
Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Who are you dying to see pair up again and why?"

On June 20th, Ockoala published an article titled "Famous K-drama OTPs:  Reunited in 2014 and It Feels Good!"  The gist of the article is about OTPs in the past that have reunited or are reuniting in a drama this year.  I'm skipping majority of her write-up, since the OTPs mentioned are irrelevant on who we support in the blog.  However, I think it's worthy to mention the last portion of the article...

Our couple was included in her choices of OTPs to do another project.  For the plot, I think she got the inspiration from MM's character in BM, JinAh.  

I would totally love to see MM & HJ do another project just like how Ockoala said it... "in any way, shape or form".  I'm a happy camper to see them together on screen period.  kekeke

And to answer her question, "Who are you dying to see pair up again and why?

I'm sure most, if not all, HyunMin fans are in unison in saying... Jung SoMin and Kim Hyun Joong, of course!!!  kekeke

Why???  Because their oozing chemistry make them the cutest and most adorable OTP in the history of KdramaWho agrees with me???  ^-^

Source:  http://koalasplayground.com/2014/06/20/famous-k-drama-otps-reunited-and-it-feels-so-good/

Photos credit as tagged.


  1. ME!
    Ohh.. I love to see them together on screen again :)

  2. I agreee....MM and HJ in another drama. Ahhhh when our wish come true GFs ?????
    Thanks for the post idol YJJ ^^.

  3. Count me in! I would also like to see them together onscreen! Whether in a drama again, or a drama special, MV, or even in a magazine spread! We would be very happy when that happens! Gosh I miss them.. Hahaha

    1. hahahaha We're not demanding... even a photoshoot print would make us happy just to see them together. lol

    2. Hahaha yeah we're not! Just a little bit.. That's how we miss them. Haha! But there is a possibility later this year.. We might see them on a drama awards night.. We'll never know but let's keep our fingers crossed! Hahaha

    3. Oh that's right. waaaahhhhhh, I'm excited already. hahahaha Oh please to all gods of Kdrama awards.... please, please, please make it happen! hahahaha

  4. Please...God...make theme together again in another drama as a couple...because l miss theme so much together...please God...listen my pray...amin.

  5. I agree with you!!!!

    Can someone send this to KE?... helloooo!!!!... you can't be that blind!!! peace!!...kekeke

    1. You're too nice with your words about KE. hahaha Mine is censored. hahahaha

    2. I know, I'm just trying to polite...but who knows, maybe one of this days my words will be censored.

    3. I a gree with you gf cyn can someone send to KE!!!! Spirit from hyunmin shipper i hope can make KE accept if they together in drama. Kekkke
      Thanks gf yjj

  6. hahaha You have no worries with me... if I'm monitoring the blog, I won't censor your comment. hahahaha I might even join you because we've been keeping this anger for what... more than a year, right? It's been too long. hahahahaha

    1. Yes...more than a year... ಠ_ಠ

      It's not good for our health to keep this anger inside... KE be prepared!! (ヽ `д´)┌┛★)`з゜)

  7. Shall we start a protest? hahaha they don't know who they're dealing with huh? hahaha

    1. Many people will join the protest,

      We are a crazy legion!!

    2. Hello Leader Cyn and Idol YJJ.
      I'm in ....let start protest to KE !!!
      Shall we kidnap the CEO of KE , give him loco pils so he will grant our requests...hahahaha.

  8. hahahahah......am laughing really hard here with your comments Gf Cyn and Yjj and yes many like me will join in the protest .....

  9. Yes please!!! MM and KHJ in another drama!!!

  10. A=Chaos says.

    KE! Blank Blank Blanking put them together in a Drama!!!

    Hahahaha I Agree GFs.

    Censors: Beeeeep! Beeeep! Beeeping!

  11. Lets keep our fingers cross....we are so many fans pledging to be reunite our adorable couple....
    I always praying to St. Jude - the Patron of Impossible things... to make our plea * Possible *....... ^^
    Thanks Gf YJJ for the post.

  12. Juntos otra vez siiiiiiiiiii
    nos morimos por ver a KIM HYUN JOONG Y JUNG SO MIN de nuevo!!!

  13. Queremos ver a KIM HYUN JOONG Y JUNG SO MIN juntos otra vez, hacen una buenísima pareja y además se llevan muy bien por lo que su química es perfecta!!!

    1. Hola Sabrina!!... ¿Es tu primera vez comentando?. Bienvenida!.

      Roguemos para que se de otra vez la oportunidad de juntar a los dos en otro drama :)

  14. Holaaaa Gfs!!!

    Hyunmin Drama/MV = Juicy BTS ♥♡
    I miss them >.<
