
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

°° HyunMin Sketches by ZMazze °°

Cr. as tagged.


  1. Thanks Kiddo Camilita Mazzy!!!

    You know I love the last ones, because are from the special episode of PK where (well you already know what happened while recording that episode...kekeke).

    1. Hello to all the gorgeous gfs!!! thanks gf Mazze, a very talented girl... I agree with gf cyn the bottom sketch and pic is beautiful kekeke... can I ask what episode is this? and also I have been meaning to ask, where can I buy the whole PK series and special and you tube versions?

    2. Hello Chie. Thanks for dropping by. I bought the whole PK series from Amazon and the PK-YT Special from YesAsia.

      And the 2nd photos above is from Episode 10 (on their way to BSJ's apt after Hani fainted at his work).

    3. Thank you very much YJJ!!!

    4. Thanks sista chynita for posting heheheh ohh that sceneee i guess papi's song can tell what happen on that scene lalalala *winkwink

      Thanks gf Chie hehehe i want to buy the YT dvd as well!! just if its cheap and sell here in my country for sure i will buy it!!

      Ate Liz and Ate Elsaaaaaa you better buy one for me!!! hahahahahahaha

  2. Is our Wacky Macky giving us a hint? Why pick this particular PK image Mazzy ( bottom photo)?

    Nice sketches GF...

    1. Hahahaj you read my mind gf snowy hahahahaha

  3. Thanks Wacky Macky for the sketches. Well done, kiddo! Ate apologizes for not getting back with you yet re: fanfic editing. Sorry, I almost forgot about it.

    1. Hahahaha its okay Ate kuu! lets postpone the one shot okay? I have trouble in writing the storyline .. hahahahaha

      Anw thanks you ate, gf michy, my cute little dino lora for liling! Mwaaah

  4. woah this is good! well done Mazzy!

  5. so cute ^^ you're talented, unnie!!

  6. this scene is soooo memorable....am i right papi?hihi ^ ^

    1. Hello Jillian -- is it your first time in the blog? If so, welcome and thank you for your comment.

      If you're referring to the photo in the bottom, it's actually memorable for both Papi and Mami. hehehe

    2. Hello gfs! I'm just curious about this night you're all talking about, what happened to them?

    3. hey gf YJJ it's still me, zyjill,zyrene n jillian are the same..i forgot my password two times so i created two accounts..so bear with me..hehehe ofcourse i'm talking the last pic...that was the unforgettable moment to both of them...

    4. Hello Zyjill's, Zyrene, Jillian.... Hahahaha they are all pretty nemes.

    5. Hahahahaha so many names! hahah youre just like me always forgot the password.. i suffere that syndrome as well! hahahaha

      Its memorable for both papi and mami.. and for us as well! Hehheheh

  7. Hola sleeping GFs ;))

    Crazy Kiddo is talented! Hone your skills Mazzee.. would love to see more.. :D


    PS : I am collecting hints.. on my monthly break! hahaha dont i sound crazy?? Meh!

  8. hiii...iam new here, really love this gf d...its so great...
    guys can you help me, in soompi @terrynoona say, she saw minmin pic in the hj party peoplee video at 1.49, i play this video again, again n again n i she a girl smilling in the hj behind, i think its minmin too...
    maybe iam n @terrynoona wrong, please everybody play again this video n see who girl at 1.49???

    1. Hello Arie Adam -- welcome to the blog. The video is posted in Soompi? Ok, I'll check it out.

      We hope to see you comment here regularly, ok?

    2. Hi Arie -- actually that video is also posted her in the blog; one of our friend Liz took that video. I had trouble seeing it clearly but we will ask her if she thinks that's MM behind HJ.

    3. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you for bringing this up to our attention, Arie! waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahaha I can't say anything right now but stay tuned for my next post... maybe sometime this weekend.... or mid-next week. hehehehe All I can say is it's mind-blowing. hahahaha

    4. Hahahahaha...

      Mid next week???????????? This weekend sounds better!!!!!!!

    5. Today sounds much better!!!!!

    6. Ummm... I think the first week of July would work best for me. hahahahahaha Are you two around to help me search for materials?????????????? nhahahaha

    7. Gf Liz already help you...you don't need more help.

    8. On that particular week, I'll help you while sipping martinis or mojitos in a nice sunny and breezy island. Hahahaha

    9. And an advance THANK YOU to GF Liz... you're awesome gf! What can I say about our team effort here. hehehe

      I know Gf Snowy, you'd be sipping on your drinks while cheering on my post right? You drunkard! hahahaha

    10. Yes I would. I might be saying something silly in the blog because I am too drunk. Hahahaha

  9. yes...they are copy this video from hyunmin gforce n post in soompi the oppa dongsaeng couple...
    thax YJJ you answer my question, the girl really similar with minmin, right???
    maybe someone post the pic in this gf...
    a girl smilling behind hj, who she is???? n hj show this pic in people party with accompanimen OMT song...

  10. Omo, mu kiddo is very talented...i love the second sketch..very nice!!!

    Hi everyone!!!

  11. Hi GFs. A hyunmin friend actually asked me about it last night. Liz and I looked at the video again and it really looked like MM during her PK days when she still had long hair. But remember MM is now sporting shorter hair. And we also had to look at HJ to tell when he had his hair like that. He already had short hair in Peru. So if there was indeed a picture taken with them together, it was before MM cut her hair.

    LOL... It's as if we're doing CSI last night.
    But as GF YJJ was saying in a previous post about her analysis during the FM, it is much logical to just assume that MM was indeed present during the family pictorial?!?! Wink ; ) wink ; ) wink ; )

    And I so love the last picture, kept imagining what REALLY happened that night while shooting ep10!

    1. Hahahaha.... I have a feeling that Papi HJ already told us some of the details of what happened BTS in episode 10 through the lyrics of his songs...Am I right girls? Hahahaha

  12. Great job, Gf Mazze ... someday you'll be a great painter.
    Love those episode of pk.. it nails in my mind...i miss HyunMin couple.
    Wishing they will give us a memorable drama before Hyun Joong enter his military service ...
    Thanks for the post Gf Cyn...

    1. @shirley your right..i also wish to see them onscreen before he enter in military..even atleast minmin will guest in BFF...hehehe

  13. hahahaha the second photo... i purposely make a sketch of it as it is a very meaningful and memorable sceeeneee to remember... lalalalalal hahahahaha woohooo loveee is in the airrrr!! hahahaha

    thank you everyone for liking my sketches hehehe there are more coming up! stay tuned!

    p/s: sorry gfs for the very very late reply! heheheheh
