
Saturday, October 20, 2012

HyunMin dancing...

"La Cucaracha"

See the video...

Cyn OC


  1. WAHAHAHA.. They look cute. Papachito and Mamachita doing la cucaracha...ole!!!

  2. Hahaha I saw the video ...it's very funny!!!! I can't view the video on my IPad though.

    1. Hello Gf!!

      I uploaded the video directly to the blog, maybe tha's why you can't view it on your ipad.

      I'll work in more videos later...hahaha... this is too funny!!

    2. Jibjab....lol...this kind of application is so cute and funny...

    3. Ciao Gf Melanina...kekeke

      This video is for Gf Michy... She wanted to see some Hyunmin dance...hahaha... and I wanted to see HJ wearing a mexican sombrero

    4. I cant watch it now as im using my mobile too...

    5. Hello Gf Snowy...how are you?

    6. I'm not at home right now.. I'll do it later... and maybe I'll another video...hahaha....

    7. I'm working on my project GF Mhel. I wish I'm working on our blog post because it would be more interesting...hahaha

      Talk to you later guys.

    8. Have fun with your project GF Nievecita...kekeke

  3. Hello GFs..
    Nice Vid. GF Cyni..:D
    But I found SoMins dance way better than HJ.

    1. Hello Snehal-

      It's a cute video of our darlings dancing...love it!

    2. Hi Snehal...

      Yes SM's dance was better but HJ's booty shaking is hilarious... hahaha

    3. Hahahahha... GF I watched Mami and Papi's La Cucaracha on YT... it's hilarious! It looks like Mami is enjoying herself. hahahahah

    4. Hahaha... I forgot to upload the video here...
      Mamicita is shaking her body and Papacito too.

  4. Hello GFs good morning/evening. hahaha I'll change the title to La Cocooracha. hahaha Anyway, just dropping by to say "hello". I'll be busy in the backroom (future posts). Have a nice day.

    1. Hello Gf Yoonji,.always busy huh....

      Have a nice day to you Gf!

    2. Hi Yoonjita bonita... hehehe

      We need another of your Hints or FACTS!!!

    3. hahaha I hope that Yoonjita bonita stops there because knowing you next you'll come up with Yoonjita bonita banana. hahaha

      Anyway, how come you're back to Cyn OC? I like the long name "Maria Luisita Josita Cuervo y Patron" that you used in your previous post. hahaha

    4. Hello viewers, have a great weekend! (back to mushroom mode)

    5. Yoonjita Bonita Bananita Papayita... hahahahaa


  5. Hi GFs & HyunMins
    I'll watch the video later hope my headache will be ok after watch it!

    1. GF Michy, i hope you will get better soon, i think one of your head's screw is loose.. Thats why you get headache.. Lol.. You need my screwdriver to tighten it? Lol.. Kidding baby Michy!

      Good day GFs!

    2. Ate Mhel, your kiddo is teasing me!
      yah Crazzy Mazzy, even after a long sleep i still wake up with headache!

    3. Hello Gfs!!!

      The M&M is here... Camilita the Kiddo and Michilita 'headache' Screwdriver.... good morning to you Gfs!!

    4. Mommy Mhel to the rescue....

      Stop it Kiddo, im afraud Baby Michy will loose more screw...wahahahaha

      get well soon baby michy...

      Morning GFs....

    5. only Papi can screw back my loose screw...hahahha
      sorry Mamichita...lalalalala
      Papi shake his booty ...glug glug woo hoo! wow! fantastic Papi...
      hola GF Cyn & Mhel....

    6. Olala GF Mhel and GF Chyn! Haha

      GF Michy, papi has NO time to screw back your loose screw.. Hahahaha :P

      haha, mommy Mhel, dont you think its good that Baby Michy loose many screws? Lol...

      yah my M&M twins, maybe you need STWPO.. Eh? o_O i mean.. Urm... Our LoCo pills... *grinned* hahahah

    7. no need STWPO! that one reserved for Papi and Mami only...lalalallaa
      Loco pills? hmmm.....

