
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

HINT??? - #6


"kissing gets better and better each time, more savvy"

Relationship with Oh Hani becomes very close

now that i am more accustom, got to add some more color to it
no, I do have very deep impression

The hottest topic in cyberspace/social networking or amongst fans is the recent interview of HJ and his leading lady, JYM, in Japan for their upcoming drama, City of Conquest.  After the teaser was shown, JYM apologized to the audience, and HJ followed it with his assurance that "it's only acting."  I've read many questions pertaining to the matter, such as:

  • Why apologize even before the drama is aired?
  • Why did HJ confirm that "it's only acting" - does it mean the kisses w/MM in Playful Kiss were not for acting? 
  • I don't recall an apology from either HJ nor MM for their kisses in Playful Kiss
  • Why assure the fans that 'it's only acting'... was he trying to appease the fans or his 'someone special'?

If you think about it, their queries made sense because the conversation at the Goodbye BSJ event was totally different.  Instead of the drama or their characters, they talked about the 'kisses' and here are some of the unforgettable phrase or replies of HJ to  Papa Baek and the emcee:
  • "too many to count"
  • "very deep impression"
  • "it depends on what JSM ate prior to the kissing scenes" 
  • "during the imaginative scene, I gave her a peck on the lower lip"
  • "practice makes all things perfect"
  • "now that I'm accustomed, I have to add more color to it"

Who can forget Papa Baek's revelation of HJ & MM's demeanor during the filming that "they used honorifics to address each other until 5th episode but as kiss scenes increase the ambience becomes harmonious" (in the other video, the interpretation is "after the kissing scene, seems like they have developed an unknown feeling")?  And who can forget the fans scream when HJ confirmed that he and JSM became very close?  How about the fans scream when HJ said, "why have such reaction? everyone has this experience" in response to fans who expressed their dismay in hearing him talk in-depth about the "kisses." 

Another topic being discussed lately is HJ's reply to fans' question at the fan meet:  
Q:  What similarities do you have with the drama character?
HJ:  (After long and much thinking) Although I don't know whether you believe or not, like Mir having some one who likes him or already have someone he truly loves, will think of using his life to protect her that sort of thinking, can't say it's the same but I also have very much the same thinking.

Here are some comments my friends have shared with me:
  • Why talk about the romantic side of Mir - why not the character's angst?
  • I thought he would convey Mir's frustrations with social injustice of the world he lives in
  • I thought he would talk about the macho or manly thing...  revenge, etc.  

Is this perhaps another "hint"???  *yjj*

Source: Baidu KHJ Bar
Translated to Chinese by : HYLCA@Baidu KHJ Bar
Translated to English by:  Tlbpc@Soompi
Fanvid credit to:  Totfeet of Baidu


  1. Hello GFs -- sorry I wasn't able to join the chat session earlier as I'm not feeling well but have some energy to write this topic.

    1. Hola Chabelita!!!... espero mejores pronto!!!

    2. Hola and gracias Nina Mala! haha

    3. Hola chicas!

      Thankfully you have energy to write something today!

      I really love this fanmeet session. HJ was very happy to share his kiss experience with MM... no apologies... hahah

      GF Yoonji... the title of this Hint # 6 should have been.... "No Apologies Needed".... hahahaha

    4. Which hyunmin fans wouldn't love the Goodby BSJ event... it was the evening of revelation. hahaha

    5. and when Papa Baek reveal their closeness...i love HJ face there...hahaha

    6. Papa Baek's revelation was the best...

      The fans were loving everything... hahaha

    7. maybe we can interview Papa Baek for the blog then! hahahaha

    8. Yeah, let's kidnap Papa Baek instead... I think he could give us a juicy story about the two.

    9. Papa Baek where ar thou? we need you for some juicy muicy stuff here..yoohoo

    10. Yeah... and let's ask him to bring his mischievous smile with him hahahaha

    11. I think Eunjo has more to share than Papa Baek. hahaha Remember, he went on a date w/MM to see a play shortly after the YT epi ended.

    12. should we kidnap Eunjo now? hahahaha

    13. Let's just befriend him online? Maybe we can make him talk. hahahaha

    14. Eunjo and MM did? Very sweet.

      Online? He likes to blog? Let's invite him to chat with us here.

