Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Jung So Min's International Hyunmin Fans show their support for 'Can We Get Married'

International Hyunmin fans show their love and support to their favorite actress, Jung So Min, for her drama "Can We Get Married" through 260 kg Rice Wreaths for good luck.

Congratulations and the best of luck Minmin - we love you!!! 

A note from Eleen

Photos sent to Hyunmin GForce by Eleen.  Thank you Eleen for coordinating the rice wreath support and keeping us posted on this event.  Yes, hopefully we can encourage more fans to support MM in her future projects.     
Credit as tagged.  


  1. Okay GFs... lets continue giving MM our support....FOREVER!!!!

  2. Good luck MM, i am hoping for a great success of your new drama...Fighting!

  3. Éxitos MM!!!!!!

    I just watched the first chap of your new drama and you're a doing a great job, you're an amazing actress... all my best wishes for you!!.

    LOVE YOU!!!

    You ROCK!!!

  4. Min Min Fighting!
    you are Fantastic Baby!

  5. The best of luck to you our dearest princess. We love you!

  6. Jung So Min/Kim Yoon Ji: We wish you much success, much love... all the best! We love you!

  7. Somin fighting!!!!
    I have watched the Ep1 of CWGM, I like it!!!!
    Best wishes to you and your honey!!!!

  8. I just noticed the guy covered MM's face with his fist. Ugh! I feel like covering his face with my fist too. hmp! hahaha

    1. Hahahha.... it's the angle of the camera GF. Let me get a screencap from the video.

    2. Ninang Yoonji, check the photos again. Are you happy now? hahahah

    3. Yes, Ninang is happy now. hahaha Thanks GF!

    4. You are welcome MM's Ninang YJJ.

  9. Actors don't normally take photos with the wreath suppport? It's really very sweet of Minmin to take photos then.

    You're welcome, Minmin! We're more than happy to support you in all your projects.

  10. Its good to see her in those wreath...she is so sweet that's why we love her because she really appreaciate her fans.

    1. She deserves our love and support. Yes, standing to the Rice Wreaths is a beautiful and happy sight!

    2. Yes she's very appreciative of the love she's receiving from her fans. You make us proud unnies, Mimnim! hehehe

    3. Oh, i love her more...hahaha

    4. Her proud beautiful Ninangs. hahahahaha

    5. Hahaha, now we claim to be MM's Ninangs? Lol

    6. She has no choice. We are appointing ourselves as her Ninangs. We are formally adopting her. hahahaha

    7. By hook or by crook? Like it or not, we are your ninang! hahahhaha I told you the only problem we'll encounter but if you're game, I'm game. wahahahaha

    8. Girl, you know me... I am game and ready all the time. hahahahaha

    9. If Mhel knows what we are talking about, she's going to scream "I am Married." hahahaha....

    10. hahhaha we'll spare Mhel the details then... it's only for us single women! I know, I am. wahahahaha I guess what hubby doesn't know won't hurt him right, GF? kekeke

    11. Hahahhaha.... I am single when my husband is not around.... hahahahhaha

    12. Another bad girl. :bop: :bop: hahaha

      Oh wait, I've been meaning to do this last night. WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO MY TEAM IS GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES! hahhahahaha

    13. Congrats....GF YJJ is very happy!!!!!

    14. Yup, very happy! Did your hubby the entire game? It was awesome... the mvp was so deserving... there was so many 1st in the history in last night's game. But I feel like I'm wasting my breath talking because you don't understand my happiness. hahaha It's okay I just thought I'd share. hahaha

    15. Hahahhah... yes, my husband watched the whole game and you did not waste your breath because my husband understands your happiness, your state of elation. hahahaa He was the one who told me and said "your friend's team is playing tonight."

    16. Hello, did i miss something here? Wahahaga, if you are sibgle when.your hubby is not around Gf Snowy, more on ne as my hubby is too far away...hahahaha...

      Congrats Gf Yoonji....

    17. Gracias, GF Cyn. Thanks GF Mhel and Snowy. And thanks for understanding my state of elation. hahaha But my team still need your prayers for them to win the World Series. And if they win, I have a surprise GIF in your email. hahaha No, not in the blog... email. hahahaha

      Ok, I need to focus on work. TTYL gators!

    18. Ablnd until when should we wait for that Gf Yoonji? Hahaha...

    19. Whae Mhel, are you getting anxious already? hahaha I said 'if' they win... ummmm, 1st day of world series is tomorrow night (my time) and it's the best of 7 games meaning they have to win 4 games... therefore, it might be around late next week BUT as you know I'm leaving for vacation next weekend so, it'll have to wait 'til I get back. wahahahaha Hope I answered your question. hehehe

  11. MinMin es adorable, siempre atenta y agradecida por el cariño que todos los fans le brindan, por eso la queremos mucho!!!!

