
Monday, January 14, 2013

Hyunmin One Shot - M & J Love Story: Part 6


Monae became pensive after Jihoo read the interpretations of her dreams.  "It's so close to the truth, it's scary!"  Monae thought. 

Jihoo concerned with Monae's demeanor asked, "Monae, are you okay?  You seem troubled.  Is there a problem?  Monae remained quiet.    

"Listen… I know that it's none of my business but didn't we already established closeness and that we’re friends.  Basing on your demeanor... your reaction to the interpretation of your dreams, there seems to be a problem.  If you feel that I'm crossing boundaries, I'm sorry but... I care for you!"  Jihoo said. 

After hearing what Jihoo said, the turn of events from the time they met started flashing in front of Monae… "who have thought that the almost car accident caused by a heartbreak would lead to constant phone chats, his persistence in inviting me for a stroll in the park or picnic, the motorcycle rides and his birthday surprise for me," she thought.  She's comforted by Jihoo's kindness, thoughtfulness, sweet gestures, openness and sincerity.  "The least I could do is trust and be honest with him!" Monae said to herself. 


Yah, Monae!  Jihoo flagging his hand to Monae's face... "gwaenchanayo (are you okay)"?" he asked.  

Neh, I’m okay!  Monae said.  "So, can we talk about what’s bothering you?"  Jihoo asked.  

After a moment, Monae took a deep breath and said, “when I turned 20, I got engaged to be married... rather, I was introduced to my fiance at a party thrown by my family -- an arranged marriage.  I wasn't happy about their decisions... so unhappy that I left the party.  Our parents  are adamant about following traditions even if we're living in the U.S.  His father didn't give him any choice but follow his order and later was coached to court me... we tried to work our differences but it took a long time for me to even talk to him.  It's not easy to accept that people who you thought loves you have no regards to your decisions in life.  We made a compromise not to rush us and that while we're trying to get to know each other, we get to do what we want...  I continue what I've been doing...  school, travel wherever and whenever... by myself.  Then, we made an agreement with our parents that we would get married when I turn 25.  I went home to SK more frequently than just school vacations and holidays.  We only meet at family parties or social events with our family and their business associates.  Needless to say, we became civil with each other.  

The day I met you, I learned that he has a girlfriend even before we met and it all made sense why we never reached the level of having a romantic relationship.  It's not the fact that he has girlfriend that upset me... it's his audacity to tell me that the plan is still on when I asked him to tell my parents the truth about him having a long-term girlfriend.  I thought he's a true gentleman and that he truly believe in the sanctity of marriage... little did I know that just like in dramas I watched on TV, I could be one day play the role of a protagonist, a famous and rich wife then, will gradually transform into an antagonist... a miserable wife due to my husband's infidelity."

  To be continued... 


  1. Finally part 6 is here... it's about time GF Mhel, GF YJJ...

    Jihoo is stunned of what he just heard from Monae. What is he going to do now? Is it too late for him?

  2. yah Jihoo man up arasso! you are one of F4! there's nothing you can do!

    hahahaha...i'm back to my comentator mode!

    hola GFs!

    1. Hello GF Michy... Yes you are girl. I'm happy...lol!

      If Jihoo can't handle this by himself, he better get the help of his BFFs right?

    2. its F4 right? there's nothing they can't do. just look at Jandi & Jun Pyo....lalalala
      actually my fave couple in BOF is the Yi Jung & Ga Eul....kekeke

      sorry, out off topic here....kekekekeke

    3. Good motning GD Lover...and Tush lover!!...hahaha

    4. Hahahhahahha.... thanks GF.... good morning to you too.

  3. Woohooo... another update!!!.... give some minutes to read this chapter...

    Thanks Gf Mhel and Gf YJJita

  4. Whoaahhh... Monae told the truth to Jihoo... now Jihoo what are you going to do man??... well you have to be there, show her you are not like the guy she was engaged....

    Wait... is she still engaged to him???

    1. I need suggestions on what Jihoo should do... palli-palli! There will be no rescue from F4... hahaha... as I'm not familiar with all the characters... and Mhel and I don't want this to be a messy story. hehehe It's plain Jihoo-Monae love story.

    2. Hmmmm...hmmmm... If I was Jihoo... ... I'll ask my curly hair friend Jun Pyo to use his influence with the Hong Family and make them end the engaged with the other dude...

      ohh... no rescue from F4???...

    3. Hello Gfs....

      I have the same thoughts with GF Yoonji, i want Jihoo to move on his own without the help of his friends...

      Hello GF Cyni, GF Snowy, GF Michy, Gf Mazzy aka KIdoo.....

    4. That's easy to remedy GF...star watching the BOF tonight...hahaha

    5. Send the SOB fiancé to Siberia as compliment from the F4... Hahahaha

    6. We need to add humor... GF....

      GP has a very interesting hair and memory and weakness in Ramen noodles. Hahahha

    7. hahahaha... as compliment from the GForce!!

    8. Jihoo should trick Monae... Get her drunk and take her to LV for a quickly wedding.... Her parents can't do anything about it... Jihoo is far richer than Monae's cheating fiancé. Jihoo owns his company.

    9. And may I add... Far more influential and powerful in addition to his good looks..... Plus he can make mouth watering pancakes....hahahah

    10. Yes GF Cyni... Compliment from the GForce... Hahahaha

    11. Yahhh YJJita, don't listen Snowy's suggestions...hahahahaa

      Why get her drunk?... if Jihoo asks her to marry him, she will accept... both should have a secret wedding... kekeke^^

    12. I can picture Jihoo carrying his drunk bride

    13. Hey... Monae might be a very obedient daughter ... Jihoo can't take that chance... Hahahahah... He must marry her now and court her later....

