
Friday, November 30, 2012

HINT - #12

First Love at Bali - Part 2 of 3

JSM Interview with a Chinese Magazine:

Normally what do you do to have fun?
JSM:  I would call my friends home to chat.  When I am alone I like to learn something like swimming, singing etc, after all I can’t just sit there quietly.

PK 1st day script reading

Mesmerized with the Little Lady sitting across from you, are we?  ;) 

@ PK Press Conference

Preparing for their scene in Epi 9

Script rehearsal - PK Epi 14

Is that why you bridged

the awkwardness...


and initiated formal introductions w/coordi noona in tow
to reach the level of being able to share secrets,
private jokes,

and closeness?


An excerpt from PK FM in Tokyo

MC:  In Osaka, HJ said that if girlfriend can’t cook will go out for food?
HJ (smiling sweetly):  It’s the 21st century now, we can use various sort of services.  If there’s someone to accompany in life isn’t that better?  If u want to cook for your boyfriend but after a year and feel troublesome, that’s when to make use of restaurants and live happily, isn’t it better?  If everyone feel the same way as me, please smile a while. (My note: in another translation, here its to raise their hands if the audience agree with what HJ said)

You showed you cared when you had one of your coordi noona hold a fan in front of MM to give her some relief from the scorching hot weather.

JSM (Ceci Interview):
C: How are you when fallen in love?
M: Definitely will not be the one to get close, even if I have love I’d not take the initiative to get close to him but rather as the motivated one and wait for him to come close. But slowly I’ll protect our love relationship, finally at the beginning I wanted to be a fox in the end I become a bear.

JSM (Innolife Interview):

As a costar of Kim Hyun Joong, who is not only famous in Korea but recently has also become a Hallyu star (became famous) throughout Asia, do you feel a lot of pressure?
 "I just want to do my best as an actress. Kim Hyun Joong has helped me a lot throughout the filming process.  Maybe he doesn’t want me to feel too much pressure/stress.  After completing 16 episodes, I still feel sorry/regretful about some things, but with the Youtube special, that feeling has disappeared."

We witnessed how you cared for her when she didn't feel well during the filming of the theatre scene.  Sweet!  ^-^

Who can forget the time you cared for her by sharing a blanket during the Rain Kiss scene.  ^-^

And you never left her side when she took a nap even when you were so dead tired yourself.  Just like the caption says "you're so cool, HJ"... in Hyunmin fans' heart.  ^-^

Credit as tagged. Benderconverter GIFs credit to: GF Cyn


  1. Hello GFs -- part 2 is finally here! hehehe Enjoy!

  2. Waaaaahhhhhh.... another post from GF YJJ. She's on a roll.

    The First Love in Bali, this was done after he met MM right. I am curious of his interview responses pertaining to his future woman. He said he tend to fall in love at first sight. hahahahahaha... he is right .... HE LOVES HER AT EVERY SIGHT.... ( Hey HJ I heard you said those exact words)

    1. Yes, they just started filming PK. hahaha But that was his reply in Strong Heart also... remember Hint #10?! That's why I posted that before this one. I think HJ just knew from the get go what he wants and what type of girl he wants to be with.

    2. He is consistent, I can tell you that.

    3. Yes to both. Very attentive, I think is one of his best qualities.

    4. He let his heart dictate when it comes to his woman.... Am I right? I think I read this somewhere .... Do you remember where we saw it?

    5. You probably mean he wears his heart in his sleeves?

    6. Ahhhhhh... Forget it.... I am going to spill precious beans again...hahahahah

    7. HJ wants to take care of his woman.... Ms. Lucky Girl is a very lucky girl indeed.

  3. I know I was going to say... not the dictators issue again. wahahaha

    1. Hahahahahaha.....those _________. ??!!!?!

    2. hahahaha Yes, let's leave them nameless because they are nameless. hahaha

    3. Hahahahahaha

      I really want to know what happened to the blanket? Where is it now? Do you know where it is? We know who's got OHN's phone now.

    4. I told you he'll have it hang in one his future Jaksal branch. hahahaha Yes, OHN's phone is awesome... she even left OHN's name as is. wahahaha I should've asked if BSJ's # is still in the contacts list. wahahaha I'm making a note to ask the new owner. kekeke yoooohooooo, are you lurking? hahahaha

    5. Very lucky new owner.....hahahahahaha...I am very jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Hey ask her to ask you know who where is BSJ's phone now. Can you?........Little sister, are you lurking? Please find out for me!

    6. Maybe that one they kept... ummmm. But I'll have little brat ask. wahahaha Is the Little Sister you're referring to brat #2? hehehe

    7. I am referring to HIS "little brat sister" hahahahaha the brat # 1

    8. Yes...the other Lucky Girl...hahahahaha

  4. Woohooo... Hello gfs. I'm a little late here..
    Thank you for this post Gf Yoonjita bonita!

    1. Woohooo... The Bruha is here...hahaha... Did you have a power nap?

    2. Uh-huh, power nap eh? ;) sure! hahaha Hubby must playing is game now. hahaha

    3. Hahahahaha...did the PSP work on him?

    4. I was watching a movie... hahaha...

      Btw... yes the PSP works

    5. It did? He fell for it? Hahahahah..Poor hubby, kicked on the side with his new toy.

    6. shhhhhh.... let it be. hahaha Otherwise, GF Cyn won't be able to post or join our chats here. hahahaha

    7. Yes... shhh... hubby is trying to sleep...hahaha... you two are too noisey

    8. Hahaha..he got tired from playing?

    9. He wasn't playing today.... is tired from work

  5. Yes, she is a brat. hahaha Peace, bratty ---child. hahaha

    1. Yes.... He calls her a "bad girl" in a sweet way.

    2. Oh I forgot....she is his baby sister! Waaaaahhhh...huhuhuhu I am jealous.....

    3. He says he loves his baby sister but she's a naughty girl. hahaha She is naughty, I told her.

    4. Hahahaha... That I agree with him 100%. A naughty one like her big bro. Hahahaha

  6. Even in his interview responses... He is very cheesy right? Hahahah

    Your kind of guy GF Rowshe.

