
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jung So Min @ Kim Nam Gil Fan Meeting Tour Japan 2013, Osaka & Nagoya.

Cr. http://blog.naver.com/haja7jung

Osaka, 2013-01-09

Nagoya, 2013-1-12


  1. Thanks for this Liz.

    Wonder when will we have the videos.

    Hello Ahjussi KNG...looking good.

    The translator, is the same lady from the PK fanmeetings?

  2. Hello Gf Cyni! Yes, I hope videos soon too! Cyni no tengo idea si la traductora es la misma dama que hizo de traductora en el FM de PK pero se parece mucho...

    1. Jejeje... tenemos que interrogar a la traductora... ella debe saber ciertas cosas que se enteró en los fanmeets de PK...^^

  3. Okay GFs.... I have questions I need to ask? Will you please answer it for me. I am just very curious.

    1. Who is Kim Nam Gil to MinMin?
    2. The fanmeet, is it for Bad Guy promotion or just for Kim Nam Gil to reintroduce himself to his Japanese fans?
    3. Who are the other actors from BG at the fanmeet aside from KNG and MM?
    4. If its only MM and KNG at these fanmeet, why did KNG choose MM to be with him, not the other actors from BG?

    Hahahaha...too many questions? Please be nice to me (like what HJ's song) and answer my questions please....hahaha

    1. Wahhhh... too many questions... I wish I can help you... but I can't... kekeke^^

      Where's gf YJJ... she could answer your questions...

    2. Too many? hahahaha Where is YJJ... She must be tired from last night's game. Her team won. I won't be surprised if she is suffering from sore throat right now.

      While waiting for GF YJJ, the other GFs must know the answer...

    3. Hey, what's this? I came back after few hours and no one tried to give me answers on my questions? Where is GF YJJ? Tsk..tsk... Yooohoooo...I need some answers...hahaha

    4. Those are good questions, GF Snowy! hahaha Why do you and GF Cyni think I have the answer to your questions? hahaha I'm game.... but I'll just share my opinion on #4 so I hope we don't get bashers here. hehehe

      1. Kim Nam Gil is, first of all, someone that MM worked with in Bad Guy. He's a sunbae, mentor, and possibly (I'm hoping) a future producer of MM's movie or drama. MM has been vocal that she kept contact with KNG in the military when she did PK to get professional advice. I think their relationshp is mutually based on their respect of each other's talents. They are both great actors in my book!

      2. No, the fan meet is to "thank" his fans in Japan for their support. I read that they even held his 'career support festival' for 2 weeks in June last year in Japan and he wasn't even out of the military yet at that time. He entered the military in the latter part of BG and didn't even get to attend or promote the drama with the rest of the casts.

      3. There are plenty of good actors in Bad Guy, namingly: Han Ga-In, Kim Jae-Wook, Oh Yeon-Soo, Kim Min-Seo and of course, Minmin.

      4. It could be that the other actors are busy? It could be he became closer with MM? It could be that he knows that Minmin is well accepted in Japan and she was the only one who promoted BG in April last year and felt obligated to return the favor? hehehe And, he knows HJ's concert schedules? hahahaha

      GFs shall I share my trivia about KNG and Jung Nara? hahahaha

    5. ^To expound to my answer in #3, GF:

      KNG need not to re-introduce himself to his fans. He's a Hallyu star. The movie industry in SK has been waiting for his ms to end as they were short of good actors and he's one of the best. His agency even received movie/drama offers 6 months prior to his release, according to some article I read.

    6. Thank you GF YJJ... Cyni and I were not wrong that you would know the answers to my questions.

      MM, I think is a person who would acknowledge a good talent and would not hesitate to express her admiration to the person. For sure KNG sees MM like a little sister and also a talented actor as well. MM could learn a lot from her Sunbae.

      I like your #4 answer.... When it comes to scheduling, KNG is very considerate...hahaha....always looking out for his younger colleague....and little sister....

      Okay GF...what's your update on KNG and Jung Nara?

    7. Wow, really? Drama offers lined up already even before his military service was completed?

      He is very good actor, he will stay for a long while in the movie industry.

    8. Yes, and guess what GF one of them is a Josean dynasty-theme movie or drama and I love those type of movie or dramas. And you do too, right?

