I think a lot of us, HyunMin Fans, have noticed that we are showered with hints/facts lately but who's complaining?!? kekeke
First, the picture posted in HJ's official facebook/weibo account the other day. It's not hard to notice that he has 2 types of tank top with the same caricature girl printed on the back -- the only difference is one of them doesn't have the name of the company he endorses. He ones mentioned in Strong Heart that he loved his gray sweat capri pants so much that he had hundreds of it copied and gave some to his friends: in fact, he gave one to the host (Seung Gi). I think it's fair to assume that he also had the tank top replicated but probably kept most, if not all of it, for his use. Why does he like wearing it at dance rehearsals or what not? My answer to that is simple: she inspires him so, even if she's not with him, she's there in spirit.
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According to @n_h_0_4 in Facebook, the tattoo designs on HJ's arms are Lotus flowers.
Do you recall when MM went as a guest in Strong Heart last year? She had on a shirt with a Lotus flower and tiger design. ^-^
I'd like to thank our winner of Best Hint, Bella Bee, for sharing with me the definition of Yoon Ji (MM's real name) and excerpt of YunJi de Nies, an ABC News correspondent, interview:
Ji 지 (知): wisdom
Had you ever thought of changing your name?
It is interesting. I think it is not something that happens as much now but is definitely something that happened a lot in television. I did have a news director when I was first starting out, not in New Orleans, but when I was first making my tape and who shall remain nameless, that suggested I change my name because they said it was too hard to pronounce. No way. That’s who I am and I’m not going to do that. That is what makes this country so interesting, we have a lot of people who are different and have funny sounding and interesting names. I’m really glad that I didn’t change it.
It is interesting. I think it is not something that happens as much now but is definitely something that happened a lot in television. I did have a news director when I was first starting out, not in New Orleans, but when I was first making my tape and who shall remain nameless, that suggested I change my name because they said it was too hard to pronounce. No way. That’s who I am and I’m not going to do that. That is what makes this country so interesting, we have a lot of people who are different and have funny sounding and interesting names. I’m really glad that I didn’t change it.
Here is the link http://www.halfkorean.com/?page_id=8077
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I'll echo GF Liz P's comment 2 days ago... Round 3 for PK's anniversary or relationship? kekeke
And, the tattoo? If you haven't already noticed, HJ's shows (concert, fm, tv shows) have a remnant or trace of MM or PK. So this tattoo, I say they're "snails"; 3 snails to be precise.
If you're a PK lover, you should know that OHN's grandmother nicknamed her "Noah's snail"...
And why '3' snails??? Refer to Post 1
Lastly, I know they're not identical jackets but is it just a coincidence that they both have a black and white jacket? ^-^
Credit to: @n_h_0_4 in Facebook (for the Lotus tattoo photo)
Credit as tagged.
I didn't notice about the Snail tattoo.
ReplyDeleteBut do you agree that they're snails?
DeleteIt looks like gf.
DeleteOr it could be a tribal tattoo...kekeke
Tribal in SK? hahaha
DeleteMe too, i didn't notice it. I just realize it when Yjj mention about the snail. Then I check again the tattoo of HJ in his neck.
DeleteNow I agree with you... 3 snails... love it... kekeke
At first I thought they're rose buds but rose buds don't have tails.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletewahh.. i just realize it ,when YJJ unnie mention it..
Deleteat first i thought it was hibiscus flower :D
why 3 snail ?? cuz it's PK 3rd anniversary and it was first time PK production camera start rolling :D
I've once read in an article about the meaning of a red lotus flower which means represent the struggle of life at its most basic form.
Deletelotus flower can also represent a hard time in life that has been overcome.
such as MM stories about his father in 'strong heart'.
it's only my opinion :)
me threee... Though i tried hard to figure out wht that tatoo on his neck was... I failed.. But u nailed with the snail GF! Good one!
DeleteI only know about the lotus tatoo but the snail.. i gotta zoom it again. I cant see it clearly here.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you gf.. the caricature Tee gives him spirit! An unusual spirit that not all people can get! Hahaha Mm is his oxygen.. his spirit.. his love t.. the reason he is alive!!!
