
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

JSM Official Facebook Update: Jan 29, 2014

I wish everyone good luck this year.  If your plan from 1st of January hasn't come true yet -- this Lunar New Year, I pray for all your wish to come true and for you to complete all your plans in 2014.  
I will present my good work in the near future.

(Message translated from Korean to Japanese by Standby HyunMin;
translation from Japanese to English by GF Bella Bee.)

Gifts for So Ji Chang and Senior Oh Yeon Soo

Fyi, Oh Yeon Soo is the actress who played her sister in Bad Guy.  So Ji Chang is OYS's husband. 

A gift for a friend.

Source and credit: Standby HyunMin
Credit:   hyoaerang ceramic studio blog


  1. Lovely!!. Good work MM!!!

    And it's good to hear you are still close to Oh Yeon Soo.

  2. hello gfs, how are u everyone?am back from Japan...
    Wow……Min Min has done very good job on pottery. Does Min Min get anything to HJ?
    Min Min, please present us your new ptoject in the year of horse... we have been waiting for long long time...

  3. Hello GF Bescaca - welcome back. How was your vacation in Japan?

    Yes, MM did a great job in pottery. I love Japanese tea cups. I'd be nice if she would auction some of her work.

    We're looking forward to your upcoming project, MM! woooohooo

  4. Hi YJJ, I did have very good time and fun in Japan. I don't even wanna go home. I like Kyoto very much. Did lit of sight-seeing there. I did crazy shopping in Osaka and the Rinku Town. Have not figured out how much I spent on shopping yet... am dying... women are shopaholic...that is true...

    1. Hi GF -- that's what vacations are for... shopping. hahaha Umm... I think Osaka would be my kind of time. kekeke I'll make a note of that. Did you go to Disney also?

    2. Hola Gf Bescaca, Welcome back!!

      Glad you hear you had an awesome time in Japan.

    3. gf YJJ, I did not go to Disney Land. I did not go to Tokyo. My next trip will be Seoul later this year... am checking if I can get any special offer... he he.

  5. Hello GF Cyn, Bescaca and Idol YJJ :)
    Hello MM...thanks for your wish for us....you are very sweet and kind...we are wait for your new project...FIGHTING....hehehe

    Thanks to HyunMin Standby, GF BB and Idol YJJ for this lovely post....*Arigato...bow 90 degree*

  6. Happy lunar new year. 17hours to go ,in my region :D

    1. Good morning GF Vny...where country you come from ????

    2. Hello dongsaeng and #2. Happy Lunar New Year! I'm not so prepared. I still have tomorrow, right? kekeke

    3. Happy Lunar New year~!! ^^
      Hhahahha.. i'm from INA. Same like you GF BHN ^^
      Prepared?? Are a chinese YJJ unnie??

    4. hahaha No, I'm not but I doesn't hurt to follow the the feng shui thingy. hahahahaha

    5. Oo.. hhahaha.. i thought that you are a chinese. ^^
      so ,when will be the #2 bed talk??

    6. hehehe Bed Talk #2 is all done. You haven't read it? hahaha j/k

      It's almost done -- I'll try to finish it tonight or tomorrow. :)

  7. Yyaa.. this mischievous unnie.. hhahaha ^^

    okie dokiee.. will wait for it. :D

  8. Yaaahhh, you only like hints post? Bad, bad dongsaeng. hahahaha

  9. Lol hint from them is my vitamin :p
    Hhahhaa.. i seriously love hint from you unnie.. jinja.. ^^

    1. tsk-tsk-tsk I knew it. Ok, you hunt for more hints and unnie will publish it in the blog for you. Palli-palli, start hunting for hints. kekeke

    2. Hhahahha..
      unnie.. are your born to be a detective for hyunmin?? lol ^^v

    3. hahaha Yes, an unpaid detective. hahahaha

    4. Ask HJ ahjussi to paid. He have lot of money. :D

    5. I should. hahaha He'll say, 'mwo, are you crazy'??? hahaha

      By the way, it's funny that you call him ahjussi... he's not that old. Just call him sunbae.

    6. Hhahahha. Cool ahjussi. Sunbae is too formal. I call him ahjussi cuz he is older from me 10y.o.
      Ok.. i will call him oppa. ^^

    7. Really? I think ahjussi is used more for an uncle or someone in their 40 or 50. Yes, oppa is better I think.

      Anyway, are you ready for Bed Talk #2? Shall I publish it now???

    8. Publish!! Publish!!
      but i want to have my lunch first unnie. Hheheheh

    9. aigooo... okay, palli-palli. If you're not back in 10 min, you'll have to wait til tomorrow. hahahaha

    10. Im coming ,YJJ unnie *salute pose* xD

  10. Unnie.. check this.. the troll is coming n this blog..


    he comment section

    1. Really? Ok, I'll check it out.

    2. She's really a nut case. hehehe

    3. Now ,he said that they are friends only.. what the heck..

    4. She wish they are only friends. hahaha It's best that she doesn't know the truth... she might go even crazier if she finds out. Right? kekeke

    5. Kekeke...yes I saw it too....the troll is very pabo....hahaha....he/she/it never bored to leave bad comments....

    6. She miss leaving bad comments in the blog. kekeke Oh well, she can't get passed thru the pest control of the blog... very tight control. hahaha

    7. Yes. Shr must pass the gforce army first. Muahhahha..
      btw ,the troll ia she?? But in the profile it says male. Hem.. transgender.

    8. Kekeke....she got insane when she can't leaving bad comments in this blog....the pest control have great job....daebak....hahaha

    9. That's right... the gforce army is always prepared. No, she just doesn't know the difference. hahahaha She's too obsiss on other things. hahahaha

      We use the best pest control available. hahaha

    10. Hhahahah.. daebak. 2thumbs up for pest control.

  11. great work MM and thanks for your wishes to us....we love you and will wait for you to present us with a drama

    Thanks to Standby Hyunmin and GF BB for the translation.....i miss your FA GF BB....
    Gf Yjj waiting for the bed talk #2

    MM the gift for a friend....is it for someone special we know......someone like..hmmm....cough...cough.....HJ

    1. Gf Rien, the gift for friend is not fir HJ, which is for someone called Kim Soon Mo. I saw that Mr KSM asked Min Min to make a mug for him as a gift in facebook early this month.

  12. Hello Gfs , Kung Hai Fat Choi to all !!!
    Thanks Minmin for the wishes you messages us this lunar year....
    Thanks Gf YJJ for the post... also to Standby HyunMin and Gf BB for the translation...