    8. or you want Dr.Chyn to cure you? Or our Nurse Jell? Lol...

    9. hahahaha...no need i already have a doctor....
      his name is Kwon Ji Yong....lalalalala

    10. who is that?

      I tell you the name of doctor that can cure your headache... *cough2* but a warning for you, dont flirt with him... Or else... her wife who is working there will definitely inject you harshly... Hahaha

      are you ready? Lol.. I think you know which doctor i mean... Olalala

      Welcome... Doctor Baek Seung Jo and his wife/assistant.... Nurse Baek Ha Ni~


    11. of course you don't know because that is his birthname. his stage name is G-Dragon...lalalalala

      better i go see Dr. Yoon Ji Hoo....hahahahaha

    12. whoahah, is it that obvious that im not his true fan? Lol... Sorry G Dragon! Im used to your famous name~ olala

      what Dr Yoon Ji Hoo? Haha why not Dr Baek Seung Jo? Lol

    13. well his patients called him Prince doctor....hahahaha

    14. haha but Baek Seung Jo was called as, Perfect Doctor... Olala

  6. Olala~~~! Good morning GFs, hehe..Camilita The Kiddo a.k.a GF Mazzy is here.. Olala!

    I cant watch the video.. Wow! I owe lots of video from you gfs to watch! Aishhh... !!!!!!!!! Haha...
    But just by seeing everyone response, im sure this video is funny.. Haha :D :D :D :D :D

  7. OMG! Papi shake his booty! hahahaha

  8. GFs, i have a Question here...

    In the future, which actors you want to pair up with MM in a drama?
    If me.. I want Lee Jin Wook, the one sitting beside her during Strong Heart! Haha i know he is kinda abit old, but there is something that tickle me that this man should be pair up with her in a drama.. Hahaha

    well i know in majority, everyone want HJ to be her partner in a drama again... But lets choose other than him, cos we know in real life, HJ is her permanent love of her life.. Haha :D what do you think? Olala~

    1. of course i want Papi bff to pair with Mami for drama especially TOP...lalalalala

    2. hahaha of course, i want papi, but lets choose other actors, just for fun! Hhahaa

      the top one on my lists are... Wait.. Let me check it first...
      1)Yoon Ji Hoo
      2) Baek Seung Jo
      3) Baek Mir

      Eh? Am i seeing this right? I think all these three are papi, right? Hahahaha

    3. hahah crazy me! So here is the actual list:

      1)Lee Jin Wook
      2)Kim Jae Joong
      3)Siwon, of SuJu..

      I think thats it.. Haha

      p/s: Kim Hyun Joong is not out of the list, he is on my permanent list.. Haha the above one is from my random list.. Olala~

    4. Jae Jong? i approved!
      TOP and Lee Seung Gi too... my Taeyang cannot...hahahaha
      of course Papi is on permanent list lalalalala

    5. Camilita you have a crush on Lee Jin Wook?...hahaha

      Add yummy Rain to the list!

    6. yah, taeyang is not on my list ler... Hahahahahah so dont worry... Haha

      what? Seung gi? Hmm.. No i dont want... If top..? Oh my definitely not! Lol.......... He is scary! Lol...

    7. TOP may appear scary but i like his mischievous side...he really funny in real life...i think that is why he & Papi is bestfriend
      why not Seung Gi, he is a really nice guy...has a nice smile too...kekekekeke

      of course Rain is perfect! surveillance van get ready please! hahahahaha

    8. hahhaha GF Chyn, i think so? o_O lol.... Kidding! I dont know why, i think if he pair up with MM in a drama, that will be BOOM! The way he looks at MM during strong heart... And then, the way he laugh over her silliness... The way they act on SH...The way he said, "Jung So Min" i feel... Something.. Something that will make them as a good pair for a drama... Well, just in DRAMA, dont for real... Hahahahhahaha i just want to see these two act...

