
Sunday, October 14, 2012

HINT??? - #7


medieval cross print on HJ's jacket

HJ wearing a medieval cross pendant 

 Fanvid by:  blueprincess824

I'm sure most of you have read HJ's interview at the Lotte Fan meeting held on Sat, Oct 13th.  At the venue, he sang "Let me be the one", "I'm your man", and "Please" with a piano accompaniment.  

I want to share a couple of his replies in the interview that stood out for me:
  • HJ said "Autumn has come, now winter is around the corner.... if you don't have a boyfriend, please make it sure to find one.  I will also find a girlfriend!  But today, I will be your man, only today (in Japanese) " He showed another glimpse of a mischievous guy.
Around the same time last year at an interview in Japan, he was asked: 
            Q:  What have you given your girlfriend for x'mas present?
           HJ:  I've not, cause I usually break up around autumn.

But, just a couple of months ago, this transpired at his fan meet in Thailand:  

Emcee:  If there's a doomsday tomorrow and you could bring only one thing with you to another planet, what would you it be?

The narrator said that question made him stunt for a long time but finally he said he will bring his beloved girlfriend with him.  hahaha  Then, fans went crazy!  He added that he has to take care of human population so that's why he has to take his girlfriend with him.  hahaha  (@Peunmon) posted in Soompi.  
My note:  They say a lot can happen in a minute so what more in a year.  ^-^

Another one of his replies at the Lotte Fanmeeting that stood out for me is this:

  • During talk session, Hyun Joong said that he had gotten a scuba diving license recently. He said that he conqurer the sea! "In Korea, there is no shark " ... lol He will upload the picture in the internet. He also said "While going under the sea, I thought that this is the place I should come together with the girl I love".  Then he continued to the topic"With autumn season now, winter is around the corner. You have to find a boyfriend .... "
So this year, no break-up happened in autumn instead 'he will find himself a girlfriend' and the "lucky girl" will get a x-mas present this year and go scuba-diving with him.  ^_^ 

It makes me happy that he's becoming more consistent with his replies in interviews lately.  Hopefully, gone are the 'I'm too busy', 'I don't have a girlfriend', etc., because let's face it HJ is not getting any younger and deserves much happiness.  And, being a Hyunmin fan, of course I would like to see him settle down with none other than MM but I don't hold their heart so I could only pray for both to find true love and happiness... but hoping this is a "hint" for us.  kekeke  *jyy*
Credit as tagged.


  1. HINT ALL THE WAY! hahahahhaha
    hi HyunMin & GFs!

    1. hahaha I thnk so too... I think he's starting to wean the fans! nhahahaha

    2. he is a big Meanie Teaser! hahaha

    3. He is weaning the fans big time!

    4. It's more like slowly telling his fans... this is the situation... you need to accept reality. hahahaha

    5. reality is my bestfriend? lalala

  2. Hello GF, Hyunmins!!!!

    Happy Sunday to you all.

    1. Hi GF Michy -

      BTW I love your profile photo.

    2. oh its MM caricature .
      im waiting for mine to complete by my friend...hopefully...hahaha

    3. That would be nice, your own caricature.

    4. yes it is...cant wait the result....kekeke

    5. Isn't that the caricature image on HJ's tank top that HJ uses in rehearsals?

    6. yes its the one on HJ tank top....

    7. That's really MM's caricature on his tank top?

    8. Aigoo GF, you need to refresher course in HINTS. We've covered that in the blog already. hahaha

    9. hahahahahaa....i dont know whether to laugh or cry right now!

    10. Hahahahaha...I just have to put that question there.... just in case someone will say that it's not her...... hahahahahah

  3. Good morning/evening, GFs! Happy Blessed Sunday to everyone!

  4. Hello GF Michy...waaaaahhh... you are still awake!!!!

    It is indeed a hint for me too.

    I was surprised with his response. He said, he will be looking for a girlfriend as well. Hmm is he testing his fans reaction just in case he will finally reveal the person that he loves for the past...uhmmmm almost two years? hahahahahah

    1. Hello GF Yooni-

      Thanks for this post... It's great!

    2. You're welcome. I hope if there's an announcement to happen it'll be right before or after my vacation. Special request??? hahaha

    3. Teasing? I think it's weaning the fans... find yourselves a boyfriend now because I'm taken. wahhahahaha Peace, fans! hahahahah

    4. He is being playful again GF. I will email you something.

    5. Announcement? Waaaahahahah... that would be wonderful.

      Is our boy trying to prepare his beloved fans that it's time for him to let everyone know the identity of "the love of his life?"