    Y ni que decir de cómo luce ahora, la niña ha crecido, se ve muy hermosa. Me pregunto si HJ la vió antes de que se fuera a la conferencia de prensa y la abrazó y le dijo "No vayas, quédate conmingo!".

    Como lo dije antes, ¡¡HJ tienes una novia/enamorada muy bella!!. Con razón eres el Lucky Guy!!!

    1. Can you blame Mr Lucky Guy though? With a girl as beautiful and dressed seductively like MM? Of course, he'll try stop her from the leaving the house. hahahaha

    2. jajaja, Lucky Guy de seguro envió a unos de sus guardespaldas para que la cuiden, sobre todo para que la protejan de algunas hormigas...jajaja

    3. hahaha Nina mal. :bop: :bop:

    4. Maybe she called the security to hold down HJ so she could get out of the house. hahahhaha

  12. m.tvpot.daum.net/clip/ClipView.tv?cateid=0&ref=search&sort=wtime&clipid=45421593&searchType=0&svcid=0&svctype=1&q=%EC%9A%B0%EB%A6%AC%EA%B0%80+%EA%B2%B0%ED%98%BC%ED%95%A0+%EC%88%98+%EC%9E%88%EC%9D%84%EA%B9%8C&page=1

    1. Wow! The wreath support for MM is covered in Daum. wooooohooooo!

    2. Hi Gf's Great is amazing, HyunMins fans in the News Dawn....

    3. The Rice Wreath Support for Minmin caught the attention of the media. Very nice!.... woohooo...

  13. jajaja para que la protejan de algunas hormigas jejeej Mami lucía tan sublime, HJ debe sentirse orgulloso realmente es un Lucky Guy, en verdad la próxima vez que nos avisen y les mandamos algo departe del Hyunmin G Force que opinan chicas??

    1. Hola Liz!!!

      La próxima vez nos vamos todas a Corea!!!... jajaja, necesitamos verlos en vivo y en directo!

    2. Liz, vi tu post sobre los anillos, en verdad el anillo de SM no se logra apreciar, alguien debió tomar fotos solo a sus manos...jajaja.

      Somin trae una anillo grande, es parecido al anillo que HJ luce en la foto de su nuevo album, en donde sale sosteniendo una guitarra, pero tampoco logro ver si se trata del mismo.

  14. es que lastimosamente al pixerlarse la foto no se aprecia pero con lo que se alcanza a ver se puede ver que son parecidos, ambos son del mismo color son delgados pero no puedo apreciar la textura del anillo como en la foto de la entrevista de Bangkok de HJ que hicieron un acercamiento. Cyn OC te refieres al anillo en su dedo indice si le he visto uno parecido a HJ en varias fotos y presentaciones dejame y busco a ver si encuentro alguna en que se pueda apreciar mejor

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D9yvjDlwNA mira aqui lleva uno parecido en la presentación de HEAT en Happy Music

    1. buuuu no puedo verlo!!... T_T el video no está disponible para móviles.

    2. I love this Heat video Liz. It's very clear and HJ is indeed a pretty boy.
      Thanks for sharing the link.

    3. igual pues Cyn Oc en este link se puede ver mejor pero no es el mismo jejeje o parecido al menos definitivamente no es el mismo anillo el que más se le parece es uno que aparece en el programa NON STOP en Japón y lo tiene en su dedo pulgar jejejej,
      igual lo de los anillos no es tan importante en sí lo importante es que se aman jejejeje

    4. Amén!!!!

      Eso es lo más importante, que LOS DOS SE AMAN!!!!

      Gracias Liz!!!

    5. Woohoo!!!... que tales biceps!!!... seguro que sirven para abrazar fuerte a la Lucky Girl!!

    6. seguro es que si no tiene esos músculos en los brazos para abrazar bien a su Lucky Girl se le puede ir y ahí le caen varios que estarán haciendo cola jejejeej

    7. Sirve para abrazar a su chica y de paso para aplastar a las hormigas que están rondando... jajaja

      HJ, tienes que seguir ejercitando, que después de esta conferencia de prensa, todo el hormiguero saldrá al ataque...jajajaa

    8. Hi GF! emdzNY how are you? I like you enjoy the HEAT video, with Gf Cyni we are looking Hyun Joong Rings in this presentation...

    9. Hi Liz... you were looking at his rings? hahahaaha

  16. wahahaha The guy in yellow and green surely looks like a sore thumb. He must've not received the notice to wear black or dark color outfit. hehehe

    1. hahahaha I thought he was PSY...hahahaa

    2. Yes, from first look... I think PSY is fatter though. hahaha And MM is the shortest again. hehehe

    3. Hahaha... the guy in bright colored outfit is very smart. He wanted to be noticed and I think he succeeded. Unless he is color blind. hahahaha

    4. guten morgen senoritas!
      PSY? hahahahaha
      MM si not short , she is petite....

