
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Jun So Min FB Update, October 22, 2013 w/English translation

지석선배가 보내준 사진과 울팀 승희씨가 찍어준 사진과 카메라팀 퍼스트오라버니께서 찍어보내주신 사진.. 우와.. 드디어.. 마지막촬영.. 하아.. 35시간동안 깨어있었다.. 아름다운 디졸브.. 다들 수고하셨습니다 꾸벅꾸벅.. 제정신이 아닌관계로 일단 집에가 낼아침까지 자는걸로..

English translation:
Picture taken by Jisuk. My teammate, Seunghee and brother. First in camera team... wow... finally... last filming...ha...I was awake for 35 hours... Beautifully done...Great job everyone zzzz...I'm not in good condition.  So I'm going home and sleep until tomorrow...


  1. MM good evening to you. Thank you for posting photos of what you are currently busy of. You are wonderful!!!
    We can't wait for the day the "You came to me and became a star drama" is aired.

    Thank you MM

  2. Hi Gf Snowy thanks for the post .
    Good Evening my dearest MM , I Hope your new drama will be successful

  3. Very Cool. I love the beach scene. Good luck MM!!

  4. wuaah amazing photo from MM can't wait this drama
    thanks GF snowy good evening

  5. Good Luck dear MM hope your new drama will be succesfl,,:):) n Good evening Gf's.

  6. He'll hello HyunMins from Indonesia. Hi GFs Giani and Cepty!!!!

    1. hai Gf snowy,,,,,,,,,,,,have great day,:)

    2. Baik sist,,,,,,,,!!! ternyata tetangga dekat hehheheheheh, alasan saya gabung di sini karena ada JSM sis,,,,sebelum tau JSM, anti K saya, karena hampir 99% artis K OPLAS,,,!!! disamping itu 8 kepribadian JSM membuat saya salut,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hebat JSM !!!

    3. setuju sama km giani,MM it polos,sopan,ramah,perfect pkoknya buat HJ
      kya kya snengnya ktm tman indonesia..lam kenal ya

    4. Aq setuju banget dgn pendapat kalian. JSM adalah wanita yang sempurna..beruntung KHJ mendapatkan cintanya.

  7. Minmin goodluck for your upcoming drama, We are praying for the success of the intire drama.God bless minmin.

  8. Good morning girls!!

    Thanks to MM for the pics... we can't wait to see you in this new drama!!!!!

    We love you MM!!

    1. Good evening Gf Cyn.
      Yes MM ... We always love and support u..my dearest PRINCESS

  9. KBS is confusing us for always changing the broadcast date of minmin drama. Ah, whatever i will patiently waiting. Minmin fighting!!!!!

  10. aku juga tidak sabar untuk menuggu dramanya, Jung So Min tetap semangat aku selalu mendukungmu. Hyunmin selamanya:)

  11. aku juga tidak sabar untuk menuggu dramanya, Jung So Min tetap semangat aku selalu mendukungmu. Hyunmin selamanya:)

    1. hyunmin fightiiing larasati
      lam kenal ya sesama gforce dr indonesia

    2. hyunmin fightiiing larasati
      lam kenal ya sesama gforce dr indonesia

  12. Replies
    1. terima kasih kawan untuk posting foto Min Min sehingga aku tahu apa yang telah dia lakukan :)

  13. Good day / night Gfs !!!
    Glad to see Minmin in those scenes... thanks, she's wearing high heels shoes to match the height of Kim Ji Suk .
    Thanks Gf Snowy for the post... thanks also to Minmin for the update ... i'll pray for your drama to be success..
    Good luck and God bless you !!!

  14. 35 hours of no sleep. Poor MM. I'm sure Papi will take good care of you when you get home, MM. *wink-wink*

  15. Good timing...both need plenty of rest...

  16. 35 hrs no sleep? And you look that good...I need to know your secret "wink"wink" hahaha

    1. HJ's warm and beautiful hands is the secret.

    2. Hahaha that's right Gf Snowy..HJ love made MM always happy that's why MM always beatiful in what ever condition.

    3. Hahaha that's right Gf Snowy..HJ love made MM always happy that's why MM always beatiful in what ever condition.

  17. wow..35hrs of no sleep and still looking pretty am sure papi will take care of you even when he is also tired.
    hope the drama becomes special and a hit.....good luck

    1. Hello Reinhild - I don't think I've welcome you yet in the blog so 'welcome'! Yes, let's all support MM in her drama. wooohooo I can't wait for Nov to come.

  18. Sleep tight, Min Min …… Some was home yesterday…… have a good time thenO(∩_∩)O

  19. thank you gf Yjj for the welcom back...i just went into hiatus bcus of work but i used to comment....anyway thanks for welcom again

  20. thanks for the welcom gf Yjj....may i request a favour from you since you are good with bts, actual and Ng scenes
    ln episode 14 where Bsj told Hani appa that he wants to marry Hani infront of his parent....my concern is where he held her hand.....was he suppose to hold her hand or Bsj did that on his own....bcus you could see the expression on both papa and mama Baek face when Bsj held Hani hand...like they were surprise....
    Just watch and see what i was talking about if you ve time and wouldnt cause you any stress to post it....i will be glad..thanks you are the best

    1. Hello Rienhild.

      Noted. I'll re-review the bts but as far as I remember it wasn't an impromptu... I think the spazz-worthy portion that I can share to the best of my recollection is when MM and Mama Baek was on the side dubbing their laugh/excitement and HJ didn't take his sight off MM. In fact, it made him laugh really hard seeing the two ladies laughing out loud at themselves. hahaha

  21. I agree Gf Rienhild special post hints or facts or bts PK from Gf YJJ blotting out our stress because of daily routine at works. Thanks again Gf YJJ and the others Gfs Admin that's made beautiful post in HyunMin Blog.

  22. I hope you do well in your new show minmin. Fighting!
