
Friday, August 2, 2013


Today, August 2nd, is the 2nd anniversary of Playful Kiss-FM held in Tokyo, Japan.  

To my recollection, it's the first time the tank top with a girl image surfaced.

MM was already at the venue rehearsing  when HJ arrived. 

While MM was rehearsing her song, HJ was doing some stretching on the floor.

After a few minutes, he can be seen watching his Little Lady rehearse.

When MM finished, she mingled with the pd and crew while HJ was practicing a dance step.

Just as he turned, he sees MM talking and shaking hands with the pd.

On his way to the stage but his eyes never left the direction of MM. 

Still looking...
MM was walking away with the PD while HJ was going up the steps... still looking at MM's direction. 

MM turned back to fetch her best friend and HJ looked back as he was being greeted by MM's manager. 

What's endearing in this shot is that Mr. Jeong (HJ's ex-body guard) bowed to MM; and, HJ while shaking hands with MM's ex-manager was looking at MM intently.  

Still looking at MM while his hand is busy greeting her manager?!?  hehehe 
And, he bowed to MM while still shaking hands.  Can you be more obvious, HJ???  hahaha.

MM raising her arm to wave at HJ and he sees no one else on stage but MM. kekeke 

At this point, I think everyone's eyes are on them. 

Oh, wipe that smirk off, HJ... hehehe Little Lady sure knows how to make you smile.  ^-^
That's what the smirk was for... your Little Lady sure is sexy in that skimpy dress!  ^-^

MM was pointing at HJ the spot where they're suppose to stop or halt.  What a nice gf...  I mean pd.  hahaha

When they got down the stage, she grabbed HJ's arm to have him move to the marked spot.

Yes, that's right... always Obey 89, HJ!  hahaha
Final thought:  PK-FM in Osaka and Tokyo is my favorite dvd; I've watched it a thousand times more than PK and the YT-special.  I just love the couple's natural interactions, the spontaneous 4d answers of HJ, the infectious laugh of MM and their endearing glances and stares at each other.  Undoubtedly, one of the bts videos that had me convinced that there was something more to their closeness. ^-^
Happy 2nd Anniversary PK-FM Tokyo!


  1. Thank you for your excellent work,YJJ.
    And Happy 2nd aniversary PK Tokyo FM, GFs.

  2. Love this post...although we have not been able to watch the BTS recently, it is one of our favorite hyunmin/Pk dvds...definitely, HJ cannot take his eyes off of MM...a hyunmin friend got to watch the osaka pk/fm live and definitely will agree with you when she said that by their mere actions on stage (She too is a filipina fr the US and cannot understand korean or japanese) you can tell that "there is something more to their closeness" ..and she had no benefit of a BTS DVD...that early, HJ might have been giving us hints...not as obvious as the hints now but still...♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡

  3. I agree i love those fm too. I remember the tsunami in Japan, Ate was there abd the event has been cancelled but ate made it thesecond time around to watch... I just simply love the fm in osaka...oppsssss gonna stop my mouth right there....wink wink.....

  4. Are they already together during this time? seems BTS from TOKYO FM says there is something going on out there and they are very careful about it.

  5. Good morning/afternoon/evening GFs...

    GF YJJ, what an awesome job you are doing to keep the Hyunmins happy and entertained.

    One of the images showed that MM was not shy in pointing out to HJ the marked spot where they are suppose to stop. But.. HJ still missed it, so his little missy who knows how to follow instructions (unlike the handsome guy next to her hehehe) pulled him a bit to the marked spot.

    MM singing onstage and HJ stretching few feet below ? What a beautiful sight.

    Thank you so much GF YJJ.

  6. hello to all the gfs all over the world!

    Thank you YJJ from the bottom of my hyunmin heart! For a hyunmin fan like me who doesn't have the dvd's of this FM and BTS of playfull kiss and the yt special edition it surely means a lot to see their friendship turned into something 'magical'. Til your next post.... :D

  7. Good am/pm Gfs!

    Another deabak post from gf YJJ. Thank you so much gf!.

    HJ couldn't take his eyes off from MM. Love Love Love at every sight!

  8. Love this post GF YJJ, these FMs are my favorites too. Our little lady is quiet again, just makes her previous timing of visibility more obvious. I am very happy that they seem to have a matured and trusting relationship...I hope they end up together, they complete each other...

    Dear GFs does anyone know when the Gentleman MV will be out?

  9. I love your post GF YJJ because this 2th Anniversary Tokyo PK' FM my favorite, HJ y MM interaction shows his wonderful chemistry , they are so real and evident together, HJ more evident that MM. He is very transparent, always looking for his Modu, his eyes never left the direction of MM. Thank's for the post, so lovely Hyunmin memories, I miss see them together.

  10. What a sweet and lovely moment of HyunMin... thanks Gf YJJ for your wonderful post.
    Please continue giving us more FM of PK at Japan... i miss them alot *****
