
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong ~ Raphael

Someone asked us one time "what's the story behind the medieval cross pendant" that HJ is often seen wearing.

At airports

at photoshoot

Besides the pendant, we also seen an image of the medieval cross on his clothing like the hoodie.

There are times we see him wear a rosary too... at a concert.

Or photoshoot for his Heat album cover...

a magazine photoshoot during...

  his Round 3 album promotion.

There was a misconception that HJ is Christian 

but he clarified that matter in Love Story in Bali

And his baptismal name was "Raphael"

He also confirmed his religion at the tv program, Happy Together, not too long ago.  

In Love Story in Bali, he mentioned that his parents are ardent church members.

HJ receiving the holy bread.

HJ's father is also an active member of the ministry of their church.  (In the photo, HJ was sharing the word of God at a congregation.)

Going back to the medieval cross... the top he wore at SBS Music Festival has a replica print of his medieval cross

and as if the print on his tank top is not enough, he also wore the medieval cross pendant.

And, for those who didn't know MM is also a catholic and loves wearing a medieval cross pendant similar to HJ's but larger in size.   *yjj* ^-^

Credit as tagged. 


  1. Wahahaha, Hj with tge medieval cross and also Mm..

    Thanks for the post Gf Liz and Gf Yoonji...

    1. You're welcome, GF. Yup, yup, yup... they have a couple cross pendant. It means they have God in the middle of their relationship. I notice MM usually wears the pendant when LG is out of the country or traveling... divine intervention to keep him safe always help.

    2. Hj's presence is always there even he is not around.

      Hj and Mm should come in my place!!! Hahaha

    3. And the same goes for MM, GF. MM's presence is with HJ when he wears the pendant.. again, he wears it most of the time when he travels.

      I agree GF Snowy... both have strong faith in God and that is Jesus Christ.

  2. Thanks for the post Gf Liz and Gf YJJ.....

    Our couple have strong faith in God, that's why both are blessed. They are a perfect match. A match made in heaven.

    1. Agree with Snowy they are a match made in heaven.

    2. A sweet pretty and smart like MM is the only girl for HJ ....

  3. Saint Raphael the archangel with healing power's. I wonder if his parents chose Saint Raphael for specific reason. HJ & MM seem to always have some what similar crosses. I think is very interesting. :)

    Very cool post GF Liz!

  4. GF YJJ... Maybe you need to post a bushel of garlic as well. You know why right? Hahahaha

    1. Snowy garlic is for Vampires. Not Trolls. Hahahaha!!!

    2. We need something more powerful than garlic for this one!!

    3. Hahhahahahaha...no? Maybe it will work on this attention hungry, mentally challenged monster..... What about holy water? Will it work? Hahahaha

    4. I think its time for the mafia to do her job...hahaha but if you need holy water i can send her one drum.

    5. Send it to the troll ASAP. Hahaha

    6. I will drown her to that one drum of holy water and it will surely burn her soul to hell. :-)

    7. I'm laughing so hard right now!!! Wahahahaha!!

  5. helloooo gfs! thanks gf liz and YJJ for this post...I didn't know that our hyunmin couple are catholics....I agree if you put God in your relationship it will last long and stronger....for the troll how about we mix holy water, garlic and salt? I think that will work hahaha :D

    1. Hi Chie! hahaha We're dealing with demented and delusional person/people... what they need is be brought to the mental hospital because they won't be able handle the truth when the time comes.

    2. YJJ and Chie


    3. Water, garlic and salt? Are we having a troll barbecue party? Should we start the fire? Hahaha

    4. It seems like we are dealing to a "manananggal" i dont know what is it in english... Hahahaha

    5. A half bodied vampire I think. Hahaha

    6. Wahahaha i cant stop laughing now Gf.

    7. I tried asking the fairies they said go for the salt,pepper and garlic and throw it in the fire! Hahaha!!

    8. hahahaha GF A - the question is they do even know the meaning of 'truth' because they're so delusional they don't know what truth is from lies. I pity their parents if they're unmarried... I pity their family if they're married... I pity them period because they're evil spirited.

    9. All you girls need is soy sauce and vinegar and viola... adobo troll. ewwwwwww... I'll pass. Yuckkkkk like you know!!!!! hahahaha hahahaha

    10. Hahahaha!! Well the fairies asked if we were werewolves. I said no Naughty Angels. Hahahahahahaba!! YJJ I'm with you Yuckkkk!!! Hahahahaah!

