
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Jung So Min 정소민 Photo Update July 30 - 2013

프로필 찍었지롱!! 보정전 모니터 직찍!! 흐흐


Photoshoot for profile pics!! I took the photos directly from the screen monitor before photoshop edition!! hehe

¡Sesión de fotografía para mis fotos de perfil!. ¡Tomé las fotos directamente de la pantalla del monitor antes de que fueran editadas en Photoshop!. Jeje

Credit to: Jung So Min Facebook
Translation: Hana Kim


  1. MM is so sexy, beautiful and cute...

  2. hi Gfs, Omg thank you very much for the update MM , MM so cute and sexy n_n
    I am very happy to see you *_*
    I miss you so much, I love You <3

  3. OMG. Waaaaahhhhhhhhh.......Hahahahahahaha Pictures can explain it better than words.

    MM made a big statement. Huge!!!!!!!! She's telling us that she's the REAL girl in "Your Story" MV......

    You Go Girl!!!!!! it's about time1 hahahaha

    A big hint/fact from MM.

    1. I'm shaking. I am laughing so hard that my neighbor from a mile away could hear my scream.

      Similarities in Your Story MV

      - MM in white shirt - check
      - MM in a bun hair do - check
      - MM wearing just a loose sweater with just her short shorts on, showing of her bare long legs (wow) - check

      MM just confirmed that what we were saying about the MM connection with the Your Story MV were true.

      Waaaaaahhhhh... Thanks for the photos MM. We love you!

    2. hahaha, you have a very good observation Gf Snowy. MM really loves to tease us!

    3. Hahahaha.... don't you wonder why post the photos the day after the Your Story MV came out? Hmmmm... MM is showing a naughty side of her. I love it.

    4. She knows what we feel after watching the video that's why she posted her own sexy and beautiful photos to ease the feeling down...hahahaha

    5. Waaahahaha! What she is saying is I could have done that better than that on Your Story. Go go go MM show them what your made of. You go girl!!

    6. Good morning/afternoon/evening GFs..

      me too...honestly, when i saw MM updates on facebook, esp the third photo with her white shirt, idk why but thought of the MV right away...and I also yelled with laughter...As i said before, MM really wanna help us make our perfect imagination abt the rest of that hot scene..of course with HyunMin together in the "dark room"..LOL...

      And I also love all her nice photos with her stripe sweater (croptop sweater), short T-shirt and shorts..love her long hair and its colour (wonder who chose it for her*cough cough*), her flawless and soft skin..MM is very cute and so sexy...these days HJ showed his abs and now MM shows her sexy S-line and beautiful legs...Wahhhhh

      Maybe MM is lurking here and she reads all the comments..how nice and thoughtful she is!love MM alot^^

  4. Whooahhh Sexy MM!!!.

    Love the second picture!

    4th pic --> she is sending a kiss to Papi, kekeke.

  5. thanks MM for the update!! keep it up! why dont you share a photo with your lucky guy? just one.. pleassee!! boing boing! we miss you very much! ♥♥
    #beautiful #sexy #gorgeous #perfect!

  6. Hehey MM you are so pretty and sexy... The REAL lady behind the story :-). So excited GFs... hope we continue to hear from her now...

  7. GOOD MORNING GFs!!!!!!!!

    hahahahaha We love you MM. We know quite well who is HJ's inspiration in Your Story but thanks for the confirmation just the same. *wink-wink* hehehe

    1. I wonder who took the photos GF. Hahahaha Do you have anyone in mind? Kekekeke

    2. Good Morning GFs...

      I know who took the pics...kekeke

  8. MM your beauty is timeless!

    I love you girl! A lot!

  9. "Photoshoot"; me pregunto si fue para una revista. Aunque ella dice "Profile Pics"; puede ser que vayan a actualizar las fotos en la página de Bloom.

    1. hola Gf Cyni, yo también pienso que es para actualizar su perfil de Bloom, ya quiero ver las fotos finales ,aunque las fotos así sin PS MM se ve hermosa , MM no necesita el PS *_*

    2. Si, se ve super hermosa sin PS... no lo necesita!.

      Creo que ese photoshoot fue días antes, porque escuché que andaba muy ocupada. Creo que recién se animó a subir las fotos.

  10. MM posted raw/untouched photos of herself. These photos need minor enhancing MM. You look beautiful as it is.

    1. You mean Gf it is not yet photoshop? wow it is daebak already no need for it picture perfect

    2. Your right Snowy MM does not need to change anything about these photos. They look fine to me. 🌷

  11. OMG! what are these two doing to us so playful. Naughty sexy concept plus the time of release its more than coincidence right. Minmin is also bolder now so sexy with the poses.

