
Saturday, August 10, 2013

♥♥♥ PK -- BTS from HyunMin fanvid "Sweet Memory" ♥♥♥

This behind-the-scene was cut from Rukubebe's HyunMin fanvid titled, "Sweet Memory".  Thank you, Rukubebe!  The couple were in queue for the piggyback ride -- a wager that BSJ lost to OHN for making it to the special class -- but as we all know BGJ ruined the moment for them.

Just standing waiting for their queue.
But of course, a sneaky glance at MM is expected! 

HJ is aware by now that whenever he sneaks a glance at MM, a camera would be there.  hehehe

But it doesn't bother him... he plays it cool.

He hits his other hand with a closed fist

but got distracted by someone approaching them.

Coordi noona with her comb and MM appeared aware that it's hair fixing time so, she turned around... probably to give HJ & coordi noona privacy.

But, HJ was not quite receptive of coordi noona's intrusion at that moment... again, he glanced at MM maybe to hint coordi noona that he wants to have an alone time with MM.  hehehe

But, coordi noona didn't budge and HJ seem to have grumbled or

showed discontent

and slightly shook his head.

And MM heard them all

which made her turn

...and look at HJ.  But, whatever he grumbled or protested with coordi noona

...worked because as it can be seen here, he now have MM's full attention.  kekeke

He did much talking

...to the extend of almost choking or it appears like he almost choked.  hahaha  My hunch is that it dawn on him that the girl he's been stealing glances from day one has finally talked to him and a very good listener at that.  His heart may have been overwhelmed with excitement. ^-^ 

Credit as tagged. 


  1. Waahhh Cant stop Laugh See this BTS . , Piggy back piggy back . huahahahahah
    Thanks GF YJJ for share this BTS

  2. love all of your posts and hints !! have been a lurker since January but I have been thinking , there are not really many hints this year , r they going to meet again ? :( ((I rly miss this couple ))

    1. Hi Hyunmin fighting, glad to see you commeting and welcome in the blog...hope to see you more often and join with us here.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Hyunmin Fighting, welcome to the blog. I am glad to know that you've been visiting the blog for sometime now. Thanks for deciding to finally leave a comment and I hope you this will be the first of the many comments in the future.

      Are they going to meet again? Hmmmmm... IDK. Maybe the better question is... How often do they see each other? Hahahaha hmmmmm opppsss sorry, I am just talking crazy here or... maybe not? Hahaha

      Keep the faith girl. Woohooo Hyunmin Fighting!

    4. @GF Snowy as many as Papi can...hehehe we know his good in sneaking just to see Mami..and can stay up to 1am just to make sure mami is safe and sleeping peacefully..hahaha oooh...my wild imagination...hmmmmm....

  3. Wow !!! another bts... Thanks YJJ for the post, love it ^-^
    Feel happy everytime see them together !!!

  4. GF YJJ...thank you so much for another great post. You keep the Hyunmins alive with all your hint post.

  5. TY for the post remembering the playful kiss days bts always make me smile

  6. my reaction to gf yjjs special n hinting at facts posts : i click spontaneously, i read diligently, i laugh, i giggle and i wait for the next post wearing a smile :D
