
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

HYUNMIN Stalkers


Paparazzi - Lady Gaga

Waka Waka - Shakira


Naughty Snowy


  1. omo! they know its me! Mr. & Mrs. Alien dont get mad ok.lalala

    1. Good evening to you GF Michy.... hahahah

      Now, they know that you and Mazzy are their number one stalkers... hahahaha

    2. wow, i really am a fantastic baby because Mr. Alien already know i am their stalker no 1! hahahaha

    3. Yes, Fantastic Baby... hahahaha...

      Watch it, you might get dagger looks in your dreams... hahahha

    4. nah, he wouldnt dare because Mami will smack his head if he do that to me. hahahaha

  2. o_O *gulped*

    GF Michy, ottoke?? What should we do now? our stalking activities are revealed here! Whoahahah you GF Snowy!! Whoahahahahaha kidding baby! Mwah! Whaohahaha

    everytime i remember this dream, i feel like miracle.. I mean.. How come GF Michy and Me were having a same dream???????!!!!! Its so weird right?

    GF Snowy, this pic suits our dream! The park background and all! Whoahahah

    1. Hahahha.. plenty of places to hide but you both were so noisy with your giggling that they could hear you. hahahha... What is the use of hiding in the bushes GF Mazzy and Michy? hahaha

    2. i dont think i was hiding in the bushes in my stalkng dream but on the tree so that i can get better view of Papi & Mami mini excursion hahahaha

    3. Hahahaha...You were on top of the tree to know what's going on in the bedroom?

    4. do i have to tell you what happen in their bedroom Ms Fly Spillberg??? hahahaha

  3. GF Mazzy, since Mami is ok with us stalking them, just be calm arasso? hahahaaha

  4. whoahaha, mami said we are cute stalkers GF Michy! Im proud to be their stalker, starting from now, "I will see you in my dream HyunMin, i will tag my GF Michy along!" or maybe... I can bring GF Ela? As she is good in recording scene and taking photos! Whoahahahahahha

    hahaha we cant help ourselves and end up giggling... Blame to the bushes, whoahah they make us giggle due to their leves thats tickle us! Whoahahahah *stupid reason* LOL

    Whoahaha, in my real dream, i didnt hide, i was standing a little far from them seeing their love dovey scene! Awww!!

    1. just see them act lovey dovey make me so happy! wow! fantastic baby! lalalaala

    2. I'm surprised that you two did not meet in your Hyunmin dreams... hahahha

    3. That's why Mami recognized you right away GF Mazzy... hahahhaha

    4. if the two of us meet in that dream, possibly both of us will get Papi & Mami get married straight away! hahahaha
      and then we will continue stalking their honeymoon hahahahaha

    5. Wait, wait.. You can't do that... We have to be there to see the wedding...I bet you and Mazzy got yourselves as bridesmaids ....

    6. that is why Mazzy and i never met in that dream.....lol

    7. It would have been a riot if you did... Hahaha

    8. Hey GF Michy, on the flag counter section, the flag after Japan, it that Malaysia's flag? Your country's flag?

    9. yes its my country flag! wow i didnt believe that!

    10. Wow girl, we have a lot of Hyunmin viewers from your country....You surpassed USA...hahaha

      Japan and Malysia are our fast growing viewers.....THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!

    11. woohoooo! Thank you Japan and Malaysia viewers, always spread the love!!! All also to other visitors of different countries, thank you a lot, and visit us always!!

      Kisses from me, mwahh! -GF Mazzy :)

  5. Good morning Gfs!!

    Why I'm not surprise??... Michy and Mazzy... the M&M stalkers!!

    Are you doing a good job? recording and taking pictures of everything??

    1. Good morning GF Cyni-

      You should put these two in your surveillance mission.. The sidekicks of Papi...hahaha

    2. whoahah, we are the witness of all scenes, but we are not a pro to take the best pics.. So we asked for GF Ela's help.. Whoahahah

  6. whoahhaa, we are the chocolate M&M stalker! Whoahahha, if we meet, they will do the honeymoon bit right away on the spot!!
    Right GF Michy? Whoahahah

    Hello GF Chyn!! I miss you baby!!!! Whoahahah

    1. LoCa Mazzy!! Cómo estás?

      Are you ok?... you know, from the head???.. kekeke

      LoCa LoCa LoCa!!

  7. Good morning GFs -- I have to make a comment on this one before I focus on darn work.

    Why aren't the harmless antis/stalkers included here? Why use Michily and Mazze as scapegoat? As far as I know, the two who refer to themselves 'harmless' are the original stalkers of the Hyunmin couple. wahahahahaha

    1. Ahaha...because Mhel and I are taking a break... This couple can cause my divorce if I don't behave...hahahaha