    5. Hello GF Michy.... She's not short at all. Isn't her height 5'4'' ?

    6. GF Snowy: he's worse than color blind if he can't distinguish bright yellow from a dark color.

      Hi GF Mich; in the U.S., she's considered petite and short. It's okay what she lacked in height is compensated in her face and inner beauty. ;)

    7. her natural beauty enough to make me see her...her height doesnt bother me at alll....

      p/s: i have bad experience with tall people in the past....hahaha

    8. awwwww... tall people used to bully you in school? those meanies! Her height is actually average. I didn't realize Koreans are tall.

    9. mostly Asian height are average especially women....
      even me too lalalala

    10. hahaha... you are all tall?... I am very petit...

      Have to go Gfs...see you later!!

    11. Okay let's talk about height. hahaha

      Where are you going GF Cyn? Yah, we leave around the same time, don't we? wahahahaha

    12. Aish *none of your business*... hahaha

      See you later Yoonjita Bonita!

    13. waah... May the force be with you! hahahaha

    14. Hahaha... GF YJJ, were you sending a message to the visitor.... hahahahah

    15. You were bullied by a tall person before GF Michy? tsk tsk.... hahahha

    16. not actually bully GFs, but he said he look down to me because he has an upper hand due to his height...so BSJ!

    17. Actually to his interpreter... I mean GF Cyn but she chickened out. hahahaha

    18. Maybe he has a crush on you, GF Mich? oooooooohhhhhh hahaha

    19. Ok but that's the reason why he bullied you in the past because he had a crush on you, right? Like BSJ to OHN.

    20. WHO are you calling Gallina Gf Yoonji??..

      Gf Snowita, is the visitor still around??

    21. I'm calling GF Cyn aka alien interpreter aka MLJCyP Gallina. hahaha See now we have a new name for you GF Gallina Cyn! nhahahaha

    22. maybe GF YJJ? but past is past...no need to reminiscence them now....glug glug woo hoo i'm s.f.s now....lalala

    23. Ok, subject dropped! I'll talk to you GFs later... I need to head out now. Later gators!

    24. Wahahaha

      That happens when I leave work Early... hahaha... I had to check some things in my brand new apartment... And I have to look for some furniture but since I have no money I'll do it later...hahaha...maybe next month

      I'm not a Gallina... bring the alien!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Hola and morning GFs! como esta? :D

    whoa!! I was left behind! What topic are you girls in? Hahahhaah

    about height? Aigoo.. Im just like GF Michy... Hahahahaverage height.. Im shorter than MM... Hahaha

    actually MM height is okay, she doesnt need to be tall, she has everything women want to have.. Like natural beauty, good skin, smart brain, and handsome boyfriend!

    1. pagi Mazzy!
      she got herself a charming Alien Prince....lalalala

    2. Selamat Pagi GF Michy! Olala~ :D :D

      i will off for now, ive got something to do :D take care Baby Michy and all GFs... <3

  18. GFs: here's a video link of the rice wreath support (w/out MM though) portion from the press conference :


  19. @shazwani- hello there, I'm glad to see you drop by and post. For some reason though, I received your post in my email but I can't find it here in the blog. Can you repost your comment shazwani?

    I am a bad MM fan, I haven't seen the first episode of her drama.... I better hide from my GFs here, they will kill me. I am hesitating to watch it due to the kissing scenes.... Hahahah I am bad... I agree with you, he was checking her out and it's of course understandable because she's gorgeous. Mr Lucky Guys reaction to the kissing scene? I hope he did not watch it. Not good. Hahahah... I don't think he would be able to sleep. Lol!!!!

    1. Hi Gf Shazwani,.i alsovread your comment in my inbox. Anyway,good to see you here and welcome in the blog.

      Its a big challenge for Papi as Mami looks so sexy,gorgeous and beautiful. No one can resist Mami's charm....

    2. hi Shazwani! are by any chance from Malaysia?
      if you do so i can say Selamat Datang to this blog!
      MM is so irresistible...nobody cant escape from her charm including us...lalalala

    3. Hello Shazwani -- thank you for dropping by. I read your comment also. I'm probably the only one who watched the first epi of MM's drama. But I beg to disagree, I didn't see any chemistry between MM and the male actor. Minmin definitely did a great job -- she's indeed a great actor. I'm not a bit worried about the kiss scene as I could tell it's bobo kiss... you could see it from a screencap in Soompi. Anyway, hope to see you again soon.
