Saturday, March 23, 2013

***GForce Announcement #1***

Trivia Game

Hello viewers:  we know that Hyunmin fans love fun and games just like our sweet couple, HJ & MM.  For the 7th monthsary of the blog which also coincides with the release of PK DVD Cut in Japan, we decided to celebrate this milestone and event by providing a Trivia Game for the fans and avid viewers.  We hope that everyone would join the fun.  There are prizes for those who can guess the correct answer.  So, don’t be shy… Hyunmin follower or not, you’re welcome to join but, of course, there’s an advantage if you’ve watched Playful Kiss, PK-YT Special Episodes, Goodbye BSJ, PK FM in Japan and/or their individual activities right before or long after PK!  

Important note:  GForce blog admins are exempt.  They’re allowed to make comments or play the game but they don’t win any prize.  Fair is fair!  

Rules:  The answer must be precise or complete as some questions might have follow-up questions (for example:  In PK, where did the first stolen kiss happen and in which episode?)

The 1st trivia question will be posted on March 27th so, we hope you don't miss it.

Here are photos of the prizes (prizes and photos courtesy of the blog's treasure finder, GF Row aka Ate Weng):   ^-^ 








Also, stay tuned for another announcement regarding future contests with more prizes.  

Fancams Incheon Airport Departure to Hiroshima, Japan.

Cr.  Videos as tagged.

[ Photos] Kim Hyun Joong ~ Departure to Hiroshima by MurdererQ

[23-03-13] Kim Hyun Joong ~ Departure ‏Incheon Airport to Hiroshima, Japan

Cr. As tagged.