
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Let's Get Married Part 4 (Finale)

"Is Mr. Lucky Guy here?"

Everyone in the church turned around and look at the owner of the deep voice. 

The girls' eyes almost popped out of their sockets when they had a good look of the man standing at the entrance of the church.

Brides wannabe:  Whoa!  Who is that gorgeous guy?  He looks like......

Hyun Joong's eyebrows raised as he wondered why the guy knows the "name" Somin fondly calls him.

HJ: I think I'm the one you're looking for.  Who are you????

Mr. Mystery Guy:  I am.....ahhhh, it's not important.... look who I brought here with me!

He pulled someone behind him and pushed her gently in front of him.

HJ:  Somin!

Somin:  Sorry, I'm late!  Please don't be mad...

HJ:  I'm not mad.  I'm happy that you are here.  Are you sure you want to...

Somin nodded vigorously and said...Yes, yes, yes...I am sure.  I am ready and happy to marry you and be your wife.

Hyun Joong hugged Somin and pulled her towards the altar where the priest is patiently waiting.

The brides wannabe moaned loudly but only for a second.  They all turned their heads towards the man who brought Somin to the church and smiled sweetly at him....

Suddenly Hyun Joong stopped, turned around and said...."Hey, Mr.... what's your name?"

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Call me JIHOO....

Hyun Joong walked towards him and shook his hands.

HJ:  I owe you one, Jihoo.  Thank you for bringing my woman to me.

Jihoo looked at Somin and smiled.  Somin smiled back and said....  "Thank you, Jihoo!"

Jihoo:  My pleasure.  Somin, I'm sad that I didn't meet you before.

HJ:  cough, cough...ummmm... you better go now Jihoo while I still like you.  You better run fast before one of these girls catches you.  It looks like they are all ready to pounce on you!

Mary Latina:  Oppa Jihoo, hi, I am Mary Latina...are you available?

Without looking back, Jihoo, the walking sculpture, runs fast as he can out of the church...

Then, Hyun Joong look at the brides wannabe and said...

"You all should get a boyfriend for yourselves, once you feel that he is the right one, go and marry him... because I'M ALREADY TAKEN, I found  my "Lucky Girl", the "One and Only" woman that I want to share my life with for the rest of my days..."

Hyun Joong and Somin laughed and together walked slowly towards the altar with a smile on their faces.


After the wedding ceremony, HJ couldn't wait to ask Somin where she met Jihoo.

Somin:  My car broke down on the way here and thankfully, he drove by at the right time.  It was nice of him to offer me a ride.  Why are you curious how I met him?

HJ:  I don't trust that guy.  Did you notice the way he looked at you?

Somin:  You're jealous, aren't you?


Somin tickled Hyun Joong and laughed at the same time.

HJ:  I'm not jealous... what are you talking about?  I'm far better looking than him.

Somin laughed at his answer so, HJ grabbed and kissed her.

Mr.and Mrs.Kim

HJ:  I'm not jealous because you are now mine, Mrs. Kim.

Somin:  Hmmm... Mrs. So Min Kim?  Whoa, I love the sound of it!

                                                                         All My Life by K-ci & Jojo
                                                                         YT upload by:VivianVerde

credit as tagged

Mhel & Snowy


  1. hahahaha....im taken too Jihoo...
    woah i love this post so much....
    i am in the middle of my packing for outstation...so stressed.....aaaarrrggghhhhh
    but this post makes me so hard....LOL

    1. *laughing so hard....aissh....

    2. Good evening to you GF Michy... hahhahahaa. Did Jihoo surprised you? GF Mary is going to kill us. hahahahahahaha

      Yeah, I just read the whole thing and I couldn't stop laughing. Poor Wannabe Brides

  2. Thank you Gf Snowy...

    Wannabe brides are so funny...but Gf Mary is the lucky one... Sad to say, Jihoo Oppa run away...lol

    hello Baby Michy....

    1. Good afternoon to you GF Mhel...

      Yeah, this is a funny one shot of yours..... I am confused... Who is better looking, Jihoo or HJ (BSJ look)... hahahahaha

    2. I love this Mhel!!!!

      I'm still waiting for Papachito!!

    3. Both looks yummylucious Gf but still BSJ looks won...

      Gf Cyni, just keep on waiting!

  3. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening GFs... Thanks Gf Mhel for the beutiful Finale of LGM...I wish it's true^_^ Hi Gf Snowy & Michily!