      Rain? Woohoo! Bcos of his abs, i will vote for a YES! Hahaha

    9. hahahah, although i told you that he looks scary, but sometimes i like him too.. Hahahah it just that his weird appearance make me afraid.. Lol... but i like Seung Ri more! Hahah he is cute!

      Alright, lets vote for all HJ's bestfriend to be MM partner.. Hahahahah :D :D what do you think? Woohooo, i hope papi can control himself, bcos for sure MM will have Ksng scenes with all his bestfriends.. Hahahahah naughty me! Sorry papi!

    10. why dont Papi's boss BYJ act as Mami dad in drama? wow! a star studded drama! i must watch it! lalalalala

    11. woow! If BYJ in it! I super agree!! Haha but the mami's partner must be Papi definitely! Or... BYJ as papi's dad? Cos BYJ's face almost same like papi!!!!! What do you think? Olala~

    12. then Mami become BYJ daugter in law? i like! lalalalal

    13. yes yes yes! Hahahhaah :D :D :D

      then lets make the twins members of Boyfriend K-band to be mami and papi kids! Haha bcos i remember there the twins of BF resembles papi's face abit! Hahah.. Oh my... Our imagination went over board.. Oalalla

    14. then YEH can be Mami unnie since Mami is called little YEH...wah what a big family they have here...lalalalala

    15. Hello Gfs!!!!
      Jajaja funny video ^_^

      Her partner

      For REAL

      For REEL
      1) Lee Jin Wook
      2) SiWan
      3) CN Blue Yong Yoon Hwan (sorry I dont know how write it)

      I like Siwan. He is really cute ^///^
      But Papi is more handsome sexy cute. He is a charming man.
      I like LJW too for her partner

    16. Hahaha this topic is so interesting... hahaha... I wonder if Papi is reading this... hahaha ?????!!!!!!?????!!!!???? Exclamation marks for you girls!!!! Hahaha

      Bedtime for me... take care locas!! See you tomorrow

    17. hi GF Mary!
      i like your suggestion!

    18. I like JoTwins Youngmin and Kwangmin <3
      They are so cute

    19. night night Loca Cyni...
      talk to you later

    20. whoahahahah yes yes yes! Then, Yoon Eun Hye can be her unnie! Hahahahhahahaha whoa, this is fun! We make a complete Family for the future drama of mami and papi.. Hahahahhaha i love this! If this happen, dont you think that this will be a big hit? Wohhooohohoh especially the real couple are casted! Olala! Hahahhaha

      Hello GF Mary! Hahah i like your suggestion too! Hahahah i love Lee Jin Wook and siwan, also cute! Woohooo :D :D

    21. Good Night GF Chyn, hahaha we are locas here right? We make a fantastic family for their drama! Hahahahhahahaha anyway, take care, see ya GirlFriend Chyn! Haha

    22. yes GF Mary the twins are very cute, plus they are fan of HJ too! And their faces resembles HJ abit when he was young! Hahaha :D :D

    23. Hola Gf Michy y Gf Mazzy

      I dont like JJ TOP and SJ for her partner
      Because Papi can get very angry with his friends. With how jealous he is.
      I still remember the look of death. Scary!!!!!!! o.O

    24. whoahahahahah, im scared too! Aigoo, his glare almost killed siwan last time! Good that he can control it. Hahahah but im sure he cant control it when his own bestfriend kiss his somin! Hahah

      So lets just choose, Lee Jin Wook. Hahahahhahahaha

  9. so here it is the final result of GForce's loco mind...

    *BYJ-- KHJ's dad
    *KHJ-- JSM's husband
    *JSM-- KHJ's wife
    *The Twins(Boyfriend band members)-- KHJ and JSM kiddo!
    *YEH-- JSM's unnie! Hahahhaah


  10. GFs, its lunch time at my place! Hehe need to go now, then i have to study for my exam again... Hehe

    see ya later! Take care! Mwah mwah mwah!

  11. Yoohoo, guys im at St. Peter's church in Vatican right now. So many people here today...
