
Monday, September 3, 2012



                                                                                                               이제 신랑만 있음 되겠다....!!

                          A magnificent looking bride for Jenny House Magazine

Credit:  JSM Facebook    


  1. Someone's heart must be pounding and over the clouds while looking at these pictures.

  2. We've got to look for a groom for MM guys!

    1. Yah, you don't have to look for a groom for her. He must just be hiding in the MJ Blog... palli-palli somebody grabbed him or he'll be late for the ceremony! hahaha

      Good morning GF!

  3. Hello all
    Congrats on a wonderful website. I was unable to post before because I am somewhat computer challenged but love all the posts and Hyunmin confessions. Awesome pictures of JSM, she looks beautiful in the dresses and yes someone must be smiling that 1000 watt smile.

    1. Yay, Gf Lala is in the house...welcome to our new HyunMin blog Gf....you can share your confession too and thank you for dropping by here...

    2. Yes,Yes,Yes!!!!

      He probably couldn't stop talking about her. hahaha I have a feeling one of these pictures would end up in his wallet. hahaha

      Hi Lala - it's me Snowy.

    3. Hello Lala -- glad to see you post. I agree... we'd love if you could share your confession in the blog. And if you're fanvid or fanart challenged, not to worry GF Snowy is now our pro and willing to teach anyone, right GF? ^__^

  4. Gf Snowy, you are right the background of the blog fits perfectly well...

    We have to kidnap the groom and bring it to her. Lol

  5. patiently waiting for her prince to take her away! lalalala

    p/s: GF Michy is back! lol

  6. Hello GF Lala...

    I am so happy to see you here. Yes, this is the GFs blog. Your blog and ours.

    Now, you know, I will need your confession too. We need contributors for our blog to keep it interesting.

    Thank you so much. I need to see you registered as a member of the blog.hahahah Demanding enough for you?

  7. Hello Gfs!!!

    So... we are looking for a groom... well if someone doesn't appear next to her in a couple of hours... you don't need to worry, I've backups grooms for her!!!.

    Now... dear HJ, you better hurry, because the other gorgeous boys are waiting Impatiently!.

    1. you're right GF Cyn...MM already have hot guys waiting in line to wed her hahaha...so KHJ you better fast no more playing around with your co-star at Japan hahaha

  8. GFD Cyni's husband said that MM is very beautiful! Hear that HJ?

    1. Im afraid that our husbands will fall inlove to MM too...lol

  9. Hahahaha, yes He said that... but... since he's mine (jelous here!!) ... I have a full of backups for her!!

    1. yes, you are making it clear, you are not sharing your man with MM. hahaha

    2. Not worry GF Cyni, Mr. Lucky Guy is not sharing MM with other guys either. And you should tell your hubby not even dare glance at MM otherwise he'll get the "In Your Face" look from LG. lol hahahaha

  10. hey girls, can i join u??? I didnt know that you all had a new blog...congratulations

    1. Yes, feel free to join us anytime Kiran.

    2. Hi Gf Kiran, yes you are very.much welcome here...happy to have you in our blog...dont hesitate to share your thoughts and talents with us...kekeke

  11. Hola Kiran!!

    Welcome!!... of course you can join us!!!... wohooo!!!... more HyunMins = more Loco pills!!!

    Please feel free to comment and if you want to contribute with a post, just tell us!!

  12. Thanks Cyni....I am so happy...so many HyunMIn goodies....first minjoong blog now Gforce!!! I am a happy camper

  13. MinMin, quickfind ur groom and get married...dont forget to invite us ! LOL!

  14. We are waiting for "you know who" to be his groom... but if he doesn't hurry... I have a group of boys waiting for his turn to marry her!!!

    1. GF Cyni - I dare you post the same comment in MJ Blog. hahahaha You're on your own on this one... no partners in crime! I'm scared of the glare! hahahaha

    2. Waaahhh.... GF Yoonji, are you serious???... hahahaa... If I do that the death glare will kill me... hahahaa... and I don't want to make another fanart to apologize.

    3. hahahaha I don't blame you! And let's not push him to the limit. But I think it's a good idea to post fanarts there, he seems to like it and leaves comment. Have you invited him to our blog yet?

    4. Not... I haven't invited him yet... It will be nice to have a HyunMin male fan here!!... LoL... he will be our CO pills!!

    5. It would be nice for him to drop by and say hello to us, but I'm not holding my breath for that.

      Rain said, I should invite him to do videos with me...hahaha crazy girl! Hahaha

  15. Hello Kiran-

    Welcome! Thanks for visiting and please visit us often and comment as much as you can.

    So many Hyunmin goodies right. I am very happy Hyunmin. hahaha

  16. waaaaaaahhhhh MM in a wedding gown... is this another hint?! hahahaha She definitely would make a beautiful bride to the "one and only" lucky guy. hahahaha

  17. I wonder how he reacted when he saw the photos... Do you think his eyes blinked several times to control his emotion?

    You must be a proud Oppa Mr. lucky Guy...woohooooo!

    1. He probably imagined her in a more grand and georgeous bridal dress for their own wedding. Or, being a jokester he probably grabbed her hand and said let's go get married now. hahahaha

      Oh no one could be more proud than Oppa Mr. Lucky Guy.

    2. Hahaha...just like in his videos...grabbing the woman's hand...

    3. Yes, do you recall the bts when he did that during their rehearsal when OHN's appa handed her to him at the altar.

  18. Good Morning GFs! Whoaaa, hello GF Lala and GF Kiran, welcome to the craziest blog ever :D :D :D dont forget to take your LoCO pills!! Lol..

    Hahaha GF Chyn you have a backup groom for him? Well.. I have one that suits(?) with her... Who else other than Nico? Hahahaha your yummy baby on AFF!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaahha

    aww, GFs, in their real wedding, what type of hair cut you would recommend for our oppa Mr Lucky Guy? I think i prefer the break-down-hair-cut :D :D

    Mr Lucky Guy, you have to show up here too! Hahha :D :D we are waiting for that! :D :D

    yes, there is no other lucky man as lucky as our Oppa Mr.Lucky Guy :D :D

    1. Crazy Mazzy is in the house!!!... with her LoCo Pills overdose!!!


      Yes, I prefer the break-down-hair-cut too!!!... hahahaaaa!!...

    2. Same here... I prefer short hair on Mr. Lucky Guy. Did you see how Little Lady looked at him at the PK FM in Tokyo during the introduction? She had the look like 'waaaahhh, my man is so good looking'... eat your hearts out girls. hahaha

    3. Yes...breakdown haircut! I hope we will see him in that haircut again!

  19. GF Cyn and Mazzy I agree breakdown haircut. He looks good with short hair shows that handsome face and I am sure Minmin agrees. At the fanmeets she seemed very happy.

    1. hola Gf Lala!!

      Yes he looked so handsome with that haircut!!

  20. i hope Mr Lucky Guy will change his current hair cut into PK fanmeet haircut soon!

    soo, please... HJ if you read this, you have to make sure those break down haircut is for your wedding, take note.. Yes???? Lollllllllllll.......!!!!!!!!!

  21. Hi GF Mazzy, if we get a good number of response on our latest posting (the groom), we might get an idea which HJ's haircut or look is the most popular. hahaah
