
Sunday, March 24, 2013

WHAT'S PK TO HJ & MM? -- YJJ'S POV (Part 1)


To pave way for the upcoming Playful Kiss DVD Cut release in Japan on March 27 which coincides with the blog's 7th monthsary (wooohooo), let's reminisce the happy moments of the couple and examine the significance of Playful Kiss in HJ & MM.  I've heard from some long-time fans of HJ that he changed a lot during and after PK.  I'd like to share my observations of some of the significance of PK for the couple since I started being a fan of them.

I'll skip the "during" PK because I've covered most of them in my hints but if given enough time and for special occasions, we'll revisit those wonderful moments.  I'll start with their first interview after PK...  

Here's an excerpt of HJ's interview published by Nate and HanCinema:

Kim Hyun-joong confessed that he also learned responsibility as an actor from this drama. “I learned how hard it was to lead a drama by oneself. I don't regret my work since I did my best. I love to have high viewer rating but I don't cling to it. I rather try to do a drama that I can proudly show it to my son/daughter later in my life. 'Naughty Kiss' will be one of them.”

My POV and probably most HyunMin fans share the same sentiments:  If HJ is with another woman, would he have the guts to show a drama where he shared dozen of kisses with his leading lady to his children?  Come on, really???  And wouldn't that be offending to wife? 

And here's an excerpt of Elle magazine's interview with MM after PK:

Q:  Are you compatible with Kim Hyun Joong?
MM:  He has his own stable world and thoughts, but the process of knowing each other is funny. If he is a person who is outgoing with everyone, I will not have such a feeling. But he isn't, so I really thank him so much, and we get well with each other.

Q.  Think of something he has always found it difficult to get people to doubt, he is with you?

MM:  Very well, I have so little character, for example slightly: we can laugh with these conversations that other people do not feel funny.

Q:  The way he thinks is a little different and people find him difficult (to get along with), how do you get along with him?

MM:  We get along well. I have a different personality too. For example: we can play around and laugh at things that other people do not find funny.

My pov on MM's reply 1: when do actors care if their co-actors are outgoing?  mmm... and I ponder on the last 2 questions.   

^^We post, you observe, you conclude!^^

*** *** ***

PK is that important to HJ that some memorabilia from PK like the scripts, shoes and even a bts photos from a YT episode are displayed in Jaksal.  He also included PK poster and or scene from the drama as one of the game segments at his FM in Taiwan, Hongkong, Bangkok, Singapore to name a few:

PK memorabilia in Jaksal branch

PK Poster at his FM in BKK

PK poster at Lotte FM in 2012
PK poster at his FM in Peru

As I've mentioned in one of my previous hints, he could've used memorabilia from BOF or his previous shows since PK was not well accepted in his homeland but why PK??? 

Now if you're his gf, wouldn't you at least be suspicious with the memorabilia displayed in one the Jaksal branches?  Mind you, the caricature girl print on his tank top looks very much like *ehem-ehem*. 

To be continued...

Credit as tagged.


  1. Good Morning/Evening GFs...

    Love your post Gf YJJ...❤

  2. Good morning, evening HyunMins!!!

    YJJita we have been missing your posts!!

    1. Hola GF Cynita. hehehe Best under pressure like ghostbusters! hahaha

    2. If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood
      Who ya gonna call?

    3. luRek-eerrrrrrrrrrS! *ress borrows Papi's bug spray.. I mean hair spray* ACtION!! Oh waittt... Its have no fear whn TerMinatOR YJJ is here! :P

  3. Thanks GF... old interviews but if you absorb their answers, they were the earliest hints from the HyunMincouple. hehehe

    1. Yes Gf, that's the earliest Hints from Hyunmin Couple...

      but as the days go by, we got more Hints from HJ...kekeke

    2. Yes,

      HJ wants to show his future kids about the show tells me, he knew from the first time he saw her, "she is my destiny, my one and only".

      PK is very special for him, because thanks to PK he met "the love of his life".

    3. Yes, close to 3 yrs worth of hints and each year we get more and bolder hints. hahaha

    4. My gosh, GF Cyn, straight to the point... can't even wait for Part 2 and maybe Part 3 of my post. hahaha

    5. hahahaha.... sorry^^

      but you all alredy know she is the love of his life... why???... because He sai*cough cough* and I'm just quoting!!