    1. Hellooooooooo GF Rowshe..... good morning to you dear. You are up early huh?

      I wish it will come true someday. We would all be in heaven. hahahaha

    2. Good Morning Gf Snowy... I need to be up early... so that I can check the blog before going to work hahaha
      That's true Gf,if our wishes come true... Hyunmins are gonna be in Heaven hahahaha

    3. Woohooo.. that's nice GF rowshe. It gives us more energy.

      Can't wait for that to happen. It will be a great day for all the Hyunmins. hahahaha

    4. Hello Gf Rowshe....thank you too....have a nice day Gf!

  4. Yooohoooo Mary, where are you? Papi Jihoo is looking for you! hahaahaha

    1. Papi Jihoo is running away from her!!

    2. Hahahhahahhah... she must be laughing like crazy right now. hahahaha

    3. Aaaaaaaahhhh!!! JiHoo Sumbaeeeeeee!!! *.*

      Yes I am ^ ^ Gf Snowy hahahahahahaha

      Excellent story (oneshot) Gf Mhel CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I like it ^^

      Speaking of JiHoo Sumbae, in my country are repeating BOF at 10pm if you not see me around the 10 .. you already know hahahaha

    4. KHJ (BSJ look) vs YJH
      KHJ of course!!!!

      YJH is extremely cute, handsome, sexy but looks like something out of an anime character, however KHJ is extremely cute, handsome, sexy and he is real!!!!!
      hahahaha ^.<

      my recess is over =( back to my books ... I'm in final exams

      Have a nice day Gfs!!!!! =)

    5. Hahahahahha... GF Mary came out!!!... She still wants HJ, not Jihoo sunbae the replacement. hahahahaha.... HJ better run for your life boy.... GF Mary still wants you.... Just kidding GF Mary. haahahhaha

      They are showing BOF in your country tonight? Enjoy the drama GF.

    6. Hola Mary... corre corre ya casi alcanzas a JiHoo

  5. Waaaahhh... nice end!!!!

    I want more, what about the honeymoon??... hahahahaa

    Hello Jihoo!!... you better run!!!...

    1. Hahahahhaha... still waiting for Papachito GF Cyni? You need to write your own ons shot then with HJ and Papachito in the story. hahahaha

    2. Papachito Shot!!!... good idea!!

  6. is this the end Mommy Mhel? Aigoo, no! dont put an end! Need the continuation! Hahahahah until they have dozen of kids! Hahaha :D :D

    anyway love this part Mommyyyy, its very funny and very unexpected!!

    The appearance of jihoo make the wannabe bride crazy! Hahahah but i know GF Michy wont mind if she didnt get jihoo... Right? Haha bcos GF Michy wants GD! Hahahh :p

    1. That's why she said, she's taken. hahahahah She's GD's girl!

    2. Hola Camilita!!... maybe we should open voting pol... Do you want another chap of gf Mhel's LGM??... Yes or YES

    3. whoahha, you know right how demanding i am GF Chyn :p :p hhahaahah of course i vote for YES and YES! Hahahah lets start counting the vote! Hahahaha

      so, lets choose GFs! YES or YES? Hahhaha

    4. Why, because you want Papachito to show up on Part 5? hahahaha

    5. C'mon Nievecita... say YES!!

    6. Hahaha im just laughing reading your comments...

    7. Hahahahaha.... uh-oh Mhel, you are in trouble.

    8. big trouble GF Snowy!

      My vote is NO....hahahahahaha

    9. I agree, we have to move on to another story. You have to start writing your next story GF Mhel. i'll see what i could come up with. Wooohooooo.... To bad, we can't include MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMssssss in our story. hahahaha

    10. It's not easy GF, you know that...hahahaha...our blog will shut down if we will include MMMMMMMMMmmmmmm....LOL

  7. yah my dongsaeng Mazzy! hahahaha....you know me too well...hahahaha

    1. hahahah of course! Or else we wont be known as M&M ahahahahahh

    2. still not sleeping? help me pack my bag please? im so sleepy....huhuhuhu

    3. Crazy M&M!!!!

      Where is the other M??...

      Loco Pills for Michilita or maybe you want GD Pills... hahaha

    4. neh, only GD pills can cure my illness....hahahaha...sorry Papi i dont want to fight with Mami....hahahaha but i still love you PaMi.....lalalalala

    5. You are a PaMi Lover and a GD Lover!!!...

      What happened with the other guys from BB??... hahaha... you love them too?

    6. hahha yes im still awake GD Michy! Hahah

      whatttt??? o_O no! I dont want to help you packing ur things :p hahahha let GD and his BB members do it for you! Hahahahah

      GF Chyn, the other M is hiding now bcos of our demanding request.. Hahah Mommy Mhel~~~ yuhuuu~

    7. Yuhuuu... Mhel!!!... where are you. She must be with Aunt CeCi and uncle Mauro... hahahaha

  8. Love your story mel!..and certainly pleasantly surprised with Jihoo's appearance...

    1. Hello gf Liz!!!

      Jihoo is running.... running for his life!!!... hahaha

    2. Hello GF Liz... I like Somin to be with Jihoo instead... Next to real HJ, for me Jihoo is better looking. hahahaha

    3. Helli Ate Liz, thank you... Jihho and Papi are so.handsome...

  9. You should listen what Papi said... you should get a boyfriend because he's already TAKEN!!!

    Sorry girls!!!

