
Friday, May 24, 2013

[05.25.13] Kim Hyun Joong ~ UV Concert

Cr. As Tagged.



  1. Wahh just when i thought he lost weight, he shows up otherwise. Could it be he was just wearing oversized shirts in the previous weeks? He looks good! Hello everyone! Nice pics.

  2. Where and when was this concert, gf? I share your sentiments Bella Luna - he sure looks good in these pics.

  3. Good morning gfs!!!

    This pics are from today (last night - SK time)

    Man in black!

  4. He guested in UV CONCERT a member of which is alson in Barefoot Friends.

    1. Wow, he's very supported of his colleagues and close friends, isn't he? Thanks for the info BL.


  5. yoon se yoon invite khj. he took a like to hj as he saw he was a sincere friemd and he was touched at how hj moved the " gendong ". yoon se yoon was thankful, hj took up the offer despite of busy schedule. khj, special guest appearance at uv's concert, may 24-25 at interpark art center in seoul.. yoon se yoon co-artist of khj in bff.. he's so handsome in full black attire..thanks for the post gf liz... and hello gfs ladies...

  6. HJ, dude!. Do you remember the times when I made fun of your birds nest's hair??
    *cough cough*. Well, now I can help to ask "What's with the hair man?. Reminds me Barnabas Collins' hair.

    Check how handsome you look when you comb your hair (hahaha peace HJ, aigoo I'm in trouble...again!): https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=247865365355967&set=a.197846140357890.57580.197782040364300&type=1&theater

  7. hi gf cyn... you mean you don't like the hair of hj,at this concert... for me , i don't like his hairstyle on that uv's concert. i love his hairstyle during fm at Peru.. he's so handsome, fits his face and he looks young ....

    1. Hi Shirley. I'm talking about this hair. The UV's concert hair.

  8. I want to see you smile like this holding her hand. I know she is there but still. The smile looks so good on you... You look so good. Stay healthy and smile! Always.

  9. Looks awesome he is !!!

    Love those pics so much..

    Hwuaaaaa..He looks so handsome n adorable with the BLACK suits covered his perfect abs ^^

    I going to melt seeing these >____<

    #I Love Black,I Love 김현중 ! 히히 lol

    Thanks for posted here^^

  10. I found the translation !!
    KHJ "Hi, Nice to meet you, I am Kim
    Hyun Joong."
    YSY "I am very thankful for him to have
    decided be a guest for UV concert even
    before I asked him."
    (the audience acclaimed)
    KHJ "I wanted to join UV concert,
    and like this..."
    (some fans kept shouting 'gendong!!')
    KHJ joked, "Yes, I have done
    gendong." (laughing)
    KHK "I like UV's songs a lot. When I
    am home, I listen to the song kinda
    'Incheon Grand Park'."
    YSY "What the 'kinda 'Incheon Grand
    (laughing altogether)
    KHJ corrected "I like listening to the
    song, 'Incheon Grand Park', and finally
    fullfill my wish today to join as a guest"
    YSY "A lot of KHJ ssi's fans came here
    today, and it's great they are all
    responsive and enthusiastic together with
    UV's fans."
    YSY "Are you guys watching BF?"
    (the audience : YES!!!)
    YSY "You got to watch it.."
    (laughing altogether)
    KHJ joked "Here we have 3% of
    Korean together" (*you know what
    BF's lowest rating was...keke)
    (laughing altogether)
    YSY "Even if the ratings are not so
    good, It was quite difficult to film. Only
    a small part of the whole has been aired,
    but it was stressfull for us (to film). I
    became friends with HJ while we shared
    difficulties for 4N5D or 2N3D's
    overseas filming schedules."
    "I found there was a reason HJ got a
    lot of fans. WOW, he's a true man."
    (the audience : Yes he is!!) (some fan
    shouted 'gendong'!)
    "Sometimes I was misunderstood if I
    liked a male because I praised of HJ
    too much. I would say HJ is that much
    cool even from a guys point of view."
    (the audience : That's right~!)
    YSY "So, what can I pay with for
    today's apprearance?"
    KHJ "I've already recieved" "I have
    at that time"
    YSY "oh that?" "Can I reveal 'that'?"
    KHJ "Yeah you can"
    (laughing altogether)
    YSY "When we were filming BF, I took
    some photos of UEE, and he asked to
    show the photos instead of the appearance
    YSY talked to HJ, "I have stronger
    KHJ "(show me) little by little"
    YSY "alright"
    YSY "KHJ ssi, are you gonna sing more
    song today?"
    KHJ "Yes, I'd like to ask you to keep
    loving UV.."
    (the audience : Please show the gendong
    dance!!!) (Gendong dance!!)
    (KHJ and YSY showed gendong dance
    KHJ "Yes, I'd like to ask you to more
    YSY "I will visit KHJ ssi's concert even
    if I can't be invited as a guest."
    (the audience : Plz come!)
    YSY "Yes, I will!"
    YSY "Please give KHJ ssi a big hand
    once more!"
    (KHJ, turned around and wore

    I got chuckled on Yoon Shi Yoon's spoke : Sometimes I was misunderstood if I
    liked a male because I praised of HJ
    too much. I would say HJ is that much
    cool even from a guys point of view."
    *Did u mean u were in love with him ???

