
Friday, February 1, 2013

Mr Jeong personal gratitude for KHJ and fans

Mr Jeong personal gratitude for KHJ and fans :

현중씨를 경호하는동안 그누구를 경호 할때보다 행복했습니다. 현중씨 팬분들께 항상 감사했고 지금도 감사드립니다. 비록 끝까지 함께하진 못했지만 과분하게 받았던 관심과 마음 감사히 가슴깊이 새기며 살겠습니다.
현중씨 정말 사람냄새나는 좋은 사람이니까 앞으로도 많이 사랑해주세여 모든 가정에 행복과 평화가 기듯길 기원합니다.

Mr.Jeong: Compared to the times when I was a bodyguard for somebody else, the time when I was a bodyguard of HyunJoong-ssi was the happiest time of all.

HyunJoong-ssi is always very grateful to fans and hence still & always grateful. Although I couldn't stand by the side of HyunJoong-ssi until the end, I will always be grateful & remember all the overflowing support & love that I have received deep in my heart.

HyunJoong-ssi is truly an undeniably good person, so please give many support to him as well.

(trans: @5StarsAs1)


  1. What a lovely message from Mr. Jeong.

  2. I really miss mr.jeong...just feel fortunate to have encountered him when we were in sk last june...he was quite accommodating to the fans of HJ knowing that HJ wants to be close to them...

  3. I am envious of the fans who had personally met and interacted with Mr. Jeong. Too bad that he is no longer HJ's bodyguard. I miss seeing him at his side. Mr. Jeong's statement " the time with Kim Hyun Joong-ssi as his bodyguard is the happiest time of all", is very comforting to hear.