    11. The adobo troll is not for us Gf, let's prepare it for the crocodile...hahahaha

    12. Actually, I was being nice... the way it was said was, YUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! hahahaha

    13. Yeah I think I heard about his strong reaction... He said Yuckkkkkkkkk.....Maybe that's where he got the word Yakakaka ... He changed Yuckakaka to Yakakaka hahahaha...

    14. We are the GForce naughty angels. Hahaha

      Hey A, do you think Summer is interested to go for Troll hunting? I think it's more fun than hunting squirrels. Hahaha

      YUCKAKAKA !!!!

    15. Naaaa! I wouldn't like Summer to get infected with some horrible Troll disease!! Hahahaha!!!

    16. hi gfs...lol I can't stop laughing hahaha... you guys really never a dull moment!

    17. Yes GF Chie! we are having a troll barbecue party. Hahaha

    18. Uh gf Snowy...I love adobo but I think this time I gonna have to pass hahahaha I will suffer for indigestion for sure lol

    19. sorry I meant barbecue hahahaha see I am having trouble reading already and I haven't even taste it yet hahaha

    20. Waaaaa...no one wants a barbecued troll? Hahahaha

    21. Gf Chie,.lol dont even dare to taste it, if you do,.you might forgot everything. Hahaha

    22. waahahahaha...I know gf Mhel I might have an incurable amnesia! ... no thanks gf Snowy Iike I said for sure I will be having some bad reactions hahaha

    23. Chie - maybe worse than bad reactions... you might get some slimy thing creeping up your skin. yuckakaka hahahaha

    24. Yuckakaky!!!! Can't stand this blog coz' she/he is full slimy....Thingy hahaha. Slimy troll you're in wrong planet coz we're happy campers....

    25. Thanks Gf Lorna....the troll is an it!!!! Hahaha

  6. Hello Dear Gf's, the most part this post was made it by Gf YJJ. i only do 15%or less hehehe, thanks Gf YJJ, I was really busy this last days, thanks again for the help dear GF YJJ

    1. You're welcome, GF Liz. It was my pleasure... anything for the HyunMin couple, the real couple, and for the true HyunMin fans. *wink-wink*

  7. I like HJ's Christian name....RAPHAEL .... Verrrrrry sexy. Maybe his mother is a fan of romantic novels and that's where she got the name from. Hahahaha

  8. Learn English before you can claim that you know everything because you don't. You're talking gibberish and like your thoughts their non-sense... you are demented and delusional. You probably haven't look at yourself in the mirror lately, you'll see the reflection of your ugly soul.

    1. The Stinky Troll likes your Rapahel post and comments GF YJJ...

      To the Stinky Troll...HJ says...YUCKAKAKA to you!!!!!

    2. hahahaha Yup, that's what it stands for... YUCKAKAKAKA to you know who and the Stinky Trolls. hahahaha I like calling them Trolly Polly. hahahaha

    3. Amen gf YJJ and Snowy!!! some people really they don't know the meaning of enough...I just don't get it if she/he don't like our couple or don't want to believe then why is she/he still commenting and visiting our blog???!!!

    4. The Stinky Troll is addicted to our blog GF. I think she is really a HyunMin . She likes reading about the HyunMin couple 24/7....

    5. Im already in bed but i smell a very strong smell like a dead animal. Gosh,.so yucky i cant breath, im suffocated... An ugly

    6. Exactly, GF Chie. It's a simple as that... we're not stopping them in believing in what they want to believe but to impose it on others is very wrong. There's something wrong with their brain. They must not have neurosurgeons. Such a pity. Well, just hope you have heart surgeons because you'll need it when the time comes. wahahahaha

    7. GF Mhel - I don't think they're animals as some animals are kind. These are creatures from hell... evil spirited creatures.

    8. well gf Snowy now that you said it that way could be but maybe he/she just want some company in being miserable...too bad this blog is a happy place, all the people here are peaceful, fun loving, most of the time crazy hyunmin fans hehehe

    9. I need to specify the kind of animal then, hahaha maybe goat,.at its too smelly or rat. Lol

      Empty headed person, hard headed,.thick face this is not your place.

    10. Maybe she is a HyunMin with neuro disorder.... Hahahaha

    11. good night gf Mhel...gf YJJ you're right I sure hope they have heart surgeons on speed dial because when the time comes I don't think they will survive it hahaha

    12. They better hope they don't end get a HyunMin nurse because if I'm the nurse, I'll make sure to remove the defibrillator machine away from trolly's room. hahahaha

    13. YJJ not to worry. Not even Area 51 will touch this Troll. Hahahaha!;

  9. Gf, im going to sleep now, i need an eyes as wide as an owl tomorrow for my mission...hahhaha... God night Gfs! Love you all!

