ohhhh~~ okay.”
hahaha whattaaa reply! I’m not that interested..YET!! :P


I received a text message from Ministry Of Education—it was my GCE O’Level result. Alhamdulillah, I feel grateful to Allah.. I feel satisfied with my result. Woooohoooooo!

I have a very good grade for each subject, especially my Physics.. and among all subjects.. surprisingly, my Physics is the highest grade I got woohoo!!.. how about my bestfriends?  yes, they also have good grade like me even though they were busy watching PK last time. hahah

But, sadly……… we need to go to our respective colleges. Yes, our time as secondary students has just ended.  Huh……

We parted our way here.


So here I am, March 2011..  New life in college!!!

- New environment—friends & teachers.
-bla bla bla

Here it comes! The day where all people love the most!!!!!
HOLIDAYS in the middle of March!! (Only TEN days, huwaaa!)


So, on this particular day of holiday, I watched Music Video of K-pop on Astro Hitz channel with my eldest sister.
And then, two MVs of Playful Kiss were played—Kiss Me by G.Na and One More Time by Papi HJ. This is the time my sister mentioned about PK:

Sis- “ohh! This drama, I just finished watching this.

Me-  “the one you have just bought?”

Sis- “yep! The HERO of this is one of the actors of BOF.”

Me- “ahhh…BOF..I do watch the first 10 episodes only… then I stopped. I’m not really into it--the actors and the actresses I meant.”

Sis: “but you should try watch PK..”

So my sister told me a little about PK, and again I’m still not interested!!hahahah!!! *Mazzy Wake up! Its PK pk! You’re still not engrossed? Okay okay go watch by yourself next time!.*

But secretly, I was enjoying the MVs, and here.. I said to my self, she’s cute. * lol..I am a girl and I shud be attracted to HJ but it was MM who grabbed my attention on the MV since I never saw her in any drama before, unlike HJ.
A day after that, I feel bored with this long 10 days of holidays, so… I went to check some K-dramas DVD on my sister’s room. I picked two DVDs.. “Personal taste” and also “Playful Kiss” hahahaha I don’t know how come I end up taking PK DVD box. Hahaha

And guess what which drama I watched first.. opsss!! your guess is wrong, I don’t pick PK, but I pick Personal Taste. Hahah
So I spent 3 days to finish PT.

After that, I proceed with Playful Kiss. And.. and and.. now I know…………… *gulped!*

----to be continued, WHOHAHAHA!

p/s: hahahaha… wait for next part!!!


╰☆╮ FAN CONFESSION of Shirley Luna ╰☆╮

I'm curious about the promotion of PK, the network who bought the right of PK was amazing further advertisement, I'm a lover of K-DRAMA.When i watched BAE YONG JOON "Winter Sonata".His the only K-ACTOR i like...but when PK aired here in the Philippine,something happened to myself. I bought DVD of PK just to watched it in advance, from everyday airing on tv. from now on, i can't do anything properly without seeing PK, even 2 episode everyday.I never tired doing those things everyday...I can't understand why do i love BAEK SEUNG JO and OH HA NI and the whole story of PK...even i finish watching PK, when the end comes in t.v ,i felt sad.

            Till i found HYUNMIN gforce's blog...my darkness moment,comes bright again.How lucky i'm to be one of your member.The mutual feeling is the same,by loving hyunmin as i love gforces...Month of August when i first comment in your blogs. GFS. SNOWY AND CYN welcome me, then its been a havit to visit hyunmin gfs everyday, and i'm proud when i asked a request to gfs Cyn and Snowy they gave my request... By GF YOON JI JOONG, done it about the love storyin bali and ideal girl of KHJ (puzzle in taiwan).

            Admiring KHJ and JSM are the brightness experience happened to me. everytime i mentioned hyunmin couple, my children and my friend are laughing at me. they were bashing, that hyunmin couple are not true... but i always answered "thats all you think... for me  fan meeting in peru is the best HINTS hj gave us... all though,the rest of hints are also GREAT... like love story in bali interview and yahoo K-WAVE, about his ideal girl are the same and thier message to each other, after his concert tour from JAPAN... About the ball beside modu, while hj playing soccer.

