
Thursday, January 9, 2014

HyunMin in Black



  1. HyunMin Sexy in Black!!!!!!!

    They are a very sexy and super hot couple.

    Thanks Rukubebe^^

  2. I think this is a couple dress...ke..ke..very suitable couple...thanks rukubebe...and thanks for mv hyunmin couple rukubebe l watch everyday...la..la..la...god bless you.

  3. Waahhh....beautiful and hot HyunMin couple...kekeke
    Thanks Rukubebe for the beautiful fanart and Queen Snowy for the post...hehehe

  4. Hello GFs!
    The Hottest Couple In SK!!!
    HJ those Abs...yum...yummmmmy...hehehe

  5. Hai..everyone..l read hj interview "do you know me" in soompi in that interview mc ask about future and hj answer is: he want spend a lot of money to open scuba diving in jeju island not for bussines only for fun...and interview in yahoo 2012 hj told he want to live in jeju island..hm..hm..hm...curious...why always about jeju island..??...because in jeju island is the best place for our lovely couple....fact...fact...no doubt....la..la..la..

  6. thanks for the post and Rukubebe is superb.
    Very gorgeous couple and fanart.

  7. You guys must open youtube hj in premium live tonight sing gentleman in that concer he wearing a shirt with the writing of mm in front and in rear is writing kyj...it writing randomly but if we se crefully it is mm and kyj...who is name initial mm and kyj....ke..ke...fact..fact...you guys must open this youtube and see...

  8. GF Nenty...of course... Jeju-do was the place that he couldn't forgot for the rest of his life and we know why....kekeke

  9. Jeju island is the best place....ke..ke...

  10. Beautiful fanart.!!! HyunMin in black, perfect color ..
    Thanks Ruku Bebe ...and Gf Snowy for the post ...

  11. Guys...you must watch good by baek seng jo eps final 16 hj fm in youtube...hj sing thank you...and guess what when the audience gave a standing ovacation camera take a picture mm tears pricked after she finished singing ...hmm...hmm..wondering why she is cry???...because the song is for her..ke..ke...and when he singing he staring at the occasional to mm...busted....you guys must see this video....l wish l can publish in this block....but l am not smart in komputer...l am sorry...but guys you must take a look and fine this video..

  12. And mv by rukubebe sweet moment collections part 5 in that video hj wearing the ring that justin davis that hyunmin family share in this forum is which mm hold a doll from peru..and where is car is she...hmm..l watch fancam by fan hj where he is back home from airport and in his car it is the same like mm in that car..really it is the same...
