
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong ~ Scans "Round 3" Limited Edition ~

Cr. @ahlia0606 source: http://blog.daum.net/a-hlia/3097


  1. im sad becous i know now he and jung so min not in toch ,i give up for tham ,now he love uee and i think he and uee couple .im very sad about that but i hope he happy with uee.

    1. You are so funny, why do you believe that? We Know HyunMin couples is Real es all you need know, this is the reason because this blog exist...HyunMin Fighting!

    2. Woohoo... GF Royal is in the house.

      A certified NUTCASE!!!!

  2. Hahahahahahaha... hahahahaha... hahahahaaa...

    Wait!!... Here it comes my laugh in spanish... jajajajajaja.... jajajajajajajaa....buajajajajajajajaaaa...

    Can't stop laughing.... please somebody help me!!... hahahahaha hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

    Funny...very funny.

    1. Hahahahaha, you cant stop laughingGf Cyni?..oppsssss be careful....kekeke...while me, im rolling on the floor while laughing using my pajama as a mop....hahahahaha....

      Dream on!!!!!!!!!

    2. hahahaha... I'm at work...hahahaha my coworkers think I'm crazy...hahahaha

      again... I can't stop the laugh...hahahahahahaha.

      Good thing it's your floor will be clean...hahahahaha.... shining...hahahahaha.

    3. Hahahahahahahaha...... Just imagine me laughing like the way HJ laughs......

      Lalalalalala..... Lalalalalala....lalalalalala

  3. what soo funny ?! you just ungry about him and uee ,are you real thing he and jung so min couple?! THAT FUNNY THINK ,THE ARE NOT !!! he never say the are couple ,and now he look so much in love with uee look berfoot frinds the alwes togther and he say she his ideal women and that uee is pretty girl . im also fan of jung so min but you need to be in reality and the fact and not just imgens

    1. I have to agree for thanking you for visiting this blog.. it adds to the number of views.. hehehe.. but uhm, I think you should look carefully at the right side where the rules are posted.. although you've followed rule #6 with your craziness, I'm sorry to say that you have gravely violated rules #1 and #3.. we do respect your opinion regarding your ship of whatever couple you want.. but yeah, I really wish you'd respect ours too.. it wouldn't hurt to return us the favor now, would it?

      now, if your main purpose is to gain our attention, well, I'm telling you, honey, you've done great! look at all of us, we're replying to your comments.. isn't it enough or do you want more of it? I can't guarantee you though that the next attention you'll get would be positive ones given that narrow mind of yours.. you got what you want.. thank you! you may leave now

  4. are you all crazy ,he dosent love jung so min she just wes frind to him .if he wes relly in love with her he wes say that ,stop to belive that he love jung so min he dosent that crazy !!!!

    1. Hi there, you are entitled to your opinion and we respect that. In return, you also have to respect our views here in this blog. We are peace and fun loving Hyunmins and we don't tolerate disrespect from viewers who are non Hyunmins. If you are a non Hyunmin believer and anti-MM then this is not the blog for you. Thank you!!!

    2. How dare you come here pretending to be hyunmin and insist that your couple are real. Whatever! You need to have your eyes checked. If you're so confident that your couple are real then be it. But, we have the right to express what we believe. We only welcome those who shares our belief.

    3. Why don't you be a nice girl and create a blog for your own ship. I could tell you now, we would never visit that blog and leave unwelcome comments.

    4. I will thank you for visit this blog dedicated to Jung So Min and Kim Hyun Joong couple. If you don't believe in them, you don't have to be here. Simple as that.

      You should visit other blogs or start one by your own, seems like you have a lot of free time.

      Have a good day/night.

    5. Hi Dear Gf´s so glad to read your comments. this viewer don't know the real true, and for this is here...because need ensure his belief with us. Your lose your time here לאה אימהרן

    6. Of course GF Liz, this is our home and no one shouldn't come here and try to make havoc. FAKERS are not welcome here.

    7. Yes you can say we're crazy... crazy in love of the HyunMin couple... just like HOW CRAZY IN LOVE HJ IS WITH MM. Live with the truth.

    8. Yes, yes, yes... He is madly in love....

      Whoever can't handle the truth should start taking the GForce Chill Pills..

    9. hahaha is the biggest stupid I may have read in my life.... What I'm crazy? I confess it crazy love I have for HJ and SM...Always believe in Hyunmin because Hyunmin is real, it hurts those who hurt..

  5. I'll not laugh!!!... ok... I've tried but I can't, this is so funny... 100% sure this is the best joke ever hahahahahahahaha

  6. Who is this person who insists and bursts out this nonsense comment calling us crazy? Please respect this blog ONLY KHJ AND JSM no other. We don't need you here don't create confusion because we believe in HYUNMIN couple. Create your own blog for your shipping couple if you say so that they are real. Ha ha ha ha ha ha

  7. Please this blog is for HyunMin fans and people with class and good breeding... nobody is stopping you from making your own blog with your own delusional posts, just respect the admins who work hard in keeping this a fun and peaceful site and the true fans who support the HyunMin GF... Bad behavior is never welcome in any forum...
