
Friday, June 13, 2014

~♥“Today is…KISS DAY HYUNMIN♥~

“Today is…KISS DAY!!”

Credit KHJ Facebook Official

Screencaps from KHJ's World Tour 2014 Promotional VDO

KHJ's World Tour 2014 Promotional VDO for Taiwan



Credit: 西佑娛樂
Link:    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1493399067562722&set=vb.1486843374884958&type=2&theater

KHJ has topped "Dwango.jp" daily K-pop music chart on 6/12

Congratulations HJ


MM -- #1 Trending in "Hanryu Stars" search

According to our friends in Stanby HyunMin, the article about MM was top search in Hanryu Stars, a top KStar media in Japan yesterday.  The gist of the article is about MM's fashion in Big Man.  ^-^  

Looks like our friends in Japan are impressed with her "Katisch Look" -- wait til they see her in the mustard-color seductive dress in Episode 9.  kekeke 

About an hour ago, the article about MM made it to #3 in the weekly list of search (behind LSG and Super Junior).  An important fact though, the article on MM was posted 19 hours ago only but Japanese fans are enthusiastically paying attention on her.  

Woohoo... our princess is well loved in Japan.  ^-^ 

Source:  http://www.hanryustars.jp/article/20140612/18182.html