
Wednesday, June 26, 2013


In celebration of GForce's 10th Monthsary, a special post for all HyunMin fans.  ^-^

Here are compilation of hints & facts ^-^ from BFF episodes, HJ's FM Party People, etc. 

A couple of days ago at a soccer game...
Reminds me of this... I wonder what brand HJ uses?

 From HJ's gwiyomi video...
As Hani would ask... couple tee???

YJJ's observations:  BFF Episode 8
At YSY's place...
HJ texting to inform somebody that they're heading to his house???  Eyes are on you, HJ...
LH:  HJ, you are so busted!!!


At HJ's place, in his bedroom... 

ummm... I guess this isn't really a book?  or, the real owner accidentally left this in the living room? 

While HoDong went to rummage through his clothes, HJ hurriedly sent a text... perhaps asking if all incriminating evidences are removed???  hahaha 
HoDong looking for a sleepwear... look what he found.  But, it's expected.

Look what else he found. 
And I recall... 

I just love their reactions in this screenshot.  hehehe  Spell "busted", HJ! 

And, look what the girls found...

Who loves short dresses and horizontal stripe top/sweaters???

Kiss?  As in playful kiss???

How about gwiyomi from both of us?
Happy 10th Monthsary!!!  Kiss-kiss...

Credit as tagged.
Thanks to Aya, Marienda, Cyn, and Snowy for some of the screenshots. 


  1. Love this post gf YJJ!!

    I alredy told you what he was texting...kekeke.

    1. You have? Refresh my mind, please???


    2. OK!!

      "I'm fooling everyone. They really believe this is the place I live"

    3. What is this? You shared something with YJJ and not me? What did he say? Spill!!!!!

    4. Besides that one GF Cyn, what was the 2nd text about??? wahahahaha

    5. That was the 2nd text.

      The first was: "Babe, Do you really know how much I miss you right now?"

    6. Hahahahaha... Silly girl...

    7. I thought it was "I can't wait until this show is over so we can have privacy again"!!! wahahahaha

    8. He was texting MM, asking her if she removed all the incriminating evidence in his apartment. Hahahaha I.e toothbrush, ____ photos. Hahahaha

    9. Hahahahaha crazy! But true hahaahahahaha

      I really want to fill in that specific blank spot.... ____ photos.hahahahahaha

      The fact is that MM doednt remove all of it. As her clothes.. hair band are found by the three creatures hah ahahah

      Spell busted! ,just like the super junior member said hahahahaha

  2. Oh I really like all those pics coming from video of BFF..actually I watched that video and I noticed KHJ seems so nervous he text a lot..and i think his co star was observing him..I was laughing hard when his co star cant help it and said HJ, you are busted...because they caught hj doing something out of order and he looks like in trouble...

    the best scene for me is the head band...hahaha

    1. Hahahahaha... Yes, mine too!!!

    2. I cant wait watching that episodeeee im stucked on episode five.. i have to wait for another three weeks for that specific episode heheh pity me

  3. I think Hodong was giving a hint to the viewers. Hahahaha... He was playing OHN role. There were 3 women in HJ's apartment that night: OHN ( Hodong) UEE and Hyori.

  4. Yeah GF YJJ, why is the book of answers on the coffee table? Hahaha since he likes to read comic books, what is that book doing there? .... Busted! Hahahaha

    1. Exactly! The word that day was BUSTED!!! hahahaha

    2. Actually i have no idea what is the book all about..
      But i guess we guees it right.. that is mami book haha as papi said he doesnt enjoy reading book.. hahaha

      The trendy word nowadays is BUSTED!!!! Hahahahahahaha

  5. hello ,GF :)
    about that clothes in HJ's house that uee and hyo ri wear ,at first when i see that episode ,i also think that the cloth which hyori wear is not like man cloth.. :D

    1. Hello Fly... It does look like a woman's clothing right? Have we seen HJ wore those long sweaters before? Hahaha

    2. Hola fly... hahaja youre right.. the first time i saw this in one glance im certain its for woman.. hahaha

      Gf snowy.. nope! Only MM wore that kind of cloth hahahahahahaha

      Once again.. busted!!!! yeeheee

      Oh i'll be back later i have to attend driving class this morning hehehe

    3. Totally agree with Fly and Mazze - no way the black dress worn by Hyori would fit HJ. The shape and style is meant for a girl. The over-sized sweater with horizontal stripe is a couple sweater sweater of MM's. I didn't think that it needed to be explained or pointed out, the same reason with his stmt that he only wears black.