    Mm was sitting on the first row to watched the two of u were talking together..hahahaha

    1. Hello Merianda!!!

      Thank you so much for posting the translation.

      WHoahh YSY has HJ crush. Hahaha, who can't blame him, HJ is so gorgeous. Hahaha!.

      Hahaha for sure MM was laughing about this.

    2. Hi gfs i know I'm late but So min was there at the concert? ... Wooowww! Did she had her picture taken coz I can't find her anywhere in the pics

    3. Thank you so much GF Merianda for posting the translation in the blog.

      I wonder what picture of UEE was shown to HJ... Must be something men find interesting. Hahahaha

      YSY HAS A "MAN CRUSH" ON HJ. Who can't be attracted to a handsome man with a magnetic personality. He is a very addicting virus. A good virus!!!!

    4. There's nothing wrong of having a "man crush" YSY.

    5. Hi Chie! IDK, was MM there? I have to ask the girls.

    6. i dont think so.. Mayb she meant if MM was there.. :/

  11. Yup! One True Man! Sorry YSY he is irresistable but taken! Hehe

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Yup! One True Man! Sorry YSY he is irresistable but taken! Hehe

  14. Replies
    1. I second that. Definitely he is... Too bad he can't tell his fans yet.

    2. Ill be!! Not only a (taken period.) but also a (second that) ah! ahm! Now to top it off (UEE photos) ah! ahm! But see the big chabang! is that MM is there ah! ahm!

      Ok opinion once again: Do you think a guy as handsome as KHJ would be single?? My answer HECK NO! with capital NO! No matter how many times he gets asked at a fan meeting he says he does not have anyone or that he is not married but that he will marrie by the age of 40. Sorry KHJ my apologies but I dont believe that your single.

    3. Hahaha


      Hello A, B and E!!

    4. Hey C! sorryyyy! ah! ahm! Not!) had to give my opinion.

    5. I agree with you A - a 100%.

      No matter what HJ says about UEE, we are not buying it. Hahahaha... because we know the ____________th. Lalalalalalalalalala

    6. u want anyone to third that! Me three! Hola A B C E... We so need a D! Lol

    7. u want anyone to third that! Me three! Hola A B C E... We so need a D! Lol

    8. ME? :O Hahaha.. so many girls with that middle name ard eh snowy? hehehe

  15. what he says about UEE? HAHAHAHA sorry, just had to laugh it out.. hahahahahaha.. and again.. haha.. I'm so bad.. if there are any UEE fans here, I sincerely apologize.. hahahahaha

    ATE CYN!!!

    1. Hahahaha!




    2. What are you wacky girls up to? What did HJ say about the girl? Yo, please share! Pronto!

    3. Hahahaha! Snowy the translation (payment UEEs photos. Hehehehehe!

    4. Like I said before "I wanna live!!".

      Don't wanna see the ???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. C hahahahahaha! Have u seen the next barefoot friends episode. You are going to have a ball. Someone else gets added.

      Busting out laughing!!!!!


    6. Can't wait to watch BFF 5... You made me very curious why you laughed so hard with this episode A.Hmmmmmm

    7. @Ate Cyn.. I got that!! hahahaha all the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tsk tsk! and everything else is in capital letter.. hahaha shocks!!! scary

      ..is episode 5 the one which includes the other girl? you know, the previous "ideal type?"

    8. Oopps sorry I think is 6 not sure and it goes into 7.

    9. @A: Ohh young HJ's former ideal type. Yes I saw the pics of the recording in SK. Cool they have her, they need to raise up the ratings.

      @BS16: yes I forgot about the capital letters... geezzzz. Very scary indeed!!!.
      Yes, previous ideal type. Have to ask "you know who" about this. Hahaha.

    10. Well you know me C and Snowy I see things in different colors hahahahaha!!!!

      This indeed as become pretty interesting. Hahahahahahahaha!!"

  16. so let's behave and just laugh it out.. hahaha.. aish!!! why did I have to see this post? because of this, I remember that word and I'm laughing again #BadGirl

    1. Bwahahahaha!!

      Aishhh my tummy hurts. I'm laughing so hard.

      That word now is my favorite.
