According to HJ, it took 2 days to film the bed talk scenes at BSJ's apartment.
Do you recall this bts scene from a bts video in YT? This was on the 1st day of filming the scene and according to the video narrator, there were awkwardness and HJ was shy to be in bed with MM. *cough-Epi 10-cough* |
On the 2nd day, HJ expressed his thought in the extent of their filming. |
Incidentally, while HJ was chattering his thought, MM took a brief nap -- can you see where she is? |
It was evident that the awkwardness disappeared and back to their usual behavior. | |
HJ was telling MM about a ghost he encountered. |
Ironically, basing on their conversation, |
they both find the subject funny! |
Then, coordi noona acknowledged their happy demeanor... |
which made them silent. Maybe noona felt left out of their conversation? Or, maybe noona said: "could you two be more obvious with your flirting?" ^-^ kekeke |
LoL so cute~♥
ReplyDeleteThe "end" topic ,HJ's 4Dness.
and poor cordi noona. Can't join the conversation. :p
hahaha Aren't the couple adorable? Noona was invisible to them. They were in their own world. hehehe
DeleteYes poor cordi nona
DeleteCkckck hj very happy beside Mm
totally adorable. ahh. they are totally match. i don't feel regret to ship them :D
Deletethey are REAL!! *jjang*
now ,i don't feel burden when there are so many rumours HJ with other girls like in BFF and IG~
cuz i believe in them. HyunMin!! ^^
Btw ,thanks BellaBee unnie for the translation and YJJ unnie for post it. :)
DeleteThere's rumors that HJ is with the girl in IG already? I guess that's expected... fans would always root him with his new co-star. The BFF one was hilarious. hahaha And we all know who the #1 fan of that tandem. hahahaha
DeleteYou're welcome for the post. We're very fortunate that there's a generous GF BB who bought the dvd. hehehe By the way, there's Bed Talk #2 so watch out for that.
yes. but not as hilarious as the BFF one. they assume it ,cuz they see the BTS pics and how comfy HJ with that girl.
ReplyDeletethe #1 fan is...... *Background music on* THE 'FAMOUS' TROLL!! :P
alright. will wait for the #2 :D
unnie. did you watch the RunningMan which HJ become the guest?
Oh is that why he said "she's like a guy?" kekeke
Delete*ding-ding-ding* You guessed it right. hahaha
RunningMan? I don't think so... do you have the link?
Kekeke....HJ said HJ's eyes only see the beautiful of MM....kekeke
DeleteThey looks cute,adorable and happy when they together.
ReplyDeleteThanks to GF BB and Idol YJJ for the lovely post...can't wait for part #2...hehehe
yes ,i think so too.
ReplyDeletehahhaha~ where is he now ? suddenly disappear.
it's already 3 years so ,in youtube and kshow don't have the full version anymore. it's in episode 45 and 46.
i want to upload it ,but the memory is so big. almost 4GB and i don't use wifi. hhehehe~
i collect all of the RM episodes. it's so funny and best variety show. :)
The troll? Oh, she still visits frequently (like everyday and lurks for hours) but she stopped attempting to leave comments because it doesn't get thru (our blog has pest control). kekeke
ReplyDeleteMaybe I can find the RM episodes in You Tube?
woww~ visits everyday. Fantastic baby!! hahhaha~ he isn't feel shame ha? ckckkck.
ReplyDeletemaybe you try this one. the links are at the description section. (this one ep. 47 ,the 46 i haven't get it. wait.)
Yes, everyday! That's how threatened she is... she must know the truth is on our side. hehehe
DeleteYJJ unnie. here is it!! :D
ReplyDeleteRunning Man
Guest : Kim Hyun Joong
Episode 46 --->
Episode 47 --->
Thank you, dongsaeng. It's asking me to download an application first. ummm...
Deleteaigoo~ i always type the comment in the wrong place T.T
DeleteMM is very comfy with HJ. always sleep beside him. the 3rd pic ,there's MM right? sleeping beside HJ.
Yes, she was right behind HJ. hahaha Yes, they were very comfortable with each other even in bed scenes. hehehe
Deletereally? o.o it's so hard to find the old one. i'm so sorry unnie.
Deletehow about this?
