Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Fanvid: Rukubebe

Fanart: MAZZY


  1. This is another fanart created for you by GF Mazzy...

  2. I love this fanvid made by Rukubebe!

  3. Hola gf snowy, gf chyn and all!

    art matic and modu looks perfect together with PaMi!!!

    happy family in christmas vacay! woohooo

    gotta watch the awesome video later :D

    1. Camilita... hola!!

      Wait... you should be dreaming with HyunMin right now.. tsk tsk

    2. Art, Matic and Modu, the perfect dogs for the perfect Couple...

    3. whohahhaha yes yes its bed time for me already hahahah gotta go .. good night gf chyn and all gfs!
      do enjoy this post Naughty Snowy+Kiddo Mazzy post!

      see ya all later!

  4. Goodnight GF Mazzy

    GF Cyni, TTYL, I am finishing something. Need to concentrate...hahaha

  5. beautiful video, x'mas greetings for hyunmin. thanks gfs and rukubebe, i love all the fanvid....happy family hyunmin with their dogs.

    1. Hello GF Shirley...perfect couple, right ?

    2. Hello Shirley!!!

      The perfect couple will go on a special trip these Christmas... I think no scubadiving because she doesn't like it...

  6. Hello GFs/Hyunmins....GF Snowy, Gf Cyni, Gf Shirley, Kiddo, Baby Michy, Gf Yoonji hi to all!

    Sorry, I cant join you guys, I will catch up tomorrow...

    Nice fanart Kiddo, keep it up! Rukubebe's FV is nice too!

  7. Hello GFs -- I love the fanarts, Wacky Mazzy! I'll have to watch fanvid at home tonight.

  8. que preciosa imagene donde salen Art, Matic y Modu con sus papis y que decir del video esta precioso

    Saludos a todas ^^

  9. Hello Gforce! Advance Merry Christmas everyone! My first time here! I've been visiting your blog for sometime now and find it so entertaining, amusing,funny and, can't find any more words to describe but you guys always put smiles on my face...^____^, is that a smile? HUGE ,keke.... You feed my hungry Hyunmin heart everytime :)

    By the way i'm eiren101 of PEX and soompi, and eirenful on youtube, I made a couple of Hyunmin videos before and I think some of you have watched it (saw some of your comments there,thank you by the way).

    Am I in? Lol... But thank you guys for making this blog... i luv it!

    1. Hi Eiren, advance merry christmas too! Good to see you here and of course tou are very welcome here in our Hyunmin blog...thank you for your comment and hope to see you more often...

      Btw, if you have something to share feel free to share it with us, your videos are nice too...

      Lastly, im Mhel, 160Mhel in soompi...^^

    2. THanks Mhel for welcoming me. I a very familiar with your name :), I will try to comment as much as possible though "nosebleed" here,keke. Can i just use tagalog and you guys translate it, lol.

      I haven't made new video for a quite sometime, i left my lappy back home and i'm just using a tablet right now which i think is not as capable as my LT, or should i say i have not figured it out how yet, maybe i just need to download some apps and then can make videos again, so i have nothing to share at the moment but maybe soon.

      I think i'm going to gain some more friends here...^^

    3. Yes you will Gf Eiren, we all here became friends because of Hyunmin which is good right... Yes, you can use tagalog, we can talk to you in tagalog Gf, lol...if you notice other Gfs talks in Spanish too....

      Im using mobile too though its not easy but at least it can do something even a little...but doing stuff like fanarts anf fv i still do it in my lappy....

      Looking forward to your fv in the future...

      Gf, from where are yoi in the PH?

  10. I'm from cavite but working overseas :(.

    Yes, it not easy to use infact really hard for me but i have no choice, i feel so bad that i left my lappy back home, thought i canbuy a new one right away but gosh, i can't there are some more important things than buying a laptop.

    Should we start talking in tagalog? Lol

    1. Oh from Roxas, capiz and now here in Rome.... You're right, there's a lot of important things than lappy...

      Yes wecan try in tagalog....ither Gfs are still sleeping, others have work too.... But one thing for sure they will be glad to see you here.

    2. Yes you can download apps in your tablet so you can easily create a fanvid on your tablet.

  11. Haha... i think everyone still sleeps, keke.. but i'm so glad talking to you, i still have some little english with me so we can still go on with english.

