Monday, January 14, 2013
Kim Hyun Joong: Selected Fancams From Unlimited Japan Tour 2013
YOUR STORY Credit: 현중만 바라봐
SAVE THE DAY Credit: 현중만 바라봐
HEAT Credit: 현중만 바라봐
PLEASE BE NICE TO ME Credit: 현중만 바라봐
Kim Hyun Joong & Ailee to Participate at '2K13FEELKOREA' in Brazil
Kim Hyun Joong & Ailee to Participate at
'2K13FEELKOREA' in Brazil
The KOFICE (Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange) announced an
event in Brazil that will bring popular K-Pop artists
The KOFICE (Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange) announced an event in Brazil that will bring popular K-Pop artists.
The event titled "2K13FEELKOREA" is to take place on February 23 and 24 in Sao Paolo, Brazil will feature different activities.
The first day K-Pop fans can attend a free K-Pop dance workshop as well as make-up lesson at the Cultural Center in Sao Paolo.
The concert featuring K-Pop artists such as Kim Hyun Joong, Ailee, Baechigi, and Ongals will take place on the second day.
The registration of the free events will be announced later through KOFICE homepage. Tickets for the concert will be available on January 29 at Ticket Office and further details will be announced on January 22. The cost will be RS 50.00 per ticket.
Confirmación de presentación de HJ en Brazil
Hyunmin One Shot - M & J Love Story: Part 6
Monae became pensive after Jihoo read the interpretations of her dreams. "It's so close to the truth, it's scary!" Monae thought.
Jihoo concerned with Monae's demeanor asked, "Monae, are you okay? You seem troubled. Is there a problem? Monae remained quiet.
"Listen… I know that it's none of my business but didn't we already established closeness and that we’re friends. Basing on your demeanor... your reaction to the interpretation of your dreams, there seems to be a problem. If you feel that I'm crossing boundaries, I'm sorry but... I care for you!" Jihoo said.
After hearing what Jihoo said, the turn of events from the time they met started flashing in front of Monae… "who have thought that the almost car accident caused by a heartbreak would lead to constant phone chats,
his persistence in inviting me for a stroll in the park or picnic, the motorcycle rides
and his birthday surprise for me," she thought. She's comforted by Jihoo's kindness, thoughtfulness, sweet gestures, openness and sincerity. "The least I could do is trust and be honest with him!" Monae said to herself.
Yah, Monae! Jihoo flagging his hand to Monae's face... "gwaenchanayo (are you okay)"?" he asked.
After a moment, Monae took a deep breath and said, “when I turned 20, I got engaged to be married... rather, I was introduced to my fiance at a party thrown by my family -- an arranged marriage. I wasn't happy about their decisions... so unhappy that I left the party. Our parents are adamant about following traditions even if we're living in the U.S. His father didn't give him any choice but follow his order and later was coached to court me... we tried to work our differences but it took a long time for me to even talk to him. It's not easy to accept that people who you thought loves you have no regards to your decisions in life. We made a compromise not to rush us and that while we're trying to get to know each other, we get to do what we want... I continue what I've been doing... school, travel wherever and whenever... by myself. Then, we made an agreement with our parents that we would get married when I turn 25. I went home to SK more frequently than just school vacations and holidays. We only meet at family parties or social events with our family and their business associates. Needless to say, we became civil with each other.
The day I met you, I learned that he has a girlfriend even before we met and it all made sense why we never reached the level of having a romantic relationship. It's not the fact that he has girlfriend that upset me... it's his audacity to tell me that the plan is still on when I asked him to tell my parents the truth about him having a long-term girlfriend. I thought he's a true gentleman and that he truly believe in the sanctity of marriage... little did I know that just like in dramas I watched on TV, I could be one day play the role of a protagonist, a famous and rich wife then, will gradually transform into an antagonist... a miserable wife due to my husband's infidelity."
To be continued...
Kim Hyun Joong Lotte Duty Free BTS Photos
Taken from 2012 F/W 화보 MAKING CUT & 2012 S/S화보 MAKING CUT
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