    6. I want to say something...but I can't... I need to hold myself...hahahaha

    7. Spill gf Row!!!


    8. waaaaaah I still want to live Gfs...

      that's why I need to keep my key pad shut...hahaha (not my mouth)lol

    9. GFs...... Spill please....give us the latest updates on our couple. Hahahaha

    10. Then, call us "maybe"? Isn't that a song? hahahaha

    11. Sorry Gf Cyn, I don't have a phone...hahahaha

    12. Hahahaha... let's ask Ate Elsa to give you a cell phone

    13. I'm gonna join the gang convincing you to spill, GF Rowshe!!!


    14. okay okay whats gping on hereeeeee?????

      gf row..... mommy rowww spill the beans!! :D hahahahaha we're.waiiiiiitiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahaha

    15. Yes spill the beans pls GF Rowshe :P

    16. Hola Florlyd, kiddo Mazzy and HjSmfan!!!

      Gf Row!!!... please spill (Nemo's. Pleading eyes)

    17. GF Row... Too hot for keypad but not for ur mouth.... Alas no phone.. Have no worries thats why there is SKype and HangOut and god knows wht all.... And oh there is the 'SPEAK to enter' Haha... Now SPILL!!!!!*prettypleasebatttseyelashes* look at my DP.... If papi eyelashes arent enf... I ill bring out my own set...... *winkwink*

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. YJJita... this is for you... directly from Japan:



    1. That's not very nice, Gf Cynita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahaha

    2. hahahahaa... know you how I felt!!... hahaha

    3. YJJ... this is for you from Sk...

      We Love your post Ate *wink*

    4. hahaha I hope you're not lurking... Ate is sorry... they made me do it! hahhahaha

    5. Waahhh... Chicken YJJ... we have nothing to do with this!!!

      Ate's fault!!!!

    6. Waaaaahhhhhhhh they twisted my arm!!! Ate is sorry in advance! hahahaha

    7. hahahaha... How I could twisted your arm??... from Perú to SF!!!... you must have a long arm... hahahahahahaaaa

    8. Don't worry GF....we love seeing his beautiful exclamation points....

  6. Hello Gf's Thanks Gf YJJita for this post, this two are a couple made in heaven!!! Jefecita Cyni Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡???????????????????? you are talking in Alien Code.

    1. Hola Liz!!!!

      hahahaa... The exclamation marks are for YJJ!!!... someone is scolding her.

    2. Hola GF Liz! GF Cynita is making me feel bad! She's talking alien code to get me in trouble. hahaha

    3. Hahahaha...

      Who wants get you into trouble?????????????????????????????????Me???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. You're the only one who can talk alien so who else? hahahaha And stop scaring me... huhuhu. I need the friendly ghostbusters. hahaha

    5. She is Scare you Gf, Jefecita Cyni mala muy mala...you are so bad with Yoon Ji ta!

    6. Niña Mala Cyni is the only one who can talk Alien...kekekeke!!!!!!!!!

    7. Si muy mala!!! I'm a scaredy cat, didn't you know that? Ask Nemo... don't ask Modu! hahaha

  7. Waaaaaahhhh.... GF YJJ, we have been waiting for more hints from you.....

    Is today a spill day? Hahahaha hahahaha

    1. Tortuga Nieves is here!!!!!.... wooohoooo!!!!!

    2. Tortuga? I'll show you what is Tortuga. Hahaha

  8. woo excellent post on that writing, to expect now part two

    1. Hola Ayita!

      YEs, we want part 2 and 3 and 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!!

  9. Thanks so much gf Yjj for the post! Waaahh so happy with this.... I love it!

    1. Thank you Aya and Chie. I'm glad you like it. But must read part 2 and maybe part 3. hahaha

    2. Or part 4 or 5..... Why stop GF YJJ???!

    3. waaaahhhhhh hahaha You're making me nervous! hahaha

    4. Hola Chie!

      Gf YJJ, you have a lot of work to do!!

  10. We guys are spazzing on this post and GF Lina is spilling on the previous post. Hahahaha

    What a happy day huh? Hahahaha

  11. With all these exchanges, is there a PK part 2?? Just asking and wishing..

    1. We're all wishing the same thing. Who knows... maybe with the divine intervention, it just might happen. *cross-fingers*

  12. I remember HJ saying he was not supposed to work until the end of that year as he just transferred agency but when PK was offered he felt he had to do it because he had a feeling it will change his life. And we all know it did.