    I'm in london and since you're in Rome, come and visit me lol. I'm new here, no friends yet so a bit lonely and boring.

    1. Oh really? Very close...same here you can come and visit me here also new here, just a year and 4 months....

    2. hahahah...Yes we are all on different time zones.

      How is the weather in London? Cold?

    3. it's really cold, chilly at times but no snow yet. Considering that I'm new here it's really shocked my system.

    4. Don't worry your body will get use to the cold weather.

  12. *I mean bored.... by the way they will be bored reading our talks not even related to hyunmin. But one thing for sure, I do love them so much and been rooting for them from the very start. And so guys as you said they are REAL and i do believe!

    1. Its more boring specially that its problem Gf, we also allowed to talk about life here...and yes we do believe in Hyunmin...For Real!

  13. hi Eiren! welcome to our humble Hyunmin abode! love your fanvids!!!

    Ate Mhel! miss you! forgive your baby for neglecting this blog ok? blame my jobs, kekeke

  14. Hi Mich! Shall i call you Mich? Thnks for loving my fanvinds and for welcoming me here. R u also pinoy? Ah, i'm a bit lost, but in the long run will get to know u one by one. Hope you won't mind if i stay here and be friends with everyone.^^

    1. yes you can call me Mich....
      i am from Malaysia....
      you are welcome to chat and contribute any Hyunmin thingy here...the more the merrier.....

    2. Its our pleasure to have you here Gf Eiren!

    3. You can hang with us anytime eiren. As you may already know, we all became friends in AFF. I hope like you, everyone who is a regular viewer in this blog will say hi and start chatting with us.

    4. Thanks Snowy! Are you snowflakes on soompi? Yes, i know that all of you became friends in AFF, i also read fanfics though i don't leave comment but i saw you guys there.

      I'm shy at the beginning but Rowshe, backed me up and said leave a comment there, they are all warm and friendly. So here I am...

      yeah, so to those who are just like me, shy to comment at first, come and say hi now! It' s more fun when you join in the conversations and not just read/lurk. Don,t be left behind, keke..

    5. No, I am Lotus91 at Soompi and Snowflakes01 in AFF. I love your Hyunmin fanvid "Amazed" so I re posted it in Soompi.

    6. Thanks GF rowshe for encouraging eiren to join us.

      Yes, we are a friendly bunch. We are here to spread the Hyunmin Love. hahahhaha.. Aissshhh.... here I am again... cheesy me!

  15. Ok Mich, will you be my first Malaysian friend? keke..
    I also hope i can contribute something in the near future but will just be a commenter for now...^^...thanks Gf Mhel!

  16. Good morning/afternoon/evening GFs....

    How is everyone? I hope you are enjoying the holiday spirit already like HJ. He got his tree up and a holiday trip with hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... who did he say again? hahahahha... I hope you are following your own advice Papi HJ.. SPEND YOUR CHRISTMAS WITH WHOM YOU LOVE.... I believe you will follow your own advice Papi HJ! ho ho ho!

  17. Hello eiren-

    Welcome to the blog. I am so happy to you finally comment. I viewed some of you fanvids and I love them. I actually posted one of them in Soompi.

    Thanks for liking and enjoying our post. Only a true Hyunmin will understand some of our humor in our post.

    Like Mhel said, if you have anything to post let us know, we will post it for you.

    You said, are you in, yes you are GF... You asked if they are real? Absolutely! Don't ask how I know. hahahaha

    1. Of course Snowy the Fly knows it all! Hahaha... Peace Gf!

    2. Hahhahaha.... it's a good thing I am a fly.... always on a wall, listening and watching...

    3. But i wanna ask how you know? Com' on feed me haaha...

    4. Hello Eiren, Welcome to Hyunmin blog
      Finally you post your comment here... happy for you Eiren ^_^

    5. Hello Eiren welcome to the blog!...
      Woohooo!... I'm excited more HyunMins to talk.

      I'm Cyn from PerĂº one of the crazy Latinas here!!..

    6. GF eiren, wants to know and so are the rest of the Hyunmins. hahahaha

    7. Ooops i disappeared without notice, it happens when you're at work but you're doing something outside your work. Am i the only one guilty?..keke

      @rowshe, you know why i' mhere, its all because of you...:)

      @cyn, thanks! Yes, more hyunmin talks but i'm so left behind so you beter update me... ;)