It's okay. Yes, this one works. Thank you, dongsaeng!
Deleteyeay. have fun unnie. :))
DeleteYes, I'm watching it now while monitoring the blog. When was this episode, 2011, right? I'm checking to see if there's any hint/facts I can pick up from there. hahahaha
Deleteyes. it's 2011. hhahahha~ i think there is. i get one. but i'm not sure.
DeleteI was checking out the cel phone chain... did you notice that? was it a fish design? I'm only half-way through of the first video. It is funny. I was lol when Jae Suk got caught. hahaha
DeleteDongsaeng - I got booted out while watching RM. :( And I'm not able to re-watch it anymore. And, something weird is happening to my laptop. :(
DeleteWhew! I'm able to re-watch it, dongsaeng. hehehe
DeleteThat's what i talk about unnie. Hhahaha. We have same mind.
Deletethr chain is mandarin language. "Ai" mean love.
Weird?? Is it because of watching RM ?? Oh.. i'm sorry.. T.T
DeleteSo the chain is ai? And remember he sang the song "Love" in 2011?
DeleteNo worries, I'm able to re-watch RM. I don't know why it rebooted me earlier though.
Yes. I think so. Cuz the chain and the writing of ai is very similar.
Deleteyes. I remember it :D
2011 is an important year for them. kekeke
DeleteYes. Totally important :D
Deleteso many 'miracle' happen *wink-wink*
Yes, definitely. *wink-wink* hahaha
DeleteAfter yoona-seunggi admit they realtionship.
Deleteso many hyunmin shipper wish HJ and somin to admit and clarify to public too.
ahh.. totally waiting for that time to come.
Umm... you do know that some fans of the girl are not happy about her relationship w/the guy but in their case, it's the guy who gets the bashing.
DeleteIn our case, the girl would get the bashing and I'm sure our guy wouldn't want that to happen. The right time will come, let's just be patient.
#2 I had to delete your comment. Sorry. But you can resend it but remove the letters "LG" there. You know what I mean, right?
DeleteHello GFs!
DeletePatients is a virtue to all GFs.....we wait till the big all better start saving for your plane ticket and hotel accommodation unless GF Idol and GF Queen Snowy pay for it....hehehe
Oh.. yes. Cuz ,the hallyu star is yoona and khj. Aishh..
DeleteUnnie. In the latest fb photo update (Modu's present) ,MM post 2 pics in the comment section.
Deleteis that from you guys?? :D
The dog tag with Modu's name? No, that was a gift from #3 (GF Lorna). hehehe
DeleteOh. :D
DeleteLorna unnie. Awesome gift ^^
대박!! ^.^)d
Yes ,from now on ,i must saving my money. Muahahha~ for plane and hotel and other ;D
I send those gifts to MM as my appreciation to all GForce admin for their unfailing love to this blog that makes our daily life colorful.
Deleteits okay Idol YJJ...hehehe
Deletekekeke Yes, you got carried away there #2. Thanks for understanding. We don't want ww3 here. hehehe
DeleteAww... GF Lorna but don't the admins get an appreciation gift too? hahaha Just kidding #3. hahaha
Yes, start saving because I heard everything is expensive in SK. kekeke
Hhahahah. Everything expensive in this world.
DeleteBuddy #2 please don't start ww3...... Hehehe
Deletekekeke #2 just got carried away but I understand her sentiments... I have the same sentiments. hehehe
DeleteKekeke...Buddy #3 and Idol YJJ...peace.....hahaha
Delete*cough cough epi 10 cough* --> Got it!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post gf YJJ!!!^^
You're welcome.
Deletehahahaha It makes sense, right? hahaha
Happy Sunday GFs...
ReplyDeleteThanks for this wonderful post GF YJJ and GF BB...
ReplyDeleteHello Gfs ...if i'm not mistaken, in this episode ... HJ told Minmin his personal habbit in sleeping ..if hot weather, he sleep naked. ^^ right Gf shirley...l watch in youtube jangkiss sub special......maybe Hj want to tell MM she must ready to see him naked when hot weather if she married with him...hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteI donno what to say... i am just way tooo Happpyyyyyyyy todayyyyy...
ReplyDeletethk u GF BB <3