            Happy 3rd anniversary PK... for me, my one and only K-artist are Hyun Joong and Minmin... my perfect Hyunmin couple.

            Last but not the least...  i congratulate Hyunmin gfs for 1st anniversary... i'm so proud all of you!!! I LOVE YOU all GFS, praying for a long life..."MABUHAY" in our dialect in the  Philippines.!!!
Shirley Luna

╰☆╮ FAN CONFESSION of Elena Eileen ╰☆╮

Hello gfs. First time i visit your blog i feel that this blog was belong to one circle of hyunmin fans because of the called gf.  but because of my love to hyumin couple i kept visiting your blog. EVERYDAY is a must for me.... am i crazy???.... Nope.... i'm just obsess with our lovely couple . and the most important i actually like your conversation among gfs. and finally i understand the meaning of gf in this blog. everyone is gf... kekeke... silly me. i love your craziness, your naughtiness and your love to hyunmin couple. sometimes i laugh reading the comments and at one time i took a big step to join this blog and comment. your warm welcome is appreciated. don't ask me how i get to know your blog because i do not remember. please forgive your unnie or should i consider i am ahjumma.....

p/s : please forgive my grammar mistake.

╰☆╮ FAN CONFESSION of Cookie Min ╰☆╮

My fascination with our HyunMin couple started about three months ago, I wanted to de-stress this summer from a previous tiring work load that I chanced upon PK and decided to watch it, needless to say PK is actually my first Kdrama... As the episodes progressed I began to like the characters and interactions of OHN and BSJ better, its one of those bittersweet romance that I am a sucker for... what began as a simple endeavor to pass out time turned into a strong interest...I started searching more information about the actors and found out that the story behind the PK story is even more interesting, like in PK it was just simply beautiful  to watch the development of a relationship of two people who seems to come from different worlds but are somehow fated to be together, I instantly became a fan of HJ and MM and began combing the Internet for anything HyunMin related... I guess what I like about them transcends their physical appearances... it's the purity of their relation and their natural interaction that endeared them to me, they seem genuinely happy together, the kind of happiness that only comes when you finally feel you met someone who gets you mentally and emotionally, your true love whom you imagine to share your life with...while going through my very first and only fandom experience, I naturally found the GForce HyunMin blogspot... I became a constant lurker for the past three months...

Every time I wake up, the first thing I do is check the blog...reading the comments was so much fun, everyone seems so friendly and inviting, there is no negativity like in the other blog sites I came across...
The more I read about the HyunMin couple and watch their BTS, the more I became convinced that I was not mistaken to admire them...I started to really want to connect to the family of GForce too... for the first time in my life I did something that I never did before and emailed the GFs... to my excitement, I received a very nice welcoming email :-)... and since then I know I found my long lost sisters... in this world where we sometimes live in a rat race and so many old values disappearing, it's nice to find our own space in cyberspace where we can all share something we truly enjoy with truly nice people that are akin to reconnecting to very close friends , though none of us have ever meet each other before.
I personally love the GFs for always lifting my mood up and reassuring me whenever my shipping is swaying...
I am grateful to all the lovely GFs for always spending time out of their busy schedules to keep our ship sailing... 
Happy, happy 1st anniversary GFs!!! May our love for the beautiful HyunMin couple continue to bring us shared laughs, friendship and inspiration...

Cookie Min

HyunMin GForce 1st Anniversary Fanart by Estanyela

MM: "OMG, this is a big celebration!"

HJ: "Of course babe, this is a special occasion,"

MM: "Deh! HyunMin GForce Blog's 1st Anniversary!"

HJ: "Although they like to make fun of me sometimes, they are very sweet and playful girls."

MM: "I agreeThey are very sweet and crazy girls who always support us."

HJ and MM: "We love you girls, Happy 1st Anniversary!!!"

Fanart by Estanyela