Friday, October 4, 2013


This is for all the HyunMin fans globally, per the suggestion of our lovely and sweet GFs.  (Who else would be requesting these... can't be the antis!  hahaha)   ^-^ 

Anyway, let's start with one of their sweet playful interactions. 
In the beginning of their relationship (as colleague/co-stars), MM would whack HJ whenever he jokes around or blurts his 4d comments.  This kind of gesture is conspicuous, isn't it?  hehehe
I love their playful posing during a photoshoot in Jeju!  You must admit they look so adorable. 

Before they reached that stage, they were like this.  hahaha   HJ in his own world while MM looks on. 

Sooooo cute!!!  hehehe
Just one of my favorite scenes!  ^-^

And, by special request...  hahaha


And just thought I'd share with everyone these 2 HQ videos I found in YT:

Credit:  apricl

 Credit:  khjlove100
Credit as tagged.