Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Singing for SomeONE


Looking for Paradise - Alicia Keys feat Alejandro Sanz

Cyn OC


  1. Excellent fanart GF Cyni... hahahaha

    Love the song... as well!!!

  2. im amazed! Floor get ready, i want to faint! LOL!

    Its a very beautiful fanart GF Chyn!!!! Wohhoo!

    hello Gfs, im here for a sec only.. Haha bye! -disappear again, *dont blame me, but blame the exams im having, it makes me appear and disappear!* see ya later!

    1. hahaha you are really Tazmanian Devil

    2. Hello GF Mazzy... Only for a sec? Why girl? You will be fine with your exams... just write HJ and MM's name as your answer on each question.

    3. Camilita the Kiddo or Demonio de Tazmania...hahaha...

      Yes do what Gf Nieves said and for some extra points, do a fanart with the HyunMin couple!!

  3. Buenos días queridas LOCAS!!!

    We all know he's always singing for Her... for who?... the Lucky Girl: Jung So Min!!... his Reyna... his Mami!!.

    lalala lalalaa

    1. The love of his life, the woman who is in his heart and has been there for a while and for how long? One and.........? Any one wants to guess?.. hahahahHis baby, his hone ..his cupcake... wahahahaha

    2. Nieves,

      The question is how long she has been in his heart?? or how long they have been together as a couple, Gf and BF??

    3. It's for me to know and for you to find out.... hahahahahaha.... You are so naughty... Acting like you don't know.. hahahahaha

    4. I don't know anything Gf Nieves!!!... maybe they are together for __ months or more... who knows????... lalala lalala

    5. hahahahhaa... Aisssshhh, I better stop. I know nothing!!!! Arasso?????????

    6. SPILL Ms Spillberg!!!... hahaha...

    7. his cupcake? honey bunny? pumpkin?...did Papi called Mami by her birth name? in PK press conference he called her Hani like Honey hahaha

    8. Hahaha... he was flirting with her!!...

    9. Maybe he has been calling her - Honey since PK, who knows... hhahahahah

    10. Maybe he never called her by her first name at all... hahahha.....This guy is too much... Mucho in love!!!!

    11. Ok, to the question

      How long she has been in his heart??

      - Let me see, PK started in 2010...right?... let me do some maths... (need my calculator!!)... 25 - 26 months!! because was love at first sight (for him...hahaha)

    12. The answer to your question GF Cyni... Maybe she has been in his heart from the time he saw her.... lalalalalalalal... Together? hmmmmmmmm ________________________!!!!!!!

    13. Yes, together???? __ months and __ days!!!

      hahahaha... Do you want to know the hours and the minutes too??

    14. they are together forever....that's all i know and it's a FACT!!! lalalalaalala

    15. hahaha... Gf Michy, C'mon we are guessing here... the exact days, minutes and hours...hahahaa... and maybe the words he said...

    16. they known each other approximately two years but in exclusive relaionship might be one year and a half.....hahahaha

    17. he called her sweetie pie hahaha

    18. Almost close Gf Michy...hahahaha...

    19. hahahahha.... maybe more names that we can't even think of... hahahahah

    20. Next question.... how he confessed his love???... what words he used to tell her "be my girl"???... Any one wants to guess??...

    21. Maybe he used the Tarzan Style:

      "I'm your Man... you're my love... be mine!!"

      and that's how he sealed the deal...hahahaaa

    22. GF Michy... remember the number on their spots shirts... What number was that?

    23. through love letter & singing to her....

    24. i want you to the queen of my heart, mind, body and soul...lalalalaala

    25. lalala lalalalaa... and the number 2 is for???

    26. future kids...2 boys and 2 girls...hahahaha

    27. hahahahahaaa... "2 hearts beating as one"... I'm so cheesy!!

    28. eeeeewwww...cheesy whiz! hahaha

    29. I'll leave the cheesy part for the one we all know... El Rey!!

    30. Hahahah! What this huh?! Talking about HyunMin kids?! LoL! GFORCE strikes again with their LoCo Pills!

      GF Cyni you are very artistic my dear! Your fanart is amazing! I love that scene HJ is on the stage singing to MM infront Aigoooo im going to faint in here....! H....e....l...p...! Ahahahah!

    31. Waahahaha... HELLO FLOOR!!!

      Gf Jelly Fish... how are you???... did leave your patients alone... again???

    32. Hahahah! Hello floor! Damn! I love your fanart GF Cyni its lovely when we can see this in real HJ is on stage and suddenly came down to MM really im going to faint for that scene! Hahahah!

      GF Cyni i did my rounds for my patients later again so for the meantime im here..hello cr! LoL!

    33. I think we all are going to faint when that happen!!!...

      I saw a video where Chris Martin from Coldplay jumped down off the stage to kiss Gwyneth Paltrow... HJ you should do that!... but you have to kiss Jung So Min

    34. We should have a contest.... what other endearing names Papi could use for his dear Mami... Maybe he needs a new one... Should we help him?

  4. Yay!!!! Nice Hyunmin fanart in Spanish..... You did a very good job in this fanart GF Cyni ...

    1. I was waiting for the perfect pic of HJ and of course looking for the perfect pic of his lady!!!

  5. GFs, hello again! Im sorry but i cant join much again today, maybe later tonight...

    1. Gf Melania!!... Ciao bella bambina!!!

      Don't worry Gf... we will be here...hehehe

  6. Hi GFs -- nice fanart, Senora Maria Luisita Realidad Josita Cuervo y Petron. I'll have to watch the videos later when I get home.