    6. i was asleep earlier but now wide awake middle in the night!
      maybe my instinct telling there will be new post! hahaha

    7. Mich, you probably have your cel phone by your side when you sleep? hahaha I do and it beeps when there's comments in the blog. hahaha So it wakes me up in the middle of the night sometimes.

    8. of course my cellphone is beside me but i off the notification...i just wake to turn off the light...and checkthe blog....hahaha

    9. we are too much right... tsk...that's what I do too when i wake up first thing in the morning... hahahahah

    10. yes we are...i dont know what to called it dedicates or obssesed? hahahahaha

    11. We're just dedicated. For me, I just wanted to make sure that our house is safe... no invaders. ;)

    12. I stand corrected: alien invaders are okay. The more reason why I have my cel phone beside me every night. hahahaha

  5. If you really read into his replies carefully, he is already telling us that he has a girlfriend and she is the girl whom he loves. He did not say my future girlfriend, did he?

    1. truth slowly been revealed?.....slow and steady? testing his fans reaction first before the BIG announcement?

    2. Very smart move... When it happens... the fans will not be caught surprised because they have been hearing about it slowly..A drip, drip, drip effect.

    3. Yes, just the fans comments you shared with me... they're not in-denial and embraces the fact. That's reality.

    4. i embraced the Facts diligently...lalala

    5. You're an exceptional fan, Mich! hahaha

    6. Yes, the fan's comment showed that she or they are warming up to the fact that he could have a GF already.

    7. That's how it should be. Celebrities have their own lives and fans should only admire and support them.

    8. go HYUNMIN go! i guess we need a fancant soon!

    9. Yeah...celebs have needs like us...

    10. yes! celebs are humanbeings with supernatural talents but with basic needs....lalala

  6. HJ is really sweet. When he went scuba diving, seeing the beautiful scenery underwater, he thought right away that it's the best place to spend time with the woman he loves....

    Aisssshhh this guy is too much. hahahaha He was talking about scuba diving and of course he has to add the "woman he loves. hahahaha hahahahah.... BUSTED!

    1. romantic in his 4D kind of way...sweet!
      that means MM ALWAYS in his mind, heart and soul!

    2. Uh-huh... you don't think he hasn't gone scuba-diving with her yet? Like on his bday? Who took his picture then? Were there a mention of the photographer's name? hahaha

    3. I am pretty sure he did already. What I was trying to say, is that, he did not have to include the "girl he loves' in his comment. When he went scuba diving, his first thought was being with the girl he loves at that moment.I hope he learned from that scuba diving lesson. It looks like his mind is always with her wherever he goes. hahahahaha

    4. I agree what you said GF Mich.... MM all the way...

      Questions to HJ and his answers.
      Who: MM
      When: MM
      Where: MM

    5. And that's a big contradiction to his first reply that 'he will find a girlfriend' because if he's already thinking of all these things to do with "the girl he loves". He's already too inspired with this girl that he wants to do everything *ehem-MODU-ehem* with her. hahahaha

    6. MODU = his ultimate inspiration

    7. Yes, his mind is occupied with the word "girlfriend" because he has one already? Is that it? hahahaha

      Yes his MODU.....

    8. Very much inspired to do everything for "his everything." hahaha

    9. hahaha I'll have my cat talk to you one of these days, GF Snowy! hahahaha

    10. wahahahaha lmao hahahahhaha

  7. Why is HJ wearing glasses? I thought he had laser surgery?

    1. Basic Lasik surgery is not permanent. It needs maintenance. I don't know how long ago he had done but he's probably due to have it re-done.

    2. And oh you still need "reading" glasses even with lasik.

    3. but he still look handsome effortlessly even with glasses on....
      MM congratulations! you got yourself a good breeder! hahaha

    4. I like him w/glasses on. He looks very intellectual.

      hahaha A good breeder! hahaha

    5. Oh gosh, did I use the wrong word... hahahha... "Lasik surgery"

      Hmmmm with glasses on? It made him look older. He needs to wear one more modern in style.

    6. You still need reading glasses with after lasik. Well it looks likes he needs it constantly. He must have removed his contact lens due to the CC underwater scenes.

