
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

HINT??? - #8

      1st Love in Bali - Part 1

KHJ awkward with a girl:

As fate would have it, he meets somebody with similar traits...

but it appears HJ took the initiatve to bridge the shyness and awkwardness with his coordi noona in tow.  kekeke

(The setting below is from Episode 1, Bong Ju collecting pledges (love donation) to help rebuild OHN's house that collapsed during an earthquake.)


Yes, we witnessed how you two flirt in bts Epi 10 *ehem-ehem*...

PD:  Can the flirting wait?  ^_^

JSM's Interview:

Q:  How do you judge your look, we know that you are special and pure.

JSM:  Being an actor I don't think that appearance is the most important. I am not a star or a celebrity. I feel lucky I am not beautiful as the beauty doll.

Q: As an actress, what is acting?

JSM: “Although I am only ‘one person’, we cannot have just one defined personality. This is because deep inside our hearts, we have more than one persona. Acting is a profession in which you express those many personas inside your heart. Sometimes one would feel ashamed of this kind of profession, while other times it would rob you of your heart.”

JSM interview:

Q.  In what areas are you similar and different from Ha Ni?

JSM:  I am like Ha Ni always being considerate of others. Once I have identified the person as one of us, I would not care about everything and do my best for that person. I want to do something for that person and when I’m doing it I’ll be very happy. Not use to receive anything in return, to others it would seem that I’d lose out but I never expect anything in return, so it is alright.

(My POV:  if she's selfless to her friends what more for a lover?) 

Pretty, indeed! 

Did you say cute???   


Credit as tagged.  


  1. Hello GFs -- hope you like the GIFS. hehehe

    1. Hola Yoonjita... I love the GIFS!!!... woohooo specially the bed scene... HJ was stearing at her

    2. Hello GFs.... love the GIFS.... woohooo

    3. I the bobo kiss rehearsal... MM felt really awkward and HJ normally the awkward one was relaxed. hahaha MM's King Fart dance was so also cute!

    4. She was clearly blushing at the bobo kiss rehearsal.

    5. She even stuck out her tongue. hahaha On the 3rd GIF, looked like she was scratching her pony tail. She's so funny when she gets nervous and awkward. HJ was probably thinking, I thought I was funny when awkward. wahahahahaha

    6. When she's nervous, she laughs and keeps on touching her hair.

    7. Holaaa Gfs!!!!
      I notice that Somin was really uncomfortable or embarrassed.... poor SM.... and with such papasito!!! Who does not? hahaha
      You remember what he said. When he likes a girl??
      he does not show it... so that she doesn't realize
      Maybe that's why he looks more relaxed but maybe he was dying of shame just like she (for the scene ) jajaja
      Sorry for my bad english Lol

    8. Hola GF Mary,
      Papi just being mischievous just like their drama name too...LOL

    9. Hola Mary-

      HJ s trying to look cool infront of the girl..hahaha..... MM's laugh may have helped him to be more comfortable.

    10. Hola michily!! Hola Snowy!!

      true!! that's another thing he said
      have to act cool in front of the girl LOL

  2. HJ has an eye for beauty and good character.

    1. He knew what he wants. They were really fated to meet. hehehe

    2. You could see they are still a bit uncomfortable or shy at the beginning. She's still blushing. hahahha ... Hj's smile was controlled.

    3. hahaha... of course they are a bit uncomfortable, was the babo kiss... HJ was more relaxed... the man can't get nervous right???... hahaha....

      I love SM's gestures and laugh... yes she's pretty and cute!!

    4. You didn't watch the video above -- HJ awkward with a model? hahaha It doesn't involve kissing but still... he was obviously awkward. hahaha

    5. The Bali Lovestory interview part... that's the real HJ. Everything he said about his ideal girl, he found them in MM that's why he did not let her go. MM is smart, pretty and cute and for sure MM gives him enough attention.

    6. I can´t watch videos from here... huhuhu... wait... give me some minutes

    7. I saw that video. He said that he is always shy to anyone who is unknown to him. Maybe that's the reason some people think that he is a snob.

    8. Waaahahahaha I'm watching the video...waaahahahaha.... he couldn't even touch the girl's hair... and his face was "what am I doing here??"....hahahaha

    9. And he fairly knew MM during the Bali interview. So it made me wonder if he was already checking her out in Bad Guy but he said in an interview that he watched Bad Guy but didn't know MM was in it -- he said the first time he met her he thought she's a model not an actress. hahaha

    10. hahaah Isn't it hilarious, GF Cyn? hahaha HJ & MM have similar traits... they both get awkward with strangers. hahaha

    11. Hahhaha... he did not do research on his leading lady?

    12. I guess not. But in the first script/dress rehearsal, he was anxiously looking at the direction of the door so maybe he did some research -- it'll be in Part 2 so, you have to wait when I get back from vacation. wawhaha

    13. Ok... I need some water, I'm stilling laughing about the video and at HJ's hair...hahaha... who was his stylist??... hahahaha...