    1. Unnie Rosa Isabel Chabelita del Prado Ugarteche de los Ríos!!... You're back!!... I hope you're feeling good today!

    2. Hola GF Cyn- I'm not 100% percent but forced myself to go to work as I feel bad that I've been out for 2 days. :(

      Sorry if I can't join the chat session here as I have to do actual work. *boring* hehe

    3. Work is boring!!!...hahaha... blogging rocks!!.

      Ok Gf Yoonjita... take care!! fighting!!

    4. GF Yoonji, BF HJ and GF MM said....excuses, excuses.....hahahahaha

    5. hahahaa... Gf Yoonjita death glare is coming!!!... you better hide Gf Nieves

    6. ^!##$j(&9&^%&%(&^!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's for you GF Snowita aka Ms. Spillberg. Remember... 2 weeks vacation. :sticky-tongue: nahhahahhahaha

    7. What 2 weeks? .... Who to
      D you you can go away for 2 weeks. You better bring your IPad with you and continue your writing... Just send it to me and I'll snagit it for you including the screencaps... HAHAHA... You can't get away with it... The Hyunmins will miss your articles... Hahahah

    8. Hello Gf YJJ, 2weeks vacation?that's very nice...

      Lol, Gf Snowy,your reaction....kekeke... Gf yoonj will give you something good enough fir two weeks...hahahaha... I remember you had your vacation still busy on your ipad.

    9. Gf Yoonjita... where do you think you're going???, we need your posts!!!! Yes bring your Ipad with you!!!! you can't take a vacation from this job!!

    10. What the__did you say? You are worse than Papi.....hahahahaha

    11. O_o who's going to bring the sanity to our posts and comments???

      lalala lalalala... this blog is about to get more LOCO!!!

    12. Are you loca-loca, Senora Nieves? Vacation is sight-seeing, getting to know the surrounding, adapting to their language, savoring their food, shopping, shopping, and shopping! hahaha I don't know what you do on your vacation but I'm not bringing my Ipad with me. I'll just read comments... hahaha... I might send email messages to say hello but I'm not spending my vacation time to write. Not to worry, I said in my comment yesterday, I'll leave some of my writings half-done for you girls to finish. wahahahaha Fair?

    13. Yes, GF Mhel... I'm looking forward to it. ahhhhhh 2 weeks of enjoyment... pure bliss! But, of course, I'll be thinking of you girls... all the time! nhahahaha

      Why GF Cyn, am I not entitled to go on vacation? Ipad? what Ipad? hahahaha

      Sanity? Are you saying I'm the only sane in the group? wahahaha Uh-oh you girls better behave when I'm gone or whip everyone's behind when I get back. hahahaha

    14. Gf Yoonjita te voy a extrañar!!!! U.U

    15. Blogging us more important than having a vacation, is this the new motto? .lol... Crazy the house...tsk tsk stk

    16. Take your Ipad with you. You will be surprised. hahahaha

    17. Buenas Tardes Gfs!!!
      Oh that bad. I missed commenting hidden # 6 .... okay well for the next ... Yoonji enjoy your holiday but do not forget to visit the blog =)

    18. Me, tambien GF Cyn! :( But it's only for 2 weeks. kekeke

  7. Hola Mary!!!... Gf Yoonji se va de vacaciones a España (oleee!!!) y este blog se pondrá más loco... esto será un caos!!!...

    1. Waaoo España
      Jajajaja espero por eso

    2. Va a ir a tomar unas fotos a Cristiano Ronaldo para mi próximo post "Bad Bromance Part 3"... jajaja

    3. Hola Cyn =)
      jajajajaja te gusta Cristiano Ronaldo, verdad? LOL
      a mi gusta más Kaká ^//^

    4. No me gusta CR7... tiene buen cuerpo, pero no me atrae su personalidad. Sé que es el jugador favorito de HJ y por eso lo puse ahí, además tiene unas expresiones divertidas!!

    5. Si hablamos de quién esta bueno, hola Sergio Ramos!!

      En términos futbolísticos, de cómo juegan (nada que ver con que si están guapos o no), este es mi ranking:

      1 - Ronaldinho
      2 - Messi
      3 - Neymar

      Como te darás cuenta, nada atractivos...jajaja

    6. si igual para mi, él no me gusta... no se creo que tiene una personalidad creida y algo mujeriego (creo)
      HJ no seas como él, no sigas su ejemplo please ^^ jajajajaja

    7. No creo que HJ siga su ejemplo, ya sabemos que él tiene sólo ojos para el amor de su vida, MinMin.

      Pero por las dudas: Hyun Joong, Papi, pórtate bien... te estamos vigilando!!

  8. GF Snowy... is it a good surprise though? hahaha Or will I read my GFs misbehaving like crazy here? hahaha Who should I have in-charge while I'm gone??? ummmm.... ummmm... hahaha I have think really hard.

    Hola Mary Latina -- it's not too late for you to comment in Hint #6. Thanks but my vacation is 3 weeks away so, in the meantime I'll be busy writing.

    1. Hola YoonJi Joong
      Well what I wanted to say was that if it were not for closed-minded fans maybe he had told things even more interesting for us the Hyunmin
      same with papá baek. it badly =(

  9. Lunchtime for me/hora de la comida, GFs... talk to you later.

  10. hahahha..i fall asleep last sleepy
    Good morning Gfs...

  11. Good morning all! I love this real!! Great job Cyn!

    1. Thank you Gf... I was inspired By HJ' last performance

  12. Good morning to you GF Minji..and goodnight!

  13. they were in real life?