      I've only seen him in Bad Guy and already very impressed of his acting abilities. I've yet to see Queen Seundok.

      Ok, give me time to write the trivia. hehehe

    9. Woohoo Yoonjita is here...

      KNG nis a great actor... and a good mentor and friend for our MM^^

      Hope they will do a movie together

    10. You must see it GF...it's long but it's worth it.

      I hope so too GF Cyni....

    11. Hola GF Cyn. I hope so too especially now that he's a producer... I have a feeling he'll include Minmin in one of his future projects. Don't get excited... it's a feeling but if we pray hard for it, it might happen. ^-^

      It's funny you mentioned about scheduling, GF Snowy because the articles I read that he's planning the fan meet in Japan as soon as his release in ms and that was in July. Why not schedule it right after his release or anytime in the latter part of last year? hehehe

    12. Yes I love those type of movies. I hope he will be in one soon....

    13. Ok, first a short trivia about KNG. I read this not too long ago.

      After the conclusion of SBS‘ drama ‘Bad Guy’, Kim Nam Gil enlisted in 2010 and served in the military as a public service worker at the Gangnam-gu office in Seoul.

      When I think about military... I thought he was stationed somewhere in the boonies or far away distance from civilization or city. Gangnam-gu is an affluent district in Seoul. It's also where Minmin's agency is located so it's not difficult for them to keep in contact... it could be that their offices are nearby each other. hahaha

    14. The assignment for the celebrities when they are inside are mostly desk jobs. I'm glad there are no write ups on possible abuse on his part while serving. He did not act like a diva while inside. Lol!

      Re: scheduling...KNG could also have scheduled the fm at a later date like March or April...hahaha

    15. Ok, on with the trivia about KNG and JNR:

      There's an article not too long ago that speculates that KNG & Jung Nara are dating and the story behind it is that KNG celebrated JNR's miniseries Excellence award win, by going to the film set and even ordered a meal truck for everyone.

      Jung Nara is the one who sang "My Boyfriendis Type B": the song that Minmin sang in PK FM in Osaka and Japan. KNG is also type B... just like HJ.

      JNR is best friends to Kim Min Seo. Min Seo is the actress who played as Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ji-Wook's girlfriend in Bad Guy and she was also in HJ's mtv 'Please'. She's also in the same agency as HJ.

    16. ^Oh and I forgot: Minmin and JNR both guested Strong Heart epi 126. Such coincidence or was it? hehehe

    17. Waaaaaaah.... what a coincidence indeed. I did not know that MS was the girl in HJ's please MV?

    18. I also hope MM will be in one of KNJ's future dramas.

    19. No, I thought I told you that already (MS in HJ's Please mtv)?

      Anyway, KJN usually do romcom... yeah I hope but of course I would prefer MM to have the main role.

    20. YJJita's trivias are the best but I'm waiting for one of her "Fact" post

    21. hahaha No one knows the real facts but them. The only facts I know is that they are real people. hahaha Need to do errands, I'll be back in an hour or so.

    22. What happened to JH and Monae love story part 6????

      GF Mhel, YJJ?

    23. Very nice coincidence Gf... And thank you fir the lovely infirmation Gf Yoonji...its too obvious that you knows a lot of facts and coincidence....

      Hello Gf Snowy and Gf Cyni...

    24. Just wait for a while GF Snowy, it will come out in the right moment.... :-)

    25. I hope the wait will not be that long!

    26. mmm... I'll think about it. hahaha

  4. I love Kim Nam Gil, he is a very good actor and the screen loves him too.

  5. Okay GFs...I'm leaving now to see a Knicks game...TTYL

  6. when the news came, for fanmeeting of bad guy, many actors and actress includes, but minmin and kim nam gil was only on that fm. yes cyn oc the translator lady is the same from pk.... kng is a talented actor, i admired his acting in " queen seondok ". thanks liz for those photos,i love to see minmin on a fm again... she's beautiful.

    1. Ah here's GF Shirley's answers....

      Are you saying GF Shirley that only MM and KNG were were the only actors from BG at the fanmeet?

      Oh yeah, KNG was good in Queen Seondok..Love that drama.
