Tuesday, February 26, 2013

[Fancam] - Kim Hyun Joong's FM at Lima, Perú

Credit: videos from Ela's hubby 

Important Highlights for the HYUNMINS @ Kim Hyun Joong's Lima, Peru Fan Meeting

                                                      Hmmm... ??? Do you see what we see???

                                                          Reminds us of this....

                                                 We post, you look, and you decide...

                                               Uzoozin found his destiny girl!

Credits to: xhevitasentretenimiento.terra.com;Latin Hyunmin GForce

Kim Hyun Joong: Lima, Peru Fanmeet Fanpics _ Feb. 25, 2013

Credit: Estanyela and hubby; Cyn Oc


Credit : leaderhyunjoong@tumblr

I felt some pressure cuz of jet-lagged, but now I am totally fine to see Peru fans on the stage.” 

“As fans in Peru might know, I am working (as a singer) not only in Korea but also other countries. I’ve (can’t hear) in Japan. Among Kim Hyun Joong’s track list, there’s a song named ‘Let’s Party’” 

“This time I came here to have a FM, but next time will be a concert. I promise you I will visit you again” 

“Peru is far away (fr KR) but thru the internet, it feels closer.” 

“Even if you are far away, when you send your love, I will work harder and visit again with my album. I hope a lot of support from you.” 

“My first impression of Peru fan was that they were much more passionate than other countries fans I had visited.”

“not sure if you know that I am an actor as well. Did you ever saw the drama ‘BOF’? The next song I’m gonna sing is.. If you know this song, I hope you sing along. Here’s ‘Because I’m stupid’” (during his singing, the venue was full of fans voice singing along.)

“I got a feeling from your reaction, how much Peru fans have been waiting (for me) Thank you very much, Peru fans.” 
“Are you able to see fans in the back as well??” “Next song is ‘U’


Part 2 - Amazing photos of "Mr Gorgeous and Perfect" Kim Hyun Joong at the Lima, Peru Fan Meeting on February 25, 2013

Credit: kimhyunjoongthailand/entretenimiento.terra.com

Part 1 - Amazing Photos of "Mr. Gorgeous and Perfect" - KHJ at the Lima Peru Fan Meeting on Feb. 25, 2013

Credit: kimhyunjoongthailand/entretenimiento.terra.com