    1. Hola BellaLuna!!!.

      For sure PK changed his life for good... kekeke^^

    2. Hi BellaLuna -- yes, HJ did say that. Correct, we all know that PK changed him and his life -- he's a much happier and inspired person after PK.

    3. Hi GF BelkaLuna... Yes PK changed his life forever....hahaha

    4. Hello GF Bellaluna.. God has shown him a.glimpse of his destiny in PK!

      <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  13. Love this post GF YJJ!!! Keep them coming. I think we need to bombard Group8 people with these types of posts until they give us PK2!!!

    But of course we also need Divine intervention..... No one is more powerful!

    Part 2 pls .......

  14. this post greets my eyes once i wake up.. thanks GF YoonJJ for posting the very first hint from our couple.. i really cant stop smiling.. hahaha remembering this interview.. we can see THE HINTS THE FACTS.. just like what youve spotted :D wooohooooo gf yoonj... need the next parttt!!! :D mwaaah

  15. ishhhhhhhh! Wht did i misss....? *Runs to Scroll up!*
    PS: was watching PK yest night! Coincidence! LOL

    1. KK..*holds herslf* when i read the HJ lines... I went *pause-pause-pause-BREATHEEE...now laughhhh* Papi wants to say to his kids... See this is how Papi met Mamiiiiii! *love*
      then.. MM ones.... The second and 3rd MC Qs i donot undrstd.. But MMs reply is CRYSTAL CLEAR! #iAmGladHeWasntOutspokenButstillHeChoseToBefriendMeWeGetAlongWellAndFunnyisTheSameForBothOfUS!!!!!!!!!! And as for the PKposters at FMs.... Hisreaction says et-all!!!!!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. or else in HJ's words! What is PK? - PK is the best Kiss of my life!

    2. Yes!!...the KISSES he'll never forget, esp the RAIN KISS, where they discovered the special feelings towards each other...Papa Baek said....LOL!!

      REVELATION is on our way now.....some more hints HJ! wohoooooooo!!!!

    3. My comment... What's PK to both of them especially to HJ....."YOU CHANGED MY LIFE IN A MOMENT"....no more, no less!!!

      No more smoking...less drink of soju....continue his studies etc....all of them with the influence of SOMEONE SPECIAL....hehehe

      HJ changed for the better, not for worse!!!

  17. Destiny make HJ & SM together and forever, no other one can instead

  18. GF YJJ, Thanks so much for the post. Love post for new week of inspiration!
    And I also love your phrase "To be Continued..." very much Hahahahh...Excitedly wait for your next postS!

    Yeah, reminiscing...but the more I recall, the more I open my eyes to obsever and smile, then laugh,giggle and feel happy all the time.
    Exactly! "You post, we observe, we conclude" and all the conclusions (in this particular situation)come to "the one and only"="The love of his life"="She'smylife"...*cough*cough*

    Sure, PK is Destiny of HyunMin love! Fated love!
    So, the HJ-after-PK's not only a happier, inspired person, but also the KING OF CHEESINESS hahahhh...

    GF Cyn, I almost died for laughing with the part "directly from Japan:?????!!!!!!!!"...but really, I love it (afterall, it's aimed at GF YJJ, not us) Lol

    Wahh, long post lol.....Have a nice week, GFs!

  19. i'm really like this posting. yes ,it's true about that GF. if he want to show that drama to his other woman ,it will be offending.

  20. hmmmmm...GF YJJ pushing your luck!hahaha but i love your post, i can't wait to your next post...just spill all the hints and when he look for you i'll be with you to runnnn....hahahaha
    you know the best scene i love in PK is when raining and they have to go home in baekseungjo condo..sharing the same umbrella...*cough* oooppppssss..that's enough just find what's behind that....kekeke peace kuya!

    1. Hahahaha... I know which particular episode you are talking about. Can anyone guess which episode we are talking about here??? Wink wink

  21. oh , i love your post gf yoon ji joong..pk and hyunmin are the best.after their fm at japan, few news about them..2 years had passed, till theatrical edition of japan made, then hyun joong not scared giving us more hints.. and they both said kiss in the rain are they like most, in their interview.
