
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


                                                                    I'm Yours - Jason Mraz (Live in Korea)

                                                                        Destiny - fanvid by eirenful

                                                                    Amazed - Lonestar  by; Lonestarnow

Credit as tagged



  1. annyeonghaseyo mi loca bella GFs...

    1. Good morning,afternoon/evening GFs......

      GF Michy, I hope it's warmer today at your end.

    2. it's hot today and the aircond is not working....and i'm having some unsettled feeling....

    3. The Fantastic baby is not feeling well as well? You have an upset stomach? Maybe a stomach virus?

  2. Hello GFs! :D how are you? Feeling good? Me? not! Lol...

    1. Oh no... you're still sick? task..tsk.. plenty of rest and fluids for you my dear. Take double dose of vitamin C now GF.

    2. M&M are sick? Not good... Better take a rest...

      Baby Michy, hope you feel better soon...

      Kiddo, i think you overdosed yourself with too much loco pills....get well soob too..

      Hi Gf Snowy, how are you?

    3. Hello GF Mhel... Good afternoon to you...

      I'm fine... working as usual (I think hahaha)..and... listening to all the songs uploaded in our blog while working...

    4. M&M the bubsy twins? lol!!!

    5. GF Mhel... you must be sick of my Jason Mraz songs... hahahahahah...

    6. But his songs are Gf....hahaha

    7. His songs are great, I know... great voice as well. I love this video...

  3. i'm okay just not really in the mood....

    1. ahhhh.... blues today huh.... listen to your favorite upbeat songs GF.... I know, we have those type of days whether we like it or not.

    2. done that but in the end i'm editing a moon picture...hahahah

    3. Editing a moon picture? hahahhaa.... please elaborate!!!!

    4. since moon can be a symbol of loneliness i put it together with my favourite quote from t.s elliot
      "i will show you fear in a handful of dust" i even post it to my twitter....lol

    5. Watch your favorite cartoon Shawn tge Sheep baby michy..

    6. hahahahaha no need for that Ate Mhel.....i want to play Bad Piggies game now!

    7. Hahahha...sounds like signs of boredome... Maybe you should create and write funny scripts for our couple to post GF Michy. You have a great sense of humor, you might as well share it with the Hyunmins..

      Do you agree with me GF Mhel?

    8. i would love to but for the time being im not inspired yet....yah Papi & Mami give me some inspiration please....hahahaha

    9. Looking at their happy faces and hearing good news about them should be enough to lift your spirit up GF Michy!!!!

    10. is Papi running to Japan because he cant stand his Mami new costar hotness? hahahaha

  4. Hello GFs good day beautiful image and words

    are GF Mazzy and GF Mhel still here? they requested at me another chapter of FAI that I already posted

    1. Good morning GF Seren..

      GF Mazzy is sick... but Mhel is here.

      Waaaaa... I am so behind. I have to read your fire and ice from chapter one...need a good day to do that for me...

    2. Good morning GF Snowy

      GF Mazzy is sick I hope she get well soon

    3. GF Serene, im here :) im feeling a bit okay now :) i feel bored without visiting this blog. Hehe so yea! Im here! No need to miss me! Hahahah

  5. Good a.m / p.m Gfs!!

    Who's sick??... the M&M??? O_O Loco Pills for you gfs!!

    1. omg Dr . Cyni in the house! i dont want your loco pills..i want some love me pills....palli Loca Cyni give it to me! hahahahaha

    2. Love Pills, ABS Pills... you name it... I got it!!

    3. im taking 5boxes of Loco pills right now, to forget everything that stabs my heart. Lol.. Cheesy? Lol.

      Anyway, i love this GF Snowy! :D :D

    4. Hahahahha.... Hola GF Cyni... How is the loca sexy senorita today?

    5. Glad that you like it GF Mazzy...

      Stabs in your heart..O_O....tsk...tsk.... Papi needs to console you... hahahha

      Is that what you need GF Mazzy? Love pills.... Is this one of your growing up pains?

    6. Stabs your heart??... Crazy Mazzy you don't need loco pills, you need SOJU!!!... Bwaahahahaa... but since your a Kiddo you will have to wait a couple of years. Wait!!!... in my country you can drink alcohol at your age...it's permited!!.

    7. I'm feeling good Señora Nieves!!!! wohooooo!!!!!!

      Thank U!

