Tuesday, March 4, 2014

MM's FB Update - March 4, 2014

짱짱좋은 우리 팀!!!!
4명중 2월생 한명, 3월생 나머지 3명전부인, 피해갈수없는 운명의 우리들 흐흐흐흐흫.
열심히 일해야겠다.......

I found the translation in soompi (translated by the KJH Singapore Operator):

Jang Jang... our team is the best.. Yes!! 4 team members.. one birthday in Feb.. the remaining  three in March.. it's a fate we cannot avoid.. *giggling*

Lets work hard! !!!

Birthday trivia of the above actors:

Daniel Choi - Feb 22
Lee Da Hee - March 15
MinMin - March 16
Kang Ji Hwan - March 20 

All of them are Pisces!

Credit:  JSM Facebook
Fanart credit:  as tagged. 


  1. who is the actress? MM is really beautiful

    1. Hola Nikkita, la actriz se llama Lee Da-hee y sera la protagonista como So Mi-ra.
      Gracias por visitarnos ^_^

  2. MM Fighting !!!!!!
    We love you :)
    Thanks Idol YJJ for the post.

  3. Hello..
    Can i ask yoh something GF's YJJ?
    Whats that mean?

    1. Hello Wulan -

      Are you asking what does MM's message mean? This is babylon's translation:

      Jjang Jjang good our team!!!! One out of every four-February, March the rest of the three-misbehavior, can escape the fate of the giggles giggles bring us. I must work harder ...

  4. MM can't hide her excitement in her new project! And we are just as excited as her! Fighting for the Big Man team!

  5. truely excited for MM.....
    Okay Big man lets hit BIG and BIG..........
    Hope MM wins an excellent acting award for her role as second lead actress........

    Thanks for the post Gf YJJ501 and count me as member........

  6. Yeay. Another new drama too catch~♥

    1. The troll appears again. If she doesn't like MM ,why she/he visits the simplysomin blog. -,-

  7. Good to hear... the three co- stars of Minmin are all the same month's b'day !!!
    I'm so excited for your new drama ^^...
    Thanks Gf YJJ for the post !!!