    1. Good night GF Mhel. Sweet HyunMin dreams. Love you too gf! mwaaaaaahhhh I bet the troll has never heard that from anyone before. hahahah

    2. Naaaah... The troll doesn't know what love is....but she knows the true meaning of "obsiss" ...wahahahaha

    3. good night gf Mhel, love you too muah! good luck on your mission hahaha

    4. hahaha She really demonstrated that she's obsiss with our blog. If she/they have a blog for their idol... it must be one freakin sad and boring one. hahahaha

      Btw, what's the prize for the best zapper contest? I guess I have to be up 24 hrs. to win it because we have some obsiss visitor here.

    5. Hahahaha.... What do you think is the best gift or prize for the best zapper?

      OMG...I am really having fun. I did not stop laughing since the Yuckkakaka showed up.

    6. A HyunMin FACT. hahahahahaha

    7. As if we don't already know the FACT. Oh yeah, the obsiss one doesn't know because her brain is convoluted with murky water from their sunken ship. hahahah Titanic??? hahahaha

    8. WAHAHAHAHAHA....that"s an excellent idea.

    9. I think she/ he don't understand the FACT....word coz slimy troll don't have a brain at all.

  10. Lol
    do not delete the trollynut comment. Mossad lady needs to check it.....

    trollynut is lonely in her nonexistent sunken ship thats why she keeps coming here.... hyunmin is not a ship ... its an amphibian submarine con ufo!!!

    Lol dont worry... i will treat trolly . . .

    by pushing her off the giant causeway in ireland!!!!!!!

    1. We can just forward her trollynut's comments. We don't want the blog corrupted by her evil spirit. hahaha

      It would be better DOA. hahaha

    2. HyunMin, an amphibian submarine.... Hahaha...I like that. HyunMin is tough and strong!!!! It's forever!!!!

    3. Ms. Ro - shall I forward them to bs?

  11. good night gfs, time for me to retire for the day...have a fun and crazy day/night to you all!!!

  12. Send it to me in twitter dm! I will give it to mossad lady. She can read it as soon as she wake up!

  13. morning all..........hehheheheh who is the trolly???? ignore her sisy,,,she's crazy, and her blind ....!! jealous of our couple and hyunmin Gforce blogs,,,!!! HYUNMIN,,,REAL,,,n FOREVER,,,,!!! fighting...

    1. We actually did. Today we decided to play with the trolleynut because we are bored. Lol. Yes, he/she/it is jealous of the couple. He/she/it wishes to be in MM's place. Hahaha Yeap HyunMin is real, and forever! Thanks gF Giani!!!

  14. Replies
    1. Hello Lorna - welcome to the blog. Is it your first time to comment here? We hope you visit us often.

    2. Hello Gf Lorna! good am/pm to you! Welcome to the happy blog!!!!

    3. What part of the world are you from GF?

    4. Yay, another HyunMin from USA.... I'm glad that you decided to join the fun GF.. I'm from USA as well.

    5. Which part of US are you from?

  15. Wow! I didn't know MM is also a Catholic like our lucky guy! Now i wonder what's her baptismal name? I'm pretty sure it's as beautiful as her!
    This couple doesn't fail to surprise me. <3

    1. Hi Elie, welcome to the blog. I think you visited and left a comment before today, however, I did not get the chance to greet you. Please visit us often,,,

    2. Hello Elle - welcome to the blog. That's a good question. I'm curious to know too... we'll try to get an answer. ;)

    3. Hello Gfs! Sorry been busy lately. Thanks again for the warm welcome! I'll try my best to comment as often as possible. :)

    4. Hi G f Elle. We are glad that you're able to drop by and say hello although you're busy. Thanks!

  16. Good day / night Gfs... when i read HJ interviewed * Love Story in Bali *, i was surprise that he is catholic, named *Raphael *... love his beautiful name...
    You're amazing Gf Snowy... you know what kind of people a * Manananggal * ... they usually stayed on top of the roof on a house, specially if a women is pregnant... there's a another kind of creatures here in the Philippines .. called *Asuwang *.. hunting liver of a person..Gf Mhel might laugh, i'm crazy telling you about this kind of creatures... out of topic.. but i'm dedicated this creatures to that stinky troll !!!
    Thanks Gfs Liz and YJJ for the post !!!

    1. Seriously Gf Shirley you made me laugh. Aigoo....

    2. Hahahaha... GF Shirley , thank you for explaining to us what a mananangal is. It looks like this creature is scarier than the troll. Waaah. Thanks GF.