    14. hahahaa... then, the hangover part: Jihoo making mouth watering pancakes for her...hahaha

    15. Gf YJJ and Mhel will have a headache after they read this comments...hahaha

    16. what did you have for lunch, GF Snowy? what crazy ideas are you coming up with?

    17. hahaha... Gf Snowy had some Margaritas for lunch...

    18. Ha hahahahah... For sure Jihoo will book in a penthouse suite att the Bellagio's in LV... He could make his pancake there to impress his brand new wife...

    19. Bwahahahaha... You asked for ideas and that's what I have for you...... Got that excellent idea without a sip of Mojito. Hahahahah

    20. And let me repeat myself and Mhel agreed me too... Jihoo is solo-flight here... he will not ask help from F4. This is not an extension of BOF.

    21. I agree with adding humor... if Mhel agrees. I miss the playful Jihoo in Part 4. It's too soon for Monet to go home to the states. I think she should spend sometime with Jihoo first and see where their relationship would take them.

    22. ok... Jihoo should invite Monae's parents for dinner, make his mouth watering pancakes to impress them... and make them realize he will be a better husband for their daughter...

      pancakes are the key!!!

    23. Yes, I am missing the funny Jihoo.

      You can't send Monae to the states... The gorgeous guy is in SK...she can't live him.

      Yes...the pancake is the key... Hahaha

    24. Aigoo, GF Snowy, you really want the curly fries hair here in the story? lol

    25. Correction...she can't leave him.

    26. Hahahahahahaha... I want him in the story to be abused GF Mhel....We need a victim.

    27. Curly fries as the jerky fiance? mmm... he doesn't strike me as a player/jerk though... he looks more like a comedian. hahaha it has to be somebody like Joong-Ki in CWGM when he dumped Dambi.

    28. I want Jihoo to show his own style of confessing his love without anybody's help....wahahahaha....

      GF if the CFH GP will appear, this one shot will reach up to 50 chapters...hahahaha

    29. I support Gf YJJ's idea... it has to be Joong-Ki!!

    30. What about...JJ as the cheating fiancé ...hahahaha. Oppa Jae Joong....

    31. Joong-ki has the face to be the jearky fiancé

      Oppa Jae??.. that will be weird... he is one of HJ's best friend

    32. Ok, I maybe asking for trouble here but I don't see JJ manly. hahaha I prefer YooChun.

    33. I don't care, he is HJ's friend, not mine. Hahahaha.... I don't think Jihoo knows him.

    34. Hope JJ is not reading this...hahahaa... What about the guys from CNBlue???...hahahaha

    35. Who? Yong Hwa? it wont fit....hahahaha

    36. hahaha... YJJita, Kiddo Mazzy will kill you!!!... she's a big fan of JJ...hahaha

    37. Hahahahaha...what about HyunJoon of CNBlue. He looks manly and good looking. Someone I know will kill me for suggesting his name.

      Alright enough with the joke.... Joong -Ki it is then.

    38. I think his name is Jong Hyun... hahaha... yes very good looking!.

      but Joong-Ki is the winner

    39. wahahahhaha Sorry GF Mazzy but I'm just stating my opinion. hahahaha

    40. It doesn't mean I have to post the fiance's picture in the blog right? We'll just his name.

    41. So, what's up with Joong-Ki???... is he going to SK??

    42. Why would he? He only wants the marriage to go through for his parent's approval.... he's a total jerk. He's not the type to pacify a girlfriend.

    43. just the name GF Yoonji.....

    44. So, it will be Joong-ki? Yes, you don't have to post his picture.

    45. It doesn't have to be him but it should be somebody that ones you see his name in the story it would make you believe that he's capable of that person. And since I don't know Jun Pyo's character I can't see him as a jerk fiance. Joong-Ki and YooChun would make it credible for me because I seen them act a jerk in the drama. Do you get what I mean?

    46. Kim Nam Gil would also fit the character.

    47. I was about to said that!!... KNG

    48. I know but we're trying to steer it away from their grim story in Bad Guy.

    49. Let Joong-ki.... if the readers don't know who he is, they should start watching CWGM!!

    50. why not use Jang Geun Suk as the cheating fiance?

      as long as none of my BB here....kekeke

    51. nhahhaha... no comment! nhahhaha

      Yah, why not Top or GDragon? Top can look it. wahahahaha peace, GF! hahahaha

    52. I think GDragon will be perfect!!!...

      oh Michy is here... good morning Gf!!


    53. hahahahahahaha We're not picking on your BB, GF Michily. seriously, we're not! hehehe

    54. GF Mich is fighting for her men...

    55. Yup, lucky my criticism earlier was not for one of her BBs. hahahaha I should be careful -- don't want to receive hate emails. hahahahaha

    56. maybe not now GF YoonJiJi...maybe in the future???? kekeke

    57. waaaaaahhhhh I only say kind words about your BBs! They're cool and manly looking. hahahaha Ok, I better stop! hahahaha

  5. ohhhhh nooo! i think.. ive missed one part! part 5!!! gashh gotta back read some of previous post and then get back here! aigooo! hahah

    1. hahaha... Kiddo Mazzy...where's your loco head?... you can't read part 6 without reading part 5...hahahaha