    14. Are you serious GF Yoonji???... we can't wait for your return!!!... waaaaahhhhh!!!

    15. Wahahaha There's another video with models but I couldn't find it. GF Snowy, do you have the video with HJ awkward with 3 models -- I think it's the Sun Chicken commercial.

    16. Yeah, I saw that video. Let me look for it.

    17. I found the video GF. You want me to upload it?

    18. I want to see the video, please share the link.

    19. Here's the link. It's not eng subbed though.


    20. HJ looked very young on this CF.

    21. At least his hair looked good in this video... I don't what happened with him in the other one... hahahaha.... peace Señor Alien!!

    22. Yeah , he looks cute with long hair. I don't like his hairstyle now. He looks older.

    23. Hmmmm... well...he's getting older... (hahahaha sorry HJ)... I mean he looks more mature... *cough*

    24. well he needs to look mature because soon he will be a family provider to his MM, Modu, Art, Matic, two boys and two girls....what you need a reaaly big house HJ! hahahahahaha

    25. Hahaha... I hope he will continue to be in show business even when he's married.

    26. I bet those dogs are high maintenance.

    27. they are because the dogs are their current babies....hahahahaha

    28. Lucky dogs!!!... hahaha... I'm jealous of them hahahaa.

    29. hey Papi we got one rare species Spanish dog here! do you want to adopt her...she dont bite she only eat loco pills...easy maintenance....hahahahaha

    30. The luckiest of them all is Modu # 2

    31. hahahaha... when I became I dog?... I can bark but I'm not a dog...hahaha...

    32. did i say that you are the dog? hahahaha

    33. Hahahahaha..Cyny the new Spanish adopted dog of HH and MM.... Wooohoooo.

      But you did not get who is Modu #2 ...Who is HJ's Modu #1... You know who?

    34. Modu#1 is the dog
      Modu#2 is Mamichita...ole...hahahaha

    35. This comment has been removed by the author.

    36. that is why i put it backward GFs because we are in HINT corner.....hahahaha

    37. Ok GF Michilita, you got me there. hahahaha

    38. lalalala...yah...im in a good mood this morning even though im late for work...hahaha..its my mischievous day..yeay

    39. The visitor left??? hahahaha

    40. Modu is Mamachita and Mamachita is Modu... therefore there is only one Modu as a persona. If you are talking about the dog... there's also one Modu... this is too abstract hahaha

    41. not yet..still got a few more day to go but less pain...hahahaha...the beauty of being a woman...hahahaha

    42. You are our certified alien translator... abstract thinking. hahahaha

    43. Yah GF Cyni, where you learn to be Alien translator?

    44. Hahaha... I was inspired... kekeke

    45. is Papi inspired you? lalalala

    46. Papi's body... whoahhhh!!!.
      Peace Mami!!!

    47. oh..i thought it was Papi's eyes...lalallaa

  3. wauuu yoonji me encantan tus gifs, te quedaron geniales!!!
    Esa MM desde el principio le da golpesitos en el brazo a Hj eso es para entrar en confianza..jajaja

    1. Sip... pero mejor está la mirada que le manda HJ en la escena de la cama... él se está muriendo de amor!!!!!!!

  4. hola Cyni haz visto que MM le lanza una mirada y sonrisa matadora a HJ cuando se saludan... jajaja esa es mi chica...es lo maximo MM

    1. Yes Ela, MM lo conquistó con cada gesto, mirada y movimiento... lo conquistó desde el primer día

  5. con esa mirada tan linda y sonrisa bella lo tiene comiendo en su mano jajaja....

    1. Son la pareja perfecta. Me estaba riendo con el video de HJ y la otra chica, una modelo supongo, jajaja... HJ se ve super incómodo con ella...hahahaha...

      pregunta... qué paso con su look en ese entonces?... jajaja ese corte de pelo!!, quién era su estilista, el joven manos de tijera?

    2. jajaja ¿el joven manos de tijera?...no se por esa epoca todos tenian corte de super sayayin jajaja

    3. jajajaja... Super Sayayín???... jajajaja... definitivamente ahora se ve muuuuuuchooooo mejoorrrrrrr!!!, espero que la moda del super sayayin no regrese

    4. Deberías llamarla por su nombre en español: María Antonieta de las Nieves Castillo Nevado, pero para hacerla más corta, la llamamos Nieves!... jajaja.

