
Sunday, August 31, 2014

09/01/14 ♥ Happy 4th Anniversary Playful Kiss ♥ NG Scenes♥

In commemoration of Playful Kiss' 4th Anniversary, here is a 26 min PK NG Scenes courtesy of GF Bella Bee.  

Video uploaded in You Tube by GF Ela.

Thank you, GFs.

Happy 4th Anniversary, Playful Kiss!

Enjoy watching!   


  1. Happy PK Anniversay HyunMins!!!

    Thanks to Gf BB and Gf Ela. Love you girls!!

  2. happy pk anniversary....love you all hyunmin family...

    we miss you hyunmin....thanks gf bb and ela....

  3. thanks gf bb and gf ella

    happy anniversary pk...love you all hyunmin family......missing hyunmin....

  4. Happy PK Anniversary to all the Gfs♡♡♡

    Thanks Gf Ela & BB ♡

  5. Happy PK Anniversary! Thank you girls for your continued support to the blog.

    Thanks GF BB and Ela.

    HyunMin Fighting!

  6. You are welcome and Happy PK Anniversary !!!!! Gfs.^^

  7. Happy Anniversary to gfs and pk fans^^
    Thanks Gf BB, GF Ela and Gf YJJ^^

  8. Happy anniversary Pk... Miss u hyunmin couple....

  9. Happy Anniversary PK !!!! thanks GF BB and Ela ....HyunMin we miss u ....God bless all !!!

  10. Happy Anniversary PK!!!
    Thanks for the post GFs!!!
    Hyunmin Forever!!!

  11. Happy PK Anniversary GF's! heart! heart! heart!

    HyunMin Forever! ♡♡♡

  12. Happy 4th Anniversary PK !!!!
    The best Drama ever.
    The best Couple ever.
    HyunMin Forever !!!!
    Thanks GF BB, Ela and Idol YJJ for the post ^^

  13. Thank you #2, Lorna, Cepty, Pating, joydh and hani - glad to see you girls post comments.

    1. Thank you all GFs for bringing back my happiness. As i was telling before that i'm a silent supporter even though i don't always post comment but i read everyday. You know what GFs, i want to confess something, these past few days have been a hard days for us, and i've thought of giving up already especially these past few days after the post regarding the GForce advisory, and after that, no any other updates for several days... I was being hopeless and thought that the GFs already gave up and left our dear KHJ and JSM. But when i open this morning and saw all the updates, all my worries and hopelessness were gone in an instant ツ

      I'm so SORRY for thinking about that please forgive me. I so love our HyunMin and i won't ever give up on them as couple or as individuals. Sorry again...

      GFs fighting! I love you unnies!

    2. Thank u for being one of us, Gf Pating. We are always here to support our lovely MM and HJ.

    3. Hi Pating - sorry if you felt we left you hanging the past few days. We decided to keep it low as as we didn't want get in the mix of confusions - we prefer to handle it calmly and with positive thoughts. Thank you for hanging in their and no need it apologize. We love each and every HyunMin fans who stayed and prayed for them.

    4. Oh god i'm crying right now! Our HyunMin is one of my source of happiness and lately I already realize how much I truly love them both.

  14. happy 4th anniversary PK....
    Thanks gf bb and ela....love hyunmin family !!!!
    The best couple ever
    Missing Hyunmin

  15. Im so happy that Im part of GF's family,please keep on praying for our couple that they will pass the trials that came on there way.God bless all !!! Fighting HyunMin!!

  16. Happy 4th anniversary playful kiss.
    love you hyunmin
    love you khj & jsm
    love you gforce and mhel eomma
    Have faith with them.
    saranghae♥ ^^

  17. Thank you gfs for posting my warm greeting for anniv. of Play full kiss...I'm the silent reader of this blog everyday I'm visit this blog like pating felt I'm also felt this past day.. When I see this morning your post I'm very happy then I decided to comment.I'm very happy when I read my comment.. I love Kim hyun joong and Jung so min I felt this two is part my life... I'm always support them.. Every day I pray to this couple to be strong...Remember GOD is always there...to gfs thanks to this blog to gf yoon ji joong I'm also ur fans I like ur post and the hints and the facts... I miss them,,, good job.. To hyunmin fighting!!!! GoD bless you all I love you ... Sorry for my bad English...

  18. Happy 4th Anniversary PK. Wow! GF BB and GF Ela great job.

    Thank You to all the beautiful Hyunmins. For being so kind and for supporting this blog.

    The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat known suffering known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.
    Beautiful people do not just happen.

    Written by Elizabeth Kubler Ross.

  19. Happy PK Anniversary everyone...

    To our dear supporters, commentators, lurkers, and silent readers thank you so much for all the love and support. Thank you for being here with us althroughout.

    My Gforce family, thank you also for everything...

    Lastly,.thanks to PK for bringing us all together in this one happy place...

  20. Happy PK Anniversary...and l hope hyunmin family always together forever...amin. God bless Hj and MM and God bless hyunmin family too..amin.

  21. Happy anniversary PK...

    Thanks GF Ela for sharing the video.

  22. Replies
    1. Finally....GF Snowy is in the house:))))
      We miss you!!!!

  23. Good Evening GFs !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you very much for sharing this video Gf Ela and Gf BB. I love to see new Hyunmin videos. (NG scenes)
    I thought that had already seen them all. silly me XP

    I Have been a little while away but I've always kept my dear Hyunmin couple in my heart .. and you my appreciated GFs from all countries. >.^

    I have tried to keep up with projects MM and HJ. I'm very proud of our dear MM since she could reach one of her goals, be on the big screen!!! .. and not just one but two!! (happy happy ^^)

    with HJ, I ​​want to wait for the final statement ... HJ Fighting !!


  24. Happy 4th anniversary Playful Kiss !!!
    My favorite k-drama and my ultimate love team HyunMin couple ^^
    Thanks Gfs BB and Ela for the NGs fanvids and Gf YJJ for the post..

  25. *\(^o^)/* Happy 4th Anniversary Playful Kiss *\(^o^)/* thanks GF for all that you do for KHJ n JSM! Forever HyunMin!!