    1. Absolutely not a coincidence GF. Hahaha

      She's very naughty indeed! Sign of HAPPINESS.

  12. Thanks Hana for the translation :)

  13. Thanks Hana for the translation....

  14. What a sexy lady...waiting for a new drama from you and hyun joong .

  15. these photos brought a wide grin on my face. not sure whether both of them (HJ&MM) are teasing us fans with hints. but they sure do know how to timed the release of the photos after the mv...to me, it looked like both of them planned this..hehehe... truly love them both. I have been a fan of theirs since watching PK 3years ago... anyway,just want to point out that MM has such a toned and sexy bod. makes me wonder if she has been influenced by ......😉😄hehehe...

    1. Welcome to the blog, Colbie. We're glad that more and more fans are sharing their thoughts in the blog.

      I think Hyunmin fans, at most, have the same wave length. hehehe I also think that she has been influenced by *wink-wink* someone special to her. If I recall in one of MM's interview after PK, she said she likes playing sports instead of just watching others play. ^-^

      Hope to see here often.

    2. Hi Colbie. Welcome to the blog.

      Also to keep her body in shape, she goes to the gym regularly according to a reliable source.

    3. thanks for the warm welcome. i have been,as you would technically term, a lurker since this blog has started a year ago. i have been, i still am and probably will remain a lurker in the other hyunmin blogs. i made an exception w this blog and "de-lurk" myself as this blog has always brought a smile to my face and has always managed to brighten up my otherwise dreary life. i am huge fan of the hyunmin couple but after having been a reader of this blog for a year -i also have become a massive fan of this blog too. this place is just full of positive vibes and it is peopled w good energies. so, kuddos to the admin,bloggers and readers alike for keeping this blog a happy, fun and loving place... once again-thanks for the warm welcome... apologies if i seemed to have rambled on.. this is turning out to be a speech and a half....hahaha..

    4. Hola Colbie!. Welcome to the blog!^^

      We are so glad you like the blog. Hope to see around more often.

    5. Hi Colbie - wooohooo... we're glad you like that blog. And we don't mind the rambling... we like rambling! hahaha The more you tell us about your experience about being a Hyunmin fan, the better. I wish a lot joined the Best HyunMin Fan Confession but who knows maybe we'll just have a 2nd round of the game?!? What do you think?

    6. id say, " go for it"! two-thumbs up to that idea, YJJ. you'll never know you might just get the true confession from the said couple themselves.. i have a funny feeling that they do visit this blog, if not,probably came across this at one point.. So, who knows...

    7. Ciao Colbie, welcome to the blog and we are glad that you leave your comments...thank
      you for sharinh your thoughts....again, welcome!!!!

    8. Yes Colbie, the team has a strong feeling too that they do visit the blog.

    9. And truth be told... that's why I was always on the edge when doing hints post. hahaha I fear of being scolded. hahaha

    10. We know who are upset with your hints GF YJJ . Kekeke... Absolutely not our couple.

    11. kekeke Oh well, I'm only doing my civil duty... hahaha to give happiness to my co-hyunmins. hahaha

    12. You are the Hyunmins happy pill GF. Kekeke

  16. So beautiful and sexy Minmin !!! I love her ^-^
    Timing her photoshot from HJ Your Story M/V...the 4th pics , lurks Minmin teasing HJ to kiss her... she give me hope and dream to my frustration upon seeing your story m/v of HJ.
    For me nobody can defeat Minmin for being beautiful and sexy....even the girl in HJ m/v..
    They can't beat Minmin from HJs heart..
    I'm for you, my dearest Minmin...fighting ^^-^^

  17. i miss you sooo much minmin!...these photo said it all!, you're sexiness driving someone crazy and put it into his MV..hahaha

  18. Sexy is the word. the only word. conjuctions: cute and beautiful.

  19. Wow... So sexy MM !Someone sent me a hint of those pics above *Idk if it was already posted by other in the other line/blog/page)..

    I was shocked by Your Story MV,but when I saw this...*relief*lol

    I would tell you what have I thought about "Your Story" *crazy thoughts*lol

    As I know that all of his songs are presented for MM only. It means that"Your Story" was also for her,that's way HJ put the title 'YOUR STORY' = MM's story (The love story of MM n himself. lol...

    then I watched the Mv yesterday,i was shocked,but it made my eyes got bigger at the same just to analyse those hot scenes *actually, I can read the body language of someone and knows his/her characters by that*

    My conclusio: IT TELLS EVERYTHING INSIDE !!! (What did they show in the MV is what they are doing by now and then)

    #craziness indeed! lol

    1. I like your conclusion GF. Hahaha

    2. a very pleasing conclusion indeed! lalalallaaaa
