
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

♥♥♥ BTS: PK-FM in OSAKA, Part 4 ♥♥♥

This is the BTS from the evening session of PK-FM in Osaka. 
HJ, MM and their entourage in the back stage.  The cameraman spotted HJ & MM shaking hands.  Upon noticing the camera nearby, MM attempted to walk away.

HJ still holding MM's hand was surprised with her demeanor.

And from the look of it, HJ hasn't let go of her hand and confused of MM's actions.

As can be seen here, their hands are still partly touching; MM pointing at the direction of the stage.  I think she was trying to tell him that he should head over to the stage entrance. 
But HJ didn't budge looking confused

Another attempt to walk away
HJ trying to grab her hand while MM was waving her hand

and walking away laughing

MM's manager intervened, said something to HJ but he didn't seem to get the message
MM approached HJ

 she's trying to explain something

MM was taken aback with what HJ said and she nodded 'no'

HJ's hand brushed on MM's hand and she did a lip gesture.
HJ heading off to the direction of the stage entrance.

But, he wasn't quite done yet.

He called out on MM

and said something...

whatever he said

made MM surprised and asked 'wae' to her manager

which made HJ laughed.  

I think HJ was thinking... "I have the last laugh"!  kekeke  ^-^

★   ★   ★

Did anyone noticed these:

Black and white rehearsal outfit @ the PK-FM in Osaka

Gray, black and white rehearsal outfit @ the PK-FM in Tokyo

Coincidence?  I highly doubt it!  ^-^ 

★   ★   ★

Hope you all enjoyed the 4 parts of BTS from PK-FM in Osaka.  Please share your thoughts and opinions!  ^-^


  1. Yes I enjoyed all of them GF YJJ...more please!

    I noticed it too. Black and white seems to be their favorite colors.

    I wonder what they were talking about backstage right before the show started. HJ appreard very excited and happy.

    1. Maybe one of our Japanese readers can translated the words appeared on the screen.

    2. Hello GFs. You're welcome.

      GF Snowy - HJ excited and happy? Maybe in the last screencap but, at most, I think he was pissed... pissed that MM didn't stay to talk with him. hahaha

    3. どうすれば means What should I do?

      いまのも抱擁 means Now also embrace?

      本来男性は右側ですよね means Originally man should be on right side, isn't it?

      両方に行ったほう が いいんじゃない means Both go (do) together, isn't it better?

      Hope that this will help you..

    4. Hola Bella Bee,

      Thanks for the translation ^^.

    5. Hola Cyn, you are always welcome.^^

  2. Hello Gfs!!

    Thanks gf YJJ for the post. I Love this part!!!. For sure they were holding hands. The cameraman should have been more discret and use the night vision...kekeke.

  3. Thanks Gf YJJ for the post... i saw it, last 2years..i was surprice when i saw it and made me happy .. ^^-^^

  4. As I've always mentioned i love BTS. It seemed KHJ was always left hanging and confused like in the High-5 previous post. Yes, I agree with you GF YJJ their outfit not coincidence at all it is always color coordinated. Thank you.

  5. haha...because of the excitement of khj he didn't notice the cameramen..i think khj is a touchy bf..hahaha

  6. omo!! my favorite part!!! SKINSHIP OVERLOAD!!

  7. by the way.. can i get the link of the youtube video of this?
    .. cause im gonna watch it again 10000 times kekekekeke.. (evil laugh)

  8. My favorite video of hyunmin which made me believe that perhaps something is going on between them for real... Btw been lurking on this site for awhile and I just wanna thank everyone for making me grin from ear to ear every time with your wonderful posts.

    1. Ciao Witch Thet, welcome to the blog and thank you fir commenting...its good that you finally join with us here.. Hope you will enjoy..

    2. Hello Witch_thet - welcome to the blog and thank you for commenting. Hope you join the conversations here sometimes.

      This is my favorite dvd too -- I love their interactions... natural and no pretentions.

    3. Hola Witch_thet. Welcome to the blog!. Thanks for commenting and for your sweet words.

      Hope to see you around ^^

  9. Gf Yoonji, you're doing really great in these kind of posts..... More to come for sure...

    1. Thanks Mhel. More to come? Maybe! hehehe

    2. Oh yes, that's your specialty and an expert to that...hehehe

    3. I have no talent in fanarts... well I haven't really tried.

    4. Doing fanart is fun too Gf, but it takes a lot of time for me as im not an expert...but Lora, she is fast in making fa...

      This bts is the one that i love too...no more explanation to that...i just love it. Hehehe

    5. I know what u mean gf. Good night gfs. Happy Friday!

  10. Yoon Ji Joong tq for the post..this is my fav part...:) hyunmin 4ever!