    1. He already said that, I remember one interview where he said he has a lot of noona fans who always ask him: KHJ marry me!!... and he said: "you should look for a good man and get married", hahahaha,... (I don't know if this are the exacts words)

      And in his last Fanmeeting in Japan, where he was promoting CC, he said something like: winter is coming, you should get a boyfriend...

      I think this show us how much he cares about his fans... he wants happy fans... he wants his fans feel the happiness when you are in love, like him.

    2. Dont worry Papi, if you're taken, im taken already too...hahaha

    3. Yes, he wants his fans to be happy like him. Winter can be very depressing. People tend to stay home because it's too cold outside. If you are alone, it can be very lonely to be by yourself.

    4. hahaha... Mhel is taken... but still she wants a hug from Papi... a big one!!

    5. She wants a hug and a spank! hahahaha

    6. For your information GF Cyni, I don't want his big hug, I WANT A KISS! Wahahahaha, peace Mami.....

    7. Mhel, Mhel, Mhel... A kiss from Papi HJ? woohooo girl!!!! That's how I like it Mhel... You've got to be playful sometimes. hahahahhaha

    8. Aigoo GF Snowy, no satisfaction in a hug, OK! lol....I just hope HJ won't kiss me in the forehead, if he will, I will look like his grand mother...hahahaha

    9. Waaahhh a kiss from Papi on the forehead???... what a waste...hahahahaha

    10. A waste? I don't think so! That will be his most special kiss....hahahahaha

    11. hahahaha... his most special kiss??? waaahahahahaha...

      C'mon ask for an Italian kiss.. both cheeks

    12. Sorry, but Italian kiss is not my type, my standard is higher than that, that's why I dispatched Clint already....wahahahahaha...Peace hubby!

    13. lalalalala, Gf Cyni, I let him go already and I don't bother to look for him anymore...Im done with him, so he is free and feel free to look for him now, GF. You can have him..wahahahaha

    14. hahahaa... I don't want him... I have Nico

    15. GF Mhel!!!! You dropped Clint like a hot potato? Wahahahaha... poor clint!

    16. I also feel sorry for him, but Im tired of him already Gf, hahahaha...

      I will follow Papi's advice, to go and get a NEW BOYFRIEND....wahahahaha

    17. Wahahahah... poor Clint! So you are going to follow Dr. HJ's advice for the holidays huh? Find a boyfriend. Make sure he is younger than you GF Mhel.. Get yourself a boy toy. hahahahahaha.... Just kidding!!!!

    18. I will absolutely follow Dr. HJ's advice but your advice is worse GF Snowy, hahahaha... I will find a good looking guy with a thick wallet, because I dont want to spend a single centavo in our date. But, if that boytoy have that qualities, then fine with me! hahahahaha

    19. wahahahaha... you two are trouble

    20. Wanna join us GF Cyni? It's gonna be fun! hahahaha

  10. good evening gfs, nice post of pamis wedding story. so amazing ! when ji hoo's appearance with mami .thanks he run away 'cause papi might burst him anytime, just what happened to si wan, hahaha... nice mary she introduces herself to ji hoo. but ji hoo's running, i'm so sorry for mary, hahaha. chukahe ! mhel for posting that pamis wedding story... very entertaining.

  11. Hi GF Shirley, thank that you like it...and thanks to GF Snowy and GF Cyni too...

    I think the next wedding episode is the wedding of GF Mary, hahahahaha

    1. Hola Shirley Hola Mhel

      My wedding?? with whom???
      Siwan?? Hero???
      hahahaha I'm kidding =D hahahaha
      I talk to you later Gfs

    2. hahahaha, hello Gf Mary...We will think of that guy for you....

    3. Waaaahhhh, I guess, Siwan will be in the next One Shot. GF Shirley is looking for Siwan. hahahaha

    4. I think not only Siwan, because she will ask every good looking man that will show up if they are available....hahahahaha, Peace GF Mary. But i hope the available one is Siwan!

    5. hahahahaa... you don't SW here... Papi will give us his death glare!!! T_T

    6. GF Shirley wants to give Papi "STRESS" hahahahha

  12. BTW, GF Snowy, I forgot to mention that the GIF of Jihoo before running away, his expression is cute and funny....lol

    1. He looked like he has ants in his pants. hahahhaha

    2. Im afraid if it's a termite GF, the leader of the ants....LOL

    3. Hahahhahahha... you are terrible!

    4. Just once in a while GF, but im also a good girl...hahahaha
