Thursday, August 29, 2013

いつもお世話になってる Hyunmin Standby の皆さんへ

Here's the English translation of HyunMin Standby's message for the GForce.  

And, GForce's reply to their message in Japanese and English below

Fanart credit:  Rukubebe
Congratulations HyunMin GForce on your 1st Anniversary.  We always appreciate your hard work. 

We're proud to inform you that our blog was also established last year.   

We can't forget that we joined forces on the rice wreath support for the premiere of CWGM for MM.
It's very meaningful and encouraging to have HyunMin fans all over the world to support the couple. 

1. Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary Gforce Hyunmin.
I'm really glad to have the same Hyunmin fan all over the world.
Rukubebe's fanart, the present couple, favorite couple press confrence always the best.
Thank you. From Ichiko

2. 1st Anniversary, congratulations.
Whaaa very nice art. The couple's hands have the same gestures.
The picture of fan meeting in May. I was also reminded again of impressive rice wreath.
To have Hyunmin fan all over the world is engouraging.
Manager! the top picture was changed right? (I think she refered to Hyunmin standby admin)
I really really like it. from Hyunmin.
3 Congratulations^^
Hyunmin Gfroce members, congratulation on your blog 1st anniversary.
You guys, having the same Hyunmin blog with us, I feel sense of security.
Being Hyunmin fan, there are no more  languages barrier. it's the beginning of communication.
Thanks to the couple, I am able to interact with Hyunmin fan from all over the world.
Two fine arts of teacher Rukubebe are really nice. UP thank you. from Oreo.
♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥

いつもお世話になってる Hyunmin Standby の皆さんへ

大変遅くなり申し訳ございませんでした、Hyunmin Standby一周年おめでとうございます。
Hyunminペンがたくさんいる事 心強いです
また、これからも よろしく お願いします。
Hyunmin GForceより

Dear All Hyunmin Standby
We apologize for being very late and congratulations on your first anniversary too.
We are also looking forward to your advice.
Thank you very much for your heart warming messages.
Having lots of Hynmin fans make us feel happy and encouraged also.
If there is anything we can do to support you, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Once again, thank you and looking forward to our collaboration in the near future.
From Hyunmin GForce

 Arigatou gozaimasu!!!

Thank you GF Bella Bee for the translation and the heart warming message reply to our good friends at HyunMin Standby.  :)


  1. HyunMin Standby, you are very sweet!! ^^

    1. They are indeed. Their message is so heart warming! They love the HyunMin couple as much as we do and that's a good feeling.

  2. Thank you again Bella Bee. We are very grateful that we found each other - we'd be lost without you. We are so indebted to you and Hana.

    1. Thank you Bella Bee! ^^ Thank you so much!!!

  3. Thank you Hyunmin Standby for tge greetings and congratulations also in your blog... Its good that hyunmin fans like us unite with the same wishes. Hope our love for HyunMin will stay stronger... Thanks aGain gFs....

  4. You are very sweet HyunMin standby... it's such a blessing sharing our support and love for the couple across the continents...

    Thanks GF Bella Bee and GF Hana!!!

  5. Gf Bella Bee the Beautiful Bee thank you for the translation.

  6. Thanks again Hyunmin Standby !!!

    Thanks GF BB for the translation....

  7. Whoaaaa awesome!!!!! So sweet of you! Hyunmin fans are so kind and sweet! We love you HyunMin standby!!!!! Mwaah!

  8. You're welcome GFs. The messages from them are very nice and friendly.
    Though my message is simple and plain (sorry for my limited ability), I hope that it can express our gratitude and appreciation to them. by the way I like my new name GF BB, thanks Snowy.^^

  9. Thanks HyunMin Standby for the messages... so nice !!!
    Thanks also to Gf BB,not as a bees... but * Beautiful Babes * for your translation.... ^^_^^
