Thursday, March 20, 2014

10th Anniversary of Korean Drama and Music Lover Assembly

In February, the 10th anniversary of Korean Drama and Music Lover Assembly was held at a hotel in Kobe and we are very grateful as many people have participated.  Also, we apologize to those who could not join us due to the limited capacity of the venue.  We have many events planned for this year.
During the party we received many heart warming message from actors, singers and concerning staff.
Even after the party we continue to receive photos of celebrity with congratulatory message.  Here I present to you "Big Man" casts and crew photos sent to the association after the anniversary party (photos dated 3rd March) taken during dinner after script reading.  

Daniel Choi

Jung So Min

Lee Da Hee and Kwon Hae Hyo

Kang Ji Hwan


Thank you very much
We will do our best for the future

Cr:                  韓国ドラマ映画音楽を愛する会 10周年
Translated by : GF BB