
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong ~ display for 'Inspiring Age (The Birth of the God of Battle)

Cr. 김현중 Perfect Source: http://gasimo.tistory.com/44
Fanart by Rukubebe


  1. Hello everyone!

    HJ good luck with your new TV drama series. Looking forward to see the first episode.

  2. Hello HyunMins!!

    Thanks for the post gf Liz.

    I don't know, HJ looks like a little boy to me...hahaha...maybe it's because of her hairstyle and his ears... kekeke

    1. And fuller cheeks. Hahahaha

      I am telling you GFs... The couple are looking very good.

    2. They will have beautiful children^^!!!! *cough cough*

    3. Lucky children... Good genes!!!! How many kids we want them to have GFs ? Twelve? HJ better hurry up and start now. Hahahaha

    4. Practice makes perfect.... *cough cough*

    5. Hahaha...OMG twelve like football team...MM be careful about your pregnancy...kekeke

    6. Kekeke GF Cyn, fan #3 can teach a lot of styles....hahaha...
      Fan #3 wake up!!!

  3. Good am/pm to all GFs worldwide...
    GF#2 I'm awake!!! I'm in the middle of boring meeting (secretly blogging) I spilled my coffee when I saw your comment
    Gf your naughty...hehehe I can't teach them I don't have a kids of my own...

    1. Hola Gf Lorna!!... hola Gf HaNi!!

      Don't worry I guess they don't need a teacher...hahaha...

    2. Kekeke...it's true GF Cyn, both very smart.....hahaha

    3. GF #3 ....I'm sorry if I'm make noisy in your meeting...hahaha...take care, I want to go sleep now...bye...see you later...

    4. Hola GF Cyn!!...your right they don't need any help....HJ said practice makes perfect...Lol

  4. Que Guapo!!! se ve el. Lo quiero ver en las partes de accion. Quiero ver lo peliar.

  5. Hola Gf A, si se ve guapo, me hubiese encantado perlo con el atuendo completo, con sombrero como en otra foto que se filtro hace algún tiempo, no me convence el corte de cabello, a el tampoco pero debemos entender que así lo requiere su personaje. También quiero verlo en las escenas de acción pero viendo las escenas que alcanzo a grabar para City Conquest se que hará una gran trabajo.

    1. Hola, GF Liz. Si yo vi algunas de las escenas de city conquest. Y me encanto le va bien el personaje de accion el tiene esa clase de actitud. El cabello es lo de menos. Les voy hacer honesta a mi me encantan sus ojos y labios primero miro eso y despues miro el resto ya para entonces se me olvida el cabello. Jajajaja.

    2. ¿El cabello es lo de menos?.. No lo creo. MM no puede agarrarse de los labios y ojos...jajajaja

    3. jajaja en que estas pensando Jefecita Pervertida es horario familiar...creo que tanta lectura M esta corrompiendo tu mente pura...jajajaj

    4. Hay! Cyni pero si MM lo mira a los ojos y lo besa sabes que se le va a olvidar el mundo y eso incluye el pelo. Hahahahaha! Y tu lo sabes Cyni. Hahaha!!

    5. Liz, nunca tuve una mente pura...jajajaja.

      A, no creo que cuando practiquen solo necesite de sus ojos y labios...jajaja

    6. ¿Horario familiar?. En Asia es de madrugada...jejeje

    7. Cyni, pero por ahi se empiesa. Por lo que veo tu empiesas por otros lados. Hahahahaha!!

    8. En este lado del mundo si es horario familiar y son preciso los que habitan este lado son los que entienden lo que hablamos por lo menos la gran parte jejeje.

    9. En este lado del mundo si es horario familiar y son preciso los que habitan este lado son los que entienden lo que hablamos por lo menos la gran parte jejeje.

    10. Gf A, No es cuestión por donde se empiece...jajaja.

      Liz, Te recuerdo que fuiste tú la que llevó la conversación hacia este lado, con tu mente pervy. Yo solo decía que MM no podrá agarrarse de su pelo...para cariñarlo...jajaja

    11. En este lado del mundo si es horario familiar y son preciso los que habitan este lado son los que entienden lo que hablamos por lo menos la gran parte jejeje.

    12. GF Liz por este lado no importa a que hora.
      GF Cyni por este lado se empiesa con un besito por aqui y Otro por a ya. Hahahahaha!!

  6. Hello Gfs,I checked Soompi. Someone said that there was rumour of Min Min and the co-star of CWGM, Song Joon spending time together in Busan lately. I have never heard it. Anyone has idea about it?

    1. Hello GF Bescaca - I've not gone to Soompi yet. Was it in the News section? Or in Minjoong thread.

      Well, there was an article in Soompi last week that Suzy and Song Joong were caught dating. Maybe some people thought it was MM they saw with him? Some fans have said that MM and Suzy have some similarities. Anyway, my take on the MM & SJ siting is it's a baseless rumor.

    2. Gf YJJ, that is not the news article but the couple shipper thread. The person who said that was funny too. she said Min Min spent time in Busan with the Song joong guy and said there was a photo found in Baidu. However, when I checked the photo, I found that photo should have been taken in the period of CWGM because of Min Min's hair style telling us.