  6. BUSTED!! Hahaha Happy 10th Monthsary GFs! OMOoooo i found that red striped tee pic of MMs... N knew something shud b in there while i was hunting hints... But i never realised! YJJ u r the best! As u say it was expected to find that MMcaricature tee... I was only sad that the other copies were removed!! Hahaha
    HJs continuous texting b4 and after he reaches home... Obviously points to him not always living alone... :P
    but as for the tees UEE and Hyori pickd.. I doubt tey r MMs.. I think they must b HJs... Just that tey r strechable.. N tey seemed a bit oversized... Mayb MM wears them too... But anyway i dont think HJ wud let anyone else tryout MM cloths just lik that! HAahha

  7. omo HJ is busted! just announce it to the world HJ and make us happy! that would be the ultimate gift to us! lalalalala

  8. Hahah ahahahhaha this special post is extremely awesome!!!! Hahahahahaha lets sing busteddddd lalala ohhh busted~~~ lalalala la oh~ busted hmm~~~ hahahaha

    Aigooo i laugh when i look at hodong hahahaha for sure the owner of it is mami hahahahaha

    All the special hints make me smile ear to ear hahahahaha

  9. Happy 10th monthsary Gfs, congratulations and thanks for the post...

    Hj,.is just so funny...like a student hiring from his.teacher while texting.lol

  10. ♥ⓛⓞⓥⓔ♥☜ Happy 10th Monthsary GFs ☞♥ⓛⓞⓥⓔ♥

  11. hello! first time commenting here!
    ooh look, you're busted HJ...hahahaha this is awesome..
    that 'book of answer' made me laugh really hard XD

    1. Hello Ashley Lily. What a beautiful name. Welcome to the blog and please visit us often and chat with us when you can. I am happy to see that more Hyunmins have time to leave comments in our blog. You can leave messages for MM and HJ in our blog because you never know, they might be lurking. Hahahaha we were told already that they do visit outer blog.

    2. Hi Gf Ashley, good to see here and thanks for dropping by....

    3. thanks gf Snowy...yes i'll visit much as i can. woah really?? they visit outer blog? i think i know which blog is that...:p
      it would be awesome if they lurk in this blog too!
      Hello gf Mhel!! ^^

    4. Hello Ashley - welcome to the blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Hope to see you visit often.

    5. Hola Ashley Lily!!

      ¡¡Bienvenida!!... I mean: Welcome to the blog!!^^.

  12. Beautiful post from screenshots of Gfs !!!
    Thanks Gf YJJ....I love all the Hints and Facts of our lovely HyunMin couple...
    Happy 10th Monthsary GFs.... I Love you all !!!!!!!

    1. Hola Shirley!, thank you so much!.

      We love you too^^!!

  13. Hii the owner of this blog,i had an instagram account,can i get permission to post your photo?

    1. Hello Mega Parura, welcome to the blog. Yes, you can post the photos from our blog.

      We hope that you can visit us often and share your thoughts with us.

    2. Hi Gf Mega, welcome to the blog...

    3. Hola Mega Parura!!

      Welcome to this happy place!!^^

    4. Hii guyss thank you for welcoming..,honestly everyday i open this blog and i add this blog to my home screen smart phone hihihi...i love them too muchh!!actually i really a lot of stuff i wanted to share but i don't know how to do it hihihi...

    5. Gf dont be shy, feel free to share your stuff and ideas...

    6. Hello Mega. You have a lot of stuff to share with the Hyunmins? Well, well, we can of course help you with that. Just email whatever you want to be posted in the blog. Here's the blog add: GForce.hyunmin@gmail .com or send them to Cyn OC Facebook ....

    7. can i just send it to facebook i don't really understand how to send pics with email,can you give me facebook username?

    8. Yes you can, what is your fb name so.tat we can add you.

    9. yess..my facebook name "mega parura"

  14. This post is perfect for 10th Monthsary. Cheers to all! Hope the HINTS keep on coming. But the best thing of all is if HyunMin will have another drama (together). Wishing and dreaming...

    1. Hola Bella Luna!!

      That will be a dream come true!!^^

    2. Happy 10th Monthsary GFs! This is, so far, the best monthsary gift! Its hints are like raining cats and dogs!..and these hints all point to one FACT that we've all been waiting for to be revealed...its funny how HJ is the source of most the hints and yet in the BFF screencaps, he seems to be nervous at being caught red handed...as our trendy word says, BUSTED!!! Again, Happy Monthsary!

  15. Happy 10th Monthsarry!!!!

    you know Gf's what lingers in my mind is that where did he keep all his accessories since he was into accessories?, he said he only wear black but in his gwiyomi video he wear striped red, where on part of his house he keep his colored clothes?, he also said he only reads comic but in his account he said he spent his day reading books, where did he put those books he mentioned...ooh ohh...tsk, tsk,...it seems his house was cleaned up because i also noticed those spaces in his dressing room...hahahaha

  16. i am pretty sure there are dressing rooms/roooomssss we did not get to see... LOL

    1. yeah, right?!and did you notice those empty hangers hanging on his dressing rooms?^ ^

  17. daebak! thanks gfs for posting this! i also think that hyori's cloth is a girl's clothes.. because its too small for HJ's body and i think the cut and the length of the cloth doesnt suit HJ its raining hints!

  18. this is a hint but a fact to, maybe they are togeter...
    yjj i wait your observation the photo hj video party people...
    i really want to know, who the girl???

  19. hi very new here. cant get this off. were they wearing the sam eshirt? the first pic of her and his? never mind the third one. but the first pic


  20. and this i already posted in soompi his house is too "sanitized" meaning everythign incriminating hsa been removed.

    if i remember it right, he said he now loved to read, but where in the world are his books? and the only book in the house is a fairly easy book to read. does he get his books from "someone"elses book collection?

    his walkin closet is full of blacks, but whre did he get his striped reda dn whte shirt fort he vid? and he loves accesories, but where are they? there were too many hangers missing.

    thanks. and please dont chop my head off ;)