    15. Eunjo even slept at MM's apt... that's why I said he probably knows more about what's going with the two. :naughty: nhahahha

    16. Really? Maybe Eunjo was the chaperon on their first date...lol

      Eunjo..... Lets talk..I'll spoil you to death my boy... talk to me..... Hahahaha

    17. are you gonna bribe Eunjo with candies Snowy? hahahaha

    18. hi...
      waahh..i really like to read all about hint.hehehe..
      tq yoon ji joong...;-)..

      but..i just can't accept when HJ kiss another women even it's just a scene..huhuhu..y JYM not MM for CC.huhuhuhu

    19. Hello Hyunmin Fan..glad to see you drop by and comment. Yes, it wonderful for GF Yoonji to take some time from her busy schedule to give us these hints/coincidences or facts....

      I understand how you feel about kissing another woman. I myself had an agida (heartburn) thinking about it. However we have to understand and accept their chosen profession. Just wear eye patches during the kissing scene... I hope it is only one scene...hahaha

  2. Ms. Hint is back with another Hint/Fact/Real... (I'm confused!!!... ^^)

    1. Yah, what's there to be confused about?

    2. hahaha... I was just trying to make you furious!!!... hahaha... now, Do you feel a little more better???...hahahaa..

    3. Okay, about the PK Kisses:

      FACT: "too many to count"
      FACT: "very deep impression"
      FACT: "it depends on what JSM ate prior to the kissing scenes" (you remembered the taste of her kisses huh??)
      REAL: "during the imaginative scene, I gave her a peck on the lower lip"
      FACT: "practice makes all things perfect"... (we know you two have practiced a lot)
      FACT: "now that I'm accustomed, I have to add more color to it"

      About CC kiss

      FACT: "It's only acting" (Roger that Alien!!)

    4. see GForce Resident Alien Decoder decode everything Mr. Alien answers in the interview...

    5. No, not better but writing the topic kept my mind busy.

    6. He remembered his first kiss very well huh!!! Who would remember a peck on the lips? It's just a peck.... But for him it was unforgettable because it was with MM... Oh, and he remembered very well where he planted his first kiss.... ON THE LOWER LIP.... You were so obvious my man... hahahha

    7. Kim Hyun Joong = Captain Obvious...lalalala

    8. He was beaming the session... hahaha

    9. i think he's testing the audience with his indirect (oh please!) revelation. to know how much protection his La Reina gonna need if they reveal their real relationship....

    10. For a guy to remember every little detail in each episode of his drama is unbelievable. Most guys don't even know or remember their mom's bday. hahaha

    11. KHJ is indeed Captain Obvious...lalalala

    12. In one of his interviews he said he has difficulty remembering things. If that's true how come he remembered every kiss esp the first kiss... the peck on the lower lip... hahahah

    13. yeah even what MM lips taste he can remember...hahaha

  3. good morning HyunMinssss & my loca bella GFs....
    yeah Ms Hints is back!

    1. We better give GF Yoonji ideas for her Hint/Coincidence or Fact..

    2. Good morning to you GF Mich.

      GF Snowy, I have a long list as it is... but I do enjoy the challenge of writing a topic in an impromptu mode. hehehe Can't wait to be away for vacation. haha

    3. Before you go on vacation, make sure you have everything lined up for posting while you are gone. Hahahaha

    4. I'll miss you too, GF>>>> ROLL-EYES!

      You know the type girls who answers like that are the ones HJ stirred away from. hahaha

    5. Hahahahhahahaha.... ops I forgot to add, I will miss you while you're gone.. hahaha

    6. oh GF YoonJi can you bring me along for your vacation?! hahaha
      Mr. Alien like a girl who is soft spoken like....lalalala

    7. You never know GF... hahahaha Maybe HJ hasn't met one yet... hahhahah

    8. I'll make sure you GFs don't miss me while I'm gone, I'll leave my topic half done for you, Cyn or Mich to finish. wahahahhaha

    9. How come you guys ignored my comment about completing the topics that I'll leave you guys before I leave for vacation???