    3. hahaha That is funny. Maybe we should post MM's picture from her recent visit in Busan. hahaha I guess some fans are just trying to spread negative vibe in the thread. hehehe So funny.

    4. I checked it in Minjoong shipper thread.

  7. Hi Idol!!!
    Yes I agree with you it's a baseless rumor.
    Hyunmin GFs believes "Love is...Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min and that's all we see...no more no less:) JoongJi Forever....

    1. Hello My dearest Idol, Fan #3 and GF Bescaca.
      Hahaha...I agree with both of you , it's just a rumour....The fact and the real is HyunMin or Joongji Forever.....hehehe
      How are you My Idol and Fan #3 ???

    2. Hi GF#2!
      I'm fine, how about you?

    3. I'm glad you are fine, I'm fine too , where is our guardian angel ??? are she already sleeping ??? kekeke

    4. She's not sleeping she's hovering on us...so behave...hahaha

    5. You got that right... I'm monitoring you two so behave! Commander YJJ is busy. hahaha

    6. GF #2 where are you?
      I told you she's not sleeping....

    7. Yes, why are you 2 looking for me? I'm monitoring your comments. kekeke

    8. Don't be scared GF#2. We never post negative comment..hahaha we love hyunmin forever

    9. I'm here GF#3...hahaha
      Be quiet...commader YJJ is monitoring us...hahaha.
      Hello Commmader o idol, I missed your special post BTS PK....kekeke

    10. We can't be quiet GF#3.....hahaha just behave.Lol

    11. Yah, don't forget the 'n' in "commander". hahaha Ok, let's change it to Ate YJJ. Ate means elder sister or noona in Korean. I think you two should call each GFs in the blog 'Ate' like Ate Snowy, Ate Cyn, Ate Mhel, Ate A, Ate Row, etc. And each Ate here deserves respect. Get it?

    12. I can't call you ate coz' I think I'm older than you...hahaha

    13. Really? Are you noona to HJ? which SK celebrity that you know that is older than HJ? hahaha

    14. I know Ate means coz' I'm from Philippines.

    15. Hahaha....Yes we are noona to HJ, hair styles Noona.....kekeke

    16. Hahaha GF#2 you do the hair I'll take care the wardrobe....hehehe

    17. Aigooo... hahaha umm... who's calling who Ate now. hahahaha

    18. Hahaha...I'm 13 years seniority to HJ...so definitely I'm his Ate...hahaha

    19. Ok, we're back to Commander YJJ. hahaha You two chat... I'm taking a break. Be nice to the moderator... she'll zap naughty comments.

    20. Don't worry Commander YJJ we behave. The moderator is naughtier than us....hahaha

    21. Hahaha...Commander YJJ is our best teacher too. We learn everything and anything especially naughtier....kekeke

    22. Yaaaahh, you two didn't I'd come back huh? tsk-tsk-tsk Behave! And you need to apologize to the moderator... she's a very sweet and kind lady.

    23. Sorry GF BB, these two are misbehaving. I think we should just comfort GF Bescaca. #2, do you chat with her in FB?

    24. Gf #2 we really need to behave this time GF BB is the moderator...She is one of the best GF

    25. Tsk tsk tsk, naughty naughy Lorna and Hani...hahaha...

    26. That's more like it. Thanks Lorna... what happened to #2, did she get scared. hehehe yoohooo #2, no need to be scared.

      Yes, GF BB is one of the best... actually all the admins are so be nice to them. Ok, the commander is ready to hit the bed so, zzzzzz. hehehe Good night! TTYT.

    27. Uh-oh, General Mhel is here. hehehe You 2 are now getting a lecture from her. Good night GF Mhel.

    28. Hahaha, i will lecture them and pinch both of them if they are naughty again...

      You cant call me Ate Gf Lorna i think im.still younger than you...hahaha which part of the philippines are you came from?

    29. Hahaha...I'm sorry GF Bella Bee... Commader YJJ I'm here...I don't understand what you mean I chat in FB with whom ??
      Yes GF # 3 we should behave now...hahaha
      Hello GF Mhel....

    30. OMG...I'm sorry Ate Mhel...I love u....please forgive us..... ^_^

    31. Good night commader YJJ, take good of rest...see you in your dream...kekeke...i love u

    32. Hello Hani...hahahaha...you're forgiven...

    33. Hi Ate Mhel.
      I'm from Isabela but I live in South part of US.
      I had to go TTYL work is screaming at me.....hahaha

    34. Thanks Ate Mhel...hehehe
      GF #3 Fighting.....^0^ hahaha...take care....

  8. SJ is dating a little similarities of MM coz' when they film CWGM he knew that MM is taken....hahaha

    1. Hahaha maybe SJ like MM too but unfortunely MM have LG in her heart...kekeke

    2. Yes MM is taken by our very own LG..hahaha

  9. For minmin SJ is just acquintances while HJ its her Destiny....hi GF

  10. Hi Lorna ,Hani and HJJ. its a busy week working at the same time studying.......our couple look so great!!!! love u all GF

    1. Love you too GF Joy...Oh..Uh... you change our Idol name YJJ become HJJ....hahaha...behave!!!!! kekekeke

    2. No don't change I like Commander YJJ

  11. Sorry GF Im tired just finished my work its 10 pm here in my place....hahahaha peace ,texting while riding the bus going home....God bless all.