    5. jajaja perdon hola María Antonieta de las Nieves...Seguro te lo puso Cyni!!!
      Y tu Cyni como te llaman?
      hola GF michi o tu también tienes otro nombre jajaja!!!

    6. Gf Yoonji me puso un nombre María Luisita Cuervo y Petrón (por las marcas de Tequila)...jajajajaja

      Le puse un nombre a Gf Michy, pero no me acuerdo...jajajaja, son muy largos y complejos

    7. No habla espanol when I'm stressed? Que? hahahaha

  6. good morning/afternoon/evening HyunMins

    hello GFs....

  7. Michilita Liliana Rosario Montero Rosas
    that's the name you gave GF Cyni.....hahaha

    1. hahahaha... yes... now I remember... hahaha... Thank you Michilita...

    2. Hello Mich! hahaha For me, the shorter the better. hahaha

    3. just Michilita is more than enough GF Yoonji....hahaha

    4. the shorter the better??? Yoonjita, you're talking about the names, right?... hahahahaha

    5. Yah... GF Cyn, what did you have for lunch today??? hahaha

    6. wahahahaha... I didn't have my lunch today... that's my problem...hahahaha... I'm hungry...hahahaaa. I took some Loco pills instead.

    7. GF Cyni... is so funny... no more loco pills for you girl. hahaha

    8. hahahaa.... I'm still laughing.... I need some CO pills right now... help me!!...hahahhaa

  8. Talk to you GFs manana... heading home!

    1. Take care GF Yoonji, you are going to be on mushroom mode when you get home huh? Hahahah

  9. I'm going home too Gfs!!... see you later!!

  10. the first time I saw that video of HJ with the model
    could not stop laughing for a week
    he is very funny and cute in this video
    and I remember when YS (SS501) revealed when they were new and were in a photo shoot, the photographer asked to HJ to put his hand on the shoulder (on the shoulder of his brothers) and placed his hand on his own shoulder hahaha
    who like him (4D) LOL

    1. I miss HJs 4Dness. I want to see him laugh and make jokes like the old days.

      Placing his hand on his own shoulder is a funny one....lol

  11. Goodnight GF...I am going to bed early.

  12. before I forget
    Thanks Yoonji by the Gifs
    I had not seen the scene where MM and HJ greet each other
    so sweet ... mm naughty hahahaha

    1. You're welcome Mary - I'm glad you liked the GIFs. Yes, the GIF where HJ greeted MM was nice surprise. hehehe

      Did anyone noticed the eye contact? hahaha

    2. me also!! This is my first time seeing that pic!!! GF YoonJJ you have the whole video for that part? I want to watch that! Wooohohohoohoh

    3. about the eye contact? Ehem! Althought i coulndt see his stares, but from the reflection of MM eyes, both are, "awwww!"

      what does awwww means hahaha it means, unexplainabe! Her eyes look shy, bcos the love of her life is just sooo handsome to ignore! Ahhahaha

  13. Hi YoonJi
    of course!!!!
    MM did a very coquette <3
    naughty mami jajajaja

  14. Good morning/good afternoon GFs...

    Finally, got the chance to comment...i like that episode 10 bed scene part...it was a very hilarious episode for me...

  15. Hello GFs, Good 5.30PM!!

    Mommy Mhel and me was busy yesterday, right Mommy? Whoahah...

    Im glad that i can drop a comment and join you girls although its just for couple of minutes as i am having my kit kat break now! Hhahahahahah

    anyway, i love all the Gifs GF YoonJJ! You are superb! All scnes above are my favorite one!!! Especially the scne where two strangers, is about to kiss posing! Hahahah

    and and and the bed scene also! Hahahahahah i love the way MM flirting with HJ.. Hahahahah and also the way HJ looked at her... Make the moment very wow!! Woohooooohohoho!

    GF YoonJJ, me, request GIFs for all their their k*s*ing scnes! Hahah why do i have to censor that word anyway? Hahahah it just that im afraid my Mommy Mhel will kill me, bcos her daughter here is a pervy! Hahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha

    1. Oh, is this the kind of loco pills you need? Tsk tsk tsk...better eat kitkat kiddi...hahahaha

  16. Good morning/afternoon/evening GFs-

    Busy day for me so I'll chat with you tonight, my time okay?

    Later you guys!

  17. good evening gforce, thanks very much for your topic.i was thinking this topic 2 weeks ago and i'm gonna suggesting on your blogs,and now it's hear.the answer of kim hyun joong was the same on his interview in " yahoo k-wave " this year. would you disscus about his interview in yahoo and also his interview in taiwan when he solved the puzzles of his ideal girl, in his interview when he guest in tv when he is promoting his album " breakdown " last 2011... i'm so happy 'cause almost his answer were the same, pointing minmin as his ideal girl... goodluck to all of you gforce, more power and god bless all >>> hyunmin forever

    1. hi Shirley
      thank you for visiting and commenting in this blog :-)
      HyunMin Forever!

