
Friday, April 5, 2013

[Videos] - Baek Seung Jo's Diaries

For those who haven't viewed the Baek Seung Jo's Diaries, here are the links of the videos. We will post more diaries later.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:


Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:

Part 11:

Part 12:

Part 13:

Part 14:

Part 15:

Part 16:

Cr. to playfulkissaddict


  1. i watched these sooo many times!!! but still it capture my heart and it made me fall in love over and over again to BSJ...i also miss watching their behind the scenes.. to all GF's next time try to post it here..pleassseeee...

  2. hello gf cyn, i watched bsj diaries incomplete, not like pk, i watched every other day.. but now you post it, i'll watch this... and thanks for complete episodes..

  3. Thanks for the post, GF Cyn.

    Yayy, I'll rewatch them. Maybe for the nth time, I still want to understand more and "feel" more abt BSJ's world of inside thoughts, emotion, feelings...towards OHN and everyone around him. Is it not interesting to explore the internal life of a mysterious, cold genius? It's great to the curious me Lol

  4. i preffered reading the diaries... Less tim consuming n ofc... Big bold n fat letters obscuring my lovebirds.... A big fat NO! Hehehe

  5. hi gfs! I'm sick today, down with flu but this videos kept me occupied and happy...hyunmin, my daily dose of vitamins...

    1. Hi GF Liz - get well soon. I heard that HJ also got sick in Vietnam -- I guess he had trouble adjusting to the hot climate there.

      Enjoy watching and drink lots of fluid.

    2. HJ fell sick?? ;( He did look a lot tired n sick... Hope he ill take care of himslf... Overwrking he does nyway... But shud drink more fluids and take fruits n veggies a lot... Proteins ill also do good... Take care

      LiSSie... U too take care and keep urslf happy with hyunmin... But take enf rest too :P