    10. GF Michy, Cyni, why are you ignoring Senorita Yoonji's comment?

    11. I'll volunteer to click the publish button for you GF Yoonji. hahahha

    12. how about you? i'm not the only one!?!?!?!?!?!?

  4. Yeah,..correct. HJ hasn't met one like me yet Bwahahahahahah

    1. And he thanked the guy above. hahahah

    2. hahaha...i just he dont faint when he meet the real GForce then...hahahha

    3. Bwahahahahahaha.... I'm dying here.... hahahahah

    4. His manager will probably ask for more security. hahaha

    5. You are his communication officer?... hahahah

    6. communication officer is Cyni! since she can decode his Alien code...
      i am his gadget coordi noona cum bodyguard hahaha

    7. Hahahahah.... you like the gadget coordi noona role better huh?

    8. i want to know about their phone call conversations ok! hahahaha

    9. You have to steal their phones... hahhaa

    10. To check the text messages... hahaha

    11. neh..just put some devices and copy all anything about them to my computer...hahaha...

  5. Regarding the 'honeymoon kiss', MM said that she and HJ made a pact to do it only once in front of the camera. HJ said that practice makes all things perfect. So, do you think HJ and MM practiced behind closed door to make their bedroom kiss perfect in front of the camera? Remember HJ also said that there were too many kisses between him and MM that he lost count. hahahaha

    1. mostly their kissing scenes are done in one take right? yeah, praticesss make perfect ...hahahaha

    2. Hahahahahah.... we are so naughty like our couple... hahaha

    3. hahaha..i dont know if i can wait patiently for their 'big' announcement! hahaha

  6. That's what you call 'selective' memory -- he selects what he wants to remember. hahaha

    1. and his 'selective memory' choose to remember the kisses they shared bts of PK...hahaha

    2. of course, that's the best part of the drama... all the kisses they shared. hahaha

    3. at that time his reason was practice makes perfect..but now...he just can't get enough of her...hahaha

    4. Wooohooo.. how do you know that missy? hahahha

    5. do i need to tell you? hahahaha

    6. Hahhahahaha....No need to tell me...naughty girl...

    7. oh now i am the naughty girl? hahahha

  7. During the CC promotion at the Henecia Japan Anniversary, did HJ talked about Baek Mir at all ?

    1. partially but gradually he just talk about himself especially with the songs he sang that day...hahaha

    2. Hahahah... the fans were not interested about who Baek Mir is? They were more interested of HJ and his future schedule... wwahahaha

    3. What happened to GF Cyni... lol!!

    4. too tired to be loca i guess....hahaha

    5. I'm here... sorry girls... I was having dinner.

      So what are we talking now??

    6. Yo girl, you better chat with us.. I will be going to bed soon. I have only 3 hrs sleep last night....

    7. Waaa I have panda eyes... remember... I'm going to bed too

    8. okay go to SLEEP...i don't want to see any GForce with panda eyes?! arasso?!

  8. GFS.... I can't keep my eyes open... Sorry. I have to bid you goodnight guys...

    Talk to you later guys...

    1. ok GF Snowita the fly..take a good rest now..tata

    2. Snowcat the fly...hahahaha cute!

      Well Snowita the fly has to rest her wings.... The couple made her tired!!! Hahaha

    3. See you later Nieves...

      Michilita... niña traviesa... I'm going to bed too... see you later!!

  9. Oh, the four of you are still here?

    Hi everyone!

    1. hi ate Mhel...Snowy & Cyn gone to Lalaland already...if they dont have panda eyes already...hahaha

  10. woohoo GFs! good evening! :D just got back from college, hmm what can i say about today's exam? Haha it was tiring.... i feel like there's a big stone hitting my head... Hahahahah

    woohooo! What he said in PK is way way way way different in CC hahahahhaha
    PK-Everything in PK is for Real, its a matter of True feelings~ <3 lalala...
    CC-Only Acting, no real feelings involve! Hahahah thumbs up papi!

    1. Oh he hyper kiddo is here...

      You surely pass the exam kiddo...

    2. if only she exam about PK & Hyunmin ithink she pass it already with flying colours! hehe