    2. Hello Shirley -- if you can give me a link to the article or video of the "Yahoo K-wave", I'd be more than happy to write about it.

      Which Taiwan interview are referring to? was it the 'face' puzzle? -- I'm still searching for the video but will add to my "to do list"

      There was also a segment where he was asked to choose an ideal girl from celebrity pictures and he picked Barbie Xiu(?spelling) -- this one is already in my "to do list".

      Thank you for your suggestion, Shirley and hope you drop by again.

  18. Namste Gfs.
    Nice work Gf Yoon Ji Joong. What should I call you?
    I am waiting for him to confess who his love. But till that day comes you girls will keep making happy with those fanarts and spazzing.^_^
    About that video of HJ with three girls I will post the link here
    And I also want to suggest GF Yoon Ji Joong to watch one interview of HJ
    That interview was interesting..

  19. Hello Snehal -- thank you, I'm glad you like it. Just call me YJJ... hahaha the shorter... oops GF Cyni might add something silly to this again. hahaha

    Anyway, yes I recall the 2nd video and find the psychology test results very interesting -- it's now added in my 'to do list'. Hope you girls can wait though because there are others ahead of your requests.

  20. Hj.....just say it already......we know who is ur girl...and we love you both! so get married soon and have those gorgeous babies

  21. Good lord I cannot stop giggling! And it hurts! Lol

    Good evening GFs, yup new here... Already been to soompi ( stalker turned member).. Would have settled with just reading the the hints again and again.. If not for that decision to finally watch the awkward moment with the girl... And I just can't stop laughing... His hands were literally ! Hoho... BTW nice to meet you..

    1. Hello M17chimes...good evening to you GF. Nice to meet you too. It seems like you are enjoying GF YJJ's hints...lol!

      Welcome to the blog and thanks for visiting. Please share your thoughts with us anytime!

    2. Hello mi7chimes - welcome to the blog. I'm yoonjijoong, yjj for short. Are you a new follower of the hyunmin? and, have you read all our hints in the blog? Is Hint #8 your favorite?

    3. Hello Gf M17chimes! Welcome in the blog... Its good to.know that yyou are enjoying our posts here...everybody loves the Hints posts in here Gf...hope to see you more often... ;-)

    4. @GF YJJ yup newbie to hyunmin world *sad face* better late than never right... Brew Lol you all a lotta Qs Hahaha... Well.. Yes ofc i hav Read all the hints.. N All hints are equally valuable though the one I loved the most is the bracelet one... Beside the numerous stares...
      @GF Mhel its no wonder why we love the hints is it? those hints are why we are here aren't we? and its a pleasure to realise that fans all over the world have similar thoughts instincts and goggles when it comes to those favourite couples Lol

  22. Hello GF snowy aka snowflakes, right? BTW its m"i"7chimes not 17... Lol a lotta Ppl tend to read it that way... N yes I am sure enjoying the hints (read facts) Lol .. And now the comments too... Thank you for this blog.

    1. Correct aka snowflakes. Lol, I need a new pair of contact lenses. I had to enlarge the letters for me to see that it's i not 1.

      You're welcome and enjoy reading the hints(facts)...lol

    2. BTW GF, I'm not the snowflakes in Soompi. I'm the snowflakes in AFF.

    3. You're not??? I'm totally shocked! hahaha

    4. Oh you are not.. Lol.. U know what.. AFF is the first place where I read a fan fic.. From the middle Lol.. Just a few days ago.. Even though I have been part of a forum for years I have never read one coz I felt I might Get inspired too much if I do wrote one day.... Hmmmm... These two make me want to write one Lol. BTW I do PS would like to submit some here... What do I do?

    5. Like you Gf, we all hanged out at aff before also in soompi. But win.aff almost everyday, chatting, and spread our naughtiness...we are the crazy, naughty Gforce in hyunmin ff...lol

      if you want to share something here Gf you can pm one of tge admin here...we will be happy if you can share somethig about our couple...

    6. K GF Mhel, I can do some fan arts and gifs add well.. I'll sent you through your mails then.. Thanks

    7. You're welcome Gf and its our pleasure if you can contribute and share your fan arts and gif's with us here.

    8. Yes. Hahaha... GF YJJ still teases me with that. Did you see her comment? " You're not?" Be careful with her she's a crazy one.

      Writing a Hyunmin AFF? You should try it. AFF is where the GForce girls met. We used to really have fun there.