Anddddd on MM tee during strong heart.. there is a tiger behind the lotus flower! Hahaha whats her purpose in combining the tiger and lotus? why not just put the lotus design alone.? Hahaha why it has to be a tiger? Why not butterfly? Aishhh hahaahaha gotcha!!! hint and fact!
ReplyDeleteAnd her outfit during strong hear is white and blavk skirt with flowers design and mostly its red wine flower design.. another....... hint? ahhh gotcha!
ReplyDeleteThat's a good GF Mary. MM his snail. It was 3 years ago the first time he me his snail, right? Waaah
Deletehahahaha yeah that's right! his snail,his modu,his tiger,his lucky girl,his lucky charm..etc. whatever you call it MM is the only one in his heart^^ kekekeke
DeleteI really love the prints on MM's white shirt: Lotus flower and a tiger. If you notice, the tiger is hiding behind the lotus flower? Is there a message there? What does it mean? The tiger has a secret relationship with the lotus flower? Or the tiger is her secret weapon? Or, "I maybe a delicate flower, but I am strong like a tiger. Or , I am strong because of this tiger - my love and my protector.
ReplyDeleteGF YJJ, you did it again! I love all your hint post!!!!! More please!
The last 2 bottom photos... Kekeke Very sharp eyes there GF YJJ.
ReplyDeleteExcellent hints/ facts GF YJJ!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha hint posts pointing to facts.
ReplyDeleteWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH this is greaaaattttt!! more!!
ReplyDeleteSo love this last two posts!!! So many hints since 2011?! I think since then (what's with 2011 anyway? Wink, wink, wink) Papi wants us to know about Nani but can't do publicly so he's using hints to tell us facts... Even if we're just uncovering these now, we're not complaining..in fact, keep them coming!!!
ReplyDeleteYes GF Liz. Thanks to GF YJJ, we would have not realized that HJ has been giving out hints since 2011.
DeleteYou're welcome. It's my pleasure to help unravel their little secrets... hahaha I was surprised myself. I really appreciate fans like Bella Bee and Cookie Min who shares their observation and suggestions.
DeleteIf Cookie Min didn't suggest the Lucky Guy-Japanese version, I wouldn't have known about the hints in the official video of Lucky Guy -- the snakeskin print ensembles. Yes, it's been awhile... how many more of his videos out there with hints that are waiting to be unraveled?!?
There's more for sure Gf Yoonji and it simply means more posts to expect from you...hahaha
Deleteits nice to read and see these posts after a very stressful day...
Hello GF Mhel..
DeleteThank you for the posts GF YJJ. I can't wait for the next ones...you keep the shippers in us alive
DeleteYou're welcome, Cookie Min. As I've said you're a good observant yourself, so keep it up and share them with us. ;)
DeleteHello GF"s thanks for the latest posts and the raining hints and facts all throughout the month of June and July. In you previous contest, I saw a post where in there is a comparison w=between HJ's bed and his bed in PK. Someone noticed the similarities of the bed cover's design. I'm glad u did notice it. However, as I am watching the BTS ( THE MASSAGE SCENE) i noticed that the COUCH of KHJ is similar to the COUCH in the taping of that (LOVE SCENE) and then again similar to the COUCH where MIN2x thanks her fans about the IPOd mini am i right? Please take notice .. I'll be glad if one of the GFS could make a speacial post about it. Although there is already a post about that couch but I if u look at it we can trace that to one of PK scenes. I want to make it myself but I don't know how to do it heheh not an expert computer user hehehe.. Sorry GF's this is not related to this post however, since this is the latest Special post so I just leave a comment here hoping you could read my comment. Sorry this is a little bit long. Hehehe Hope one of you could grant my request. Thanks again GF's.
ReplyDeleteP.S I read all your post but just busy with work that I can't leave comments often but I do love this blog and the people behind it.
Mhel - I'm sure there are so palli-palli watch all of his videos and share your observations. hahaha
ReplyDeleteRexa - I read your comment in my email but for some reason I don't see it in the blog. Anyway, I will look into the videos when I get a chance. Thanks for sharing you thoughts.