    8. what is the brand of your abs pill Dr. Cyni? i don't want Papi brand because Mami will seized it from me later...huhuhuhu

    9. hahahah my Crazzy Family! Always make me smile! Hahahahahah

      yes GF Snowy, i need love pills from you guys especially HyunMin! Whoahahah papi cant console me, he is now in Japan.. Hahah i just need mami. Lol

      hahah GF Chyn, i cant drink Soju, i will just drink... Urm! Boiling water? Much better! Whohahahahahahahah

    10. A big Hyunmin Bear hug for you GF Mazzy. Remember ot worked for Papi, it will work for you too.

      Too young for Soju huh?

      Girl, if you need to talk, lets go to the GForce FB and we can all chat there to give you advice or letting you pour your heart out...It might make you feel better..

    11. Papi is in Japan... Mami will miss him... I have a good song for him for tomorrow's posting ... hahahaha

    12. I didn't know Papi is in Japan... come back soon Papi, remember Mami is alone, filming scenes with the ant (with tremendous abs)...hahaha

    13. The CWGM filming started already GF Cyni? uh-uh... More unsettled stomach? lol!!!

    14. CWGM filming started a week ago I think... unsetteld stomach?., why??... let's be happy for her!!!...hahaha... Lucky Girl!!...hahaha....

      Lo siento Papachito!!... regresa pronto!!

    15. Him with upset stomach... from 'stress' hahahha

    16. its okay GF Snowy, i think it will be okay if i go to sleep early today :)

    17. ohhh Stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      He can deal with that!!..hahaha

  6. Hello GFs! Im feeling much better i guess, after taking some drugs.. Hahahaha :p

    it just that, i have no mood like GF Michy, i feel isolated due to this specific matter that i cant tell you.. Hehehe thank you GFs for your concern :D

    Mommy Mhel, im okay now hehehe :D it just that your twin daughter, M&M are not in a good mood today. Hahahahah

    GF serene! Did you post new chappy? Did you granted my mommy Mhel and my request? Woohoo! gonna read it now! :D :D wooohoo!

    GF Michy, im singing "Tell me why~" again. Lol

    1. again and again...repeat it until you're sick of it! lalalala

    2. Yes I did it, you remember that sometimes I was able to do with Wicked Game, Memories and Closer

      GF Mazzy rest well and take care of you

    3. thank you GF, you too, take care :D

      oh! Mentioning about wicked game.. I miss it so much! :D :D

      alright GFs, gonna be away for awhile to read FAI hehehe.. brb... ^^

  7. Wooohooo... GF Mazzy is much better but dealing with some issues she couldn't share with us...you will have a better day tomorrow GF, and I hope whatever is bothering you now will be resolved soon... Keep smiling..

    1. thank you GF Snowy, im happy to have all of you!! :D HyunMin make us as one family! Woohoo! Yes keep on smiling like mami! :D :D

    2. Yah Crazy Mazzy you make me remember Barney song suddenly....hahahaha

    3. Yes.... we are here for you GF Mazzy!!!

    4. whoahhaha,
      GF Michy, "I love you... You love me.. We are happy family... With the big great hug.. And the kiss from me to you... Want you say you love me too~~" whoahahahahahah

    5. yeay! sing it again Mazzy! hahahaha
      by the way if i'm feeling down i always listen to "Life is Beautiful" by Vega 4 very nice song to lift up my spirit back

  8. You know GFs City Conquest will air in KBS2 in November or December

    1. Seren... how can we watch it from our own countries? I wonder if the Korean channel in my cable will show city conquest... hahahahha I doubt it... aishhh..

      Same thing with MM's drama too... I don't want to wait till next year for it to be available in Hulu or Netflix... so annoying... huhuhu

    2. I had a program in my laptop to see Korean channels there I saw PK but I had to remove it I will investigate where we can see it if I discover I will tell you

  9. I want to see it but only for KHJ

    1. Me too.. hahahah... He is the reason I found Playful kiss and loved it so much because of him and Minmin....

  10. yes GF Chyn papi arrives at Japan with JYM............ :/

    hahahahahah GF Michy, sing it again? Lol.. I think ive lost my voice due to the sore throat.. Hahahahha but for you, i will! Hahhaha here, "Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
    How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky."

    hahahahhaah :p do you like it? Lol...

    Life is beautiful~i want to hear that song now :D gonna search it :D

    1. he arrived at Japan with her and the director of CC, the media took photos of them so that was the reason they arrived together, his hair looks different I don't know but for me look great with that casual look

    2. I did not have a chance to visit other blogs... Maybe later... They must have a press conference or something in Japan.

    3. I saw the videos/photos GF serene.. that's his look for the CC... Messy looking hair... hahahha... I don't like it but he's still looking handsome despite of the messy hairstyle.