    Yoohooo GF Shirley, you've been waiting for this post...Palli!

    1. Yes, what happened to those who requested part 2? Maybe they're out galavanting.

    2. GF Shirley will never miss this pst.

  7. another Hint???? i lost count already...hahaha

    1. hahhaha They're numbered, GF Michily. And you know we can think of hundreds more but not enough time to journal them. hahaha

    2. Hello GF Michy. Although we passed the Hints phase already, we still love GF YJJs hints and coincidences write ups.

      Have you read our earlier comments in Can We Get Married post?

    3. hahaha.... why GF Snowy so longing for the blanket? hahaha just let the blanket with the owner

    4. Hola Michilita, buenos días!

    5. Hola Cynita!

      of course i read all of the comments in the CWGM post earliear...my inbox was bombarded with hundreds of notifications...haha

      but im feeling fanastic today because BB win big at MAMA 2012.....that included Artist of The Year!

    6. He did, really? Wow, congratulations in order then... Congratulations, Hyun Joong!

    7. Really???? Waaaaahhhhh.... BB got some more trophies...

      He deserves to get the Artist Of The Year Award.

    8. So did he attend in person? in HongKong, right? Or, am I thinking of Yahoo Buzz Award.

    9. I am still longing for the blanket GF Mich. hahahahaha. I can't leave it alone. Maybe when it finally get to the Jacksal Wall Of Fame corner, I'll visit SK to have a closer look of that blanket. Hahahahahaha

    10. hahaha And what would you do with the blanket? You better bring a big luggage then. hahaha

    11. other than Artist of the Year, they also got Best Male Group, Guardian Angel Worldwide Performer Award, Best Male Artist for GD...this year is really Fantastic year for BigBang

    12. BigBang won the Best Male Group? Isn't HJ friends w/Top? When is the award ceremony, GF Michily?

    13. last night in HK....and Jackie Chan is the one who give them Artist of the Year Award...Psy also won Song of the year too....

    14. Oh wow. I'm sure GF Snowy will post some pictures tomorrow. hahaha She knows where to find them.

  8. I'm sleepy girls... lala land is calling me... enjoy your chat girls... good night!

  9. Good Evening/Morning GFs!!!

    Part 2 of Hint #12... Gf Yjj, you are inspired today... 3 posting in 1 day...
    I thought everybody are sleeping already hahaha

    1. Hello GF Rowshe...hahahaha I am on the way to my bed...... I have one eye down and one eye up. Hahahaha

    2. Good night GF Cyn! Hi GF Rowshe! 3 postings? Oh, the 2 parts Lotte Duty-Free Collection? hahaha that came from you!

  10. Before I go. Yes, at first was love at first sight... now is love at every sight

    1. Yes, it's love at every sight... not just first sight! BB is so cheesy! hahaha

    2. Yes, that's what he said...Love her at every sight....hahahahaha he is such a 4D

    3. Hahahahaha... He is funny....Love her at every sight?

  11. I like HJ's Style Of Love...... Falling In Love with his woman at every sight.

    1. That's why Lucky girl is so Lucky... cause Lucky guy is so cheesy... hahaha

  12. Goodnight GFs.... I am very sleepy!

    Talk to you later GF YJJ, Mich and Rowshe. I can't keep my eyes open....zzzzzzzzzzzzzx

  13. HINT 12 is hereee?????? Hahahah im late! Im sorry, im rewatching PK from episode 1-6 the whole day today! Hahahahahahah woohooo, im trying to get inspiration for my fanfic... Hahahah

    HE LOVES HER AT EVERY SIGHT.... ( Hey HJ I heard you said those exact words) --- hahah GF Snowy, i heard it toooo! Ehem! Hahahaha

    oh who got the OHN's phone? Lalala.. Hahah she is another second lucky girl after mami! Hahah you! *** are you lurking now? Hahahahahahahah ***, send my regards to mami and papiiiiii, arasseo??? Hahhaha

  14. hi gfs, good evening, i'm here,emdzNY and yoon ji joong. i read all your comments. thanks for the blogs about love story in bali. on that interview hyun joong described his ideal girl... " cute and kind "..." never mind if she isn't tall "... and " doesn't maters if she has double eyelids ". i love all the answers of him, 'cause all the descriptions were all means for minmin. sorry guys i'm too late for my comment 'cause of my households and also .. for too many fanarts you've done. love you all !

    1. Hi Shirley - I'm glad you liked Part 2. HJ since he met MM has been consistent with his answrs, hasn't he? Be sure not to miss visiting our blog. GF Snowy said GF Cyn has a cheesy post to share with everyone. I'm looking forward to it. ;)
