Wednesday, January 29, 2014

JSM Official Facebook Update: Jan 29, 2014

I wish everyone good luck this year.  If your plan from 1st of January hasn't come true yet -- this Lunar New Year, I pray for all your wish to come true and for you to complete all your plans in 2014.  
I will present my good work in the near future.

(Message translated from Korean to Japanese by Standby HyunMin;
translation from Japanese to English by GF Bella Bee.)

Gifts for So Ji Chang and Senior Oh Yeon Soo

Fyi, Oh Yeon Soo is the actress who played her sister in Bad Guy.  So Ji Chang is OYS's husband. 

A gift for a friend.

Source and credit: Standby HyunMin
Credit:   hyoaerang ceramic studio blog

Kim Hyun Joong | Inspiring Generation | Episode 5 Screencaps