    4. Yes in character looks great as I like that kind of look to the Johnny Depp
      but my favorite look of him is the photo shoot for Tony Moly

      you know what photo of Somin I like to see and I find tender where she is pouting and has this new hair style with bangs, looks so cute like a doll

    5. So MM's current hairstyle is to give her a more mature look? I don't think it's working...hahaha...Maybe she needs to wear heavier makeup for that to happen...lol!!

    6. maybe is for the age of the character I use bangs and I always comb it aside instead as usual I don't like so much in the common way also influence a lot the make up and the face shape

    7. I used to have bangs and I got tired of it. I hate hair touching my forehead.

  11. GF Serene, i heard it somewhere that it will air on KBS 2 in the middle of october... But im not sure.. Heheehehe anyway, ive read your update! Hahah Krystal... I dont like her on the story. Lol....

    1. Krystal is a girl group (fx) member and she's also Jessica's sister. Jessica is also a girl group (SNSD aka Girls Generation) member. Jessica is a good friend of HJ - she was rumored to be JJ's ex-gf. I think HJ had a crush on Krystal or at least he picked her in the show Champgagne over her sister Jessica and added that he thinks Krystal is prettier than Jessica. Hope that answered your question. hahaha

    2. WikiYoonJi to the rescue!!

      End of the chapter, no need to mention those girls here... peace!!! lalala lalalaa

    3. hahaha WikiYoonJi... I like that! haha

      Why not mention them? I didn't bash anyone. I thought the rule is not to post pictures but we can talk about other artists but no bashing.

    4. Yes Gf you didn't bash anyone, you can keep talking about them if you want it.

      I was trying to say, since Nieves' post has nothing related to them... not need to mention them again. :P

      Is Gf Snowy's fault, she didn't know who's Krystal... hahahaa... Neither did I.

      Don't kill me Isabelita!!.

      Don't kill me Nieves!!

    5. Ok, now you both know who she is (I'm not repeating her name so end of subject). hahaha

      It's always Nieves' fault! hehehe

    6. Hahahahhaha.... I don't know what you are talking about girl...

  12. tell me what youthink after you hear it GF Mazzy
    anyway i post Park Jung Min Not Alone on your FB wall just now....im kinda miss SS501 ...hehehehe

    1. Krystal is the future antagonist of the story of FAI... Hahahaha

      sure GF Michy, i will get back to you once i listen to that song and give my opinions to you :D

      ahhh... Mentioning SS501... I really miss them! Not alone-PJM i like that song!! Woohoo!
      I love SS501's songs title:
      -"Find" so much! "Love Ya" And also "love like this" because papi looks so fresh in there with his short hair cut!!
      Ahhh.. There are so many songs to mention! Woohoo!

    2. GFs, i think, it will be good if i sleep now, since the affect from the pill make me drowsy already... Hehehe

      see you tomorrow GFs, enjoy your day! I hope tomorrow will be better. :D

      good night/morning! Take care, i love you always GFs! :D :D

    3. Goodnight to you GF Mazzy. I hope you will feel 100% better tomorrow.

    4. Oh... no. I haven't read any of the updates yes, so I can't comment on Krystal and that's the reason why I don't know her. I have to read from Chapter 1

    5. Read it Gf its a good story.

  13. gotta go mi bella GFs...my bed is calling, perhaps in my dream i can persuade Papi to return to SK and accompany Mami at her drama set...hahaha

  14. Im totally lost with the comments. Lol

    thank you Gf Serene, i.love your update and excited for tomorrow again.hahaha

    Gf Snowy, i agree with Baby Michy can give us a good hyunmin work...

    Gf Snowy, we have a serious and funny talk in fb yesterday that's why kiddo ended up calling me mommy. And Baby michy call me Ate...lol

    Kiddo, good night and hope you feel.better tomorrow.

    1. Wahahaha... you were the oldest in the group talk... thankfully I wasn't there... lol

  15. Hello GFs! GF Snowy your Fanart is so lovely! And the song Im yours whew! The couple both love that song they love saying each others Im Yours kekeke! yes we should thank god for this HyunMin couple we found friendship GFORCE!

    How's my siblings! Wahahah! Get well soon GF Mazzy & GF Michy!

  16. Hello GFs! GF Snowy your Fanart is so lovely! And the song Im yours whew! The couple both love that song they love saying each others Im Yours kekeke! yes we should thank god for this HyunMin couple we found friendship GFORCE!

    How's my siblings! Wahahah! Get well soon GF Mazzy & GF Michy!

    1. Hello GF Jelly, good evening to you.

      Glad that you like the poem and the songs I picked...hahaha...I'm enjoying choosing the appropriate songs/videos for our couple as well GF Jelly.