    7. OMG! i make him sound like a dog with that breeder comment right?! hahaha

      hmm.... i think he look more old school with glasses on!

    8. Oh stop it... that's what you said about MM's haircut but you ate your words after the first photoshoot came out, right? Aishhh... I think you needed a new pair of glasses. hahahaha Where's our referee, GF Mhel? hahahaha

    9. Waaaaaahhh it's 2-1... where's the other GFs? huhuhu

    10. No... he looks old fashioned with those glasses. it looks like the glasses you can buy from the supermarket for $2. hahaha

    11. That's GF Mich for agreeing with me. He looks like a nerd with those glasses... hahahahah

    12. Yooohooo GF Mhel... help your GF Yoonji.... hahahaha

    13. But the picture posted doesn't give the look of glasses justice... I've seen other pictures and they don't look that bad. I think they're fashionable but maybe they are reading glasses that you can buy at pharmacy or convenient stores.

    14. but i like his nerdy look Gfs.... its nice to see him like that once in a while....

    15. Not me.... hahahhaa.... I don'twant Papi to look too conservative... hhahaha

    16. but i also doesnt like Papi is too glamorous too....hahahaha

    17. Hahahhaha... GF Yoonji, you agreed with me? His glasses might be from a convenient store? hahahaha

      Well for sure in person he looks different with glasses on.

    18. GF Mich, you don't want Papi to look too glamorous? hahaha Ahhhh I like him to lik sexy all the time.

    19. Not really... I think they look fashionable. hahaha I'll check out the other photos again. hahaha

    20. So far the photos I've seen with glasses on, he looks like a BLAH to me... hahahha
      Sorry my boy, I'm just telling the truth. lol!!!

  8. ok GFs...gotta go to sleep now...talk to you later!
    dear Monday Please Be Nice To Me....

    1. Good night, GF Mich. Have a great Monday to all of us! :)

  9. Good day/evening GFs... Hmmmm seems your having fn in todays post!

    Im too tired and too lazy to read back the comments...lol

    1. Our referee is here! hahahaha Hi GF Mhel. hahaha I know you're tired and sleepy but can you say about HJ's glasses? :)

    2. The referee showed up? hahahahha

      Hello GF Mhel!

    3. Without reading your comments my opinion on hj's glasses : HE LOOKS OLDER... lol

    4. You guys are just mean. hahaha I think he looks intellectual.

    5. Lol, that's what i see Gf.

    6. Ok, you're not a meanie GF Mhel... but GF Snowy is. hahahaha

    7. Meannie Snowy? Lol...

      Gfs gonna sleep now...talk to you tomorrow again!

    8. Hahahahha.... I love your comment GF Mhel....

      Yes.. HJ has to change those cheap looking glasses... hahahahha

      Goodnight GF Mhel...

    9. FYI GFs, Ahjussi HJ stopped by Jaksal after his Lotte fm...hahahaha

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Jaksal is a must visit huh? because we know what(who) waiting for him at home?!?!?!?!

    12. He stopped by to pick up something for his baby...hahaha

    13. aaawww..his baby craving for Jaksal Chicken?!?!?!?!!? hahahaha

    14. She did not have to cook. Hahahaha

    15. didn't he say in bts of PK YT episode 1 that his future wife doesn't have to cook because he will learn to cook for her?!?!?! hahahaha

    16. Really. I need to see that BTS. He always said that he would do everything to make his GF happy... Waaaah.. What a dream guy!

    17. sweet guy for a sweet girl...dream couple!

    18. Dream couple indeed!

      Enjoy the rest of your day GF....bedtime for me.

  10. Good afternoon GFs, im sorry i didnt join your loco comments yesterday in this post.. I think i dont need to explain the reason why i cant join you GFs. You know right where I am if im not here... Yes, i have a date with books and exams! Hahahahha

    GF Mhel! You comment i like it! Hahahahah he looks older means HE NEEDS TO GET MARRIED SOON! LOL

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Good afternoon/evening/morning all GFs
    Here is HJ's scuba diving photo, hope you can enjoy it (hope everyone can see)
    Cr: weibo@小卷卷_OnlyKHJ

  13. try again

  14. Failed!!!! Please see the link of 小卷卷_OnlyKHJ@weibo

  15. http://blog.naver.com/ceo210/40170244702?viewType=pc
