
Monday, October 1, 2012


HYUNMINS, do you remember KHJ's interview with CHOA Magazine early this year? He was asked if he felt he met the woman of his destiny.

There were so many questions from fans, whether Hyun Joong was referring to a girl, he met in his past or just recently. I read an article by Wonderrgirl, "Kim Hyun Joong - If You Feel The Same." and in this article, she mentioned, her friends met up with KHJ and he  personally clarified that he was referring to the girl he recently met but he also mentioned that him, and this girl are not together. (hmmm...really KHJ? hahaha)

If you're interested reading the full article Kim Hyun Joong - If You Feel The Same by Wonderrgirl, here's the link:  http://henecia.blogspot.com/2012/04/article-kim-hyun-joong-if-you-feel-same.html

So Hyunmins, when HYun Joong said that he met the girl of his destiny, do you think he was referring to MinMin?

Credits: http://ameblo.jp/breakdown0606 ; http://wonderrrgirl.wordpress.com/

                                                   If you are like me 
                                                                Credit: Rukubebe

 I am your man   
                                                      Credit:: www.kimhyunjoong24.com;     
                                                      Patience - Guns N' Roses                                                                                                            
                                                                          Credit:  GtrKing707

Video credits: GtrKing707www.kimhyunjoong24.com; Babykaka Chew  



  1. Good Morning GFs/evening/afternoon/evening Hyunmins-

    Hello GFs...Happy Monday to you all!!!!

  2. i think i've read this one before...let me analyse it first before i give my two cents opinion

    hi mi loca GFs....

  3. Good morning, afternoon, evening GFs....

    1. Good afternoon to you GF Mhel. How is everything with you? Are you having a fun Monday?

    2. Hi Gf Snowy! Oh Monday is always a big disaster for me....lol...but its ok, i already get used to it...about you Gf? How are you and hows your weekend?

    3. hi Gf Mhel!
      not so fantastic Monday to me today just so-so...:-)

    4. It was an okay weekend for me.I had a lot of things done. I watched some of my favorite shows yesterday afternoon.

      Today? I'm a bit busy. Starting a new project... waaaahh...

    5. Hi Gf Michy, i think for majority monday is the busiest day...

      If hj foundctge girl of his destiny, maybe for me Rome is my destiny too...lol

    6. What? hahahha.. that's a vague answer GF Mhel... Are you looking for a new man in Rome?

    7. Im curious about that project Gf Snowy, is that work-related or Hyunmin-related project? Hahaha

    8. my Monday is slow...i so lazy today....and i haven't found ny destiny yet....

    9. Wahahaha Gf Snowy, i mean in terms of work...lol...i already found my destiny man....woahhh

    10. Hahahaha... I just want to make sure GF Mhel... who knows your husband might be lurking in this blog.... hahahaha

  4. So,GFs... my question is, did HJ met his destiny? It seems to me he was pretty sure that he already did... hahahha...lol

    1. Hj didn't give an accurate answers in all his interviews...he always gave different answers...the only thing tgat is always tge sane is that "HE LIKES A KIND PERSON"... wink wink

    2. Hi GFs good day

      I agree with you GF Mhel he changes in every interview we don't know what is exactly in his heart yet but he hope he choose the right one ... you know what I mean

      GF Snowy casually today I found this video with the song you suggested me yesterday Eurasian eyes but with parts of P&P that remind me FAI


    3. cheeky monkey HJ is...sorry Mr. Alien your intergalctic death glare not working to me today....lalalalala

    4. I typed wrongly I mean we hope he choose the right one who is ....

    5. Oh my gosh, thanks for sharing the link GF Seren. I've been wanting to watch this movie and I totally forgot. I will surely include this on my list of must watch movie..lol

      Eurasian eyes is indeed good song for you F and I..

    6. Yes GF Seren... he will or who knows, he already did.

      He also used the words... has/had been having deep affection with this person and it seems like he was caught by surprise of his feelings toward this person...." I feel strange that it happened to me".... Mr Cupid got Mr Alien right at the center of his heart... hahaha

    7. I like GF Snowy since you suggested me yesterday I had listened before another song from him named Never Surrender but now I like more Eurasian Eyes

      about P&P is my favorite from all the romantic movies I've already forgotten how many times I seen it even I have a DVD set my sister gift to me and of course the book

    8. If, as is sometimes he said something revealing and then backing down of what he says and the curious journalists will continue asking and we will continue reading his interviews

    9. It's okay, he can confuse or fool the journalist or some people but not us... We are an expert in reading between the lines. We all are 4Ds like him... hahahah
      He must remember we have Agent Cyni in the group who can read his cryptic messages..hahahah

    10. I will watch Pride and Prejudice this coming weekend GF Seren...I like Keira Knightley

    11. Yes we are ready to read between lines

      I also like Keira Knightley and in P&P more but in Pirates of the Caribbean with Johnny Depp she looks great

    12. Of course, I think he met the girl of his destiny and that's no other than MM. ^__^

  5. you know the way HJ answer this interview is very misleading....either he already found his destiny (which i hope already did, hahaha) or it's me who failed to read between the line....blame my heart hahaha

  6. Well at least he clarified that the girl is not from his past. He won't say he met his destiny girl if he did not believe and feel strongly about it.

    Yes, It's understandable for him to give misleading or vague answers to questions related to his personal life... hahaha Fans should understand that he is human and will fall in love with a woman at anytime. He won't be able to control and hide what's in his heart whether he likes it or not. Everyone has to accept the woman he loves and we should all be happy for him..Is the girl with him now is his destiny? That remains to be seen. They both just have to believe in their love and be patient.

    1. didn't we already agreed that Papi is overprotective about his lover...that is why he loves give different but same answers all the time.....

    2. Yes we did... hahahahha... over protective? Is that what we call of his jealous reactions... hahahahha Overprotective is the new word for jealousy? hahaha

    3. better overproctective than jealousy that sound so harsh to my ear...hahahaha...aaarrgh i need my loco pills my heart & brain is not coordinated today..feels something is wrong here & there....

    4. Hey...it's a good sign too if a man is jealous. It means he cares and will continue to work hard on the relationship. If the man stops being jealous, in my opinion is not a good sign...

    5. but not overjealous...hahaha i know what you are talking about GF Snowy....he cares and work hard in this relationship that is why he try his best to protect his precious. so far so good...may i know your secret Mr. Alien the dishwasher? hahahahaha

    6. Yes... she is his number one!!!!! And for sure he wants the same from her..lol!!!

    7. I don't think he was trying to mislead the readers nor his fans. Don't you guys find it funny that after all these years, this the first time he admittedly talked about meeting his destiny when around this time last year, he said that he's too busy and don't have time to have a gf and at most time he only talked about his 'ideal girl'. He could very say 'he hasn't met the girl of his destiny' yet right but why didn't he? And how does he know that she's the girl of his destiny if he hasn't spent time with her.

    8. With due respect to Wondergirl(?)... I don't doubt her friends but it's still their words against HJ. I would prefer hearing it from HJ himself.

      And as far as HJ using past tense of 'had' in his reply... from what I understand there is no distinction of present or past tense in their language.

    9. That's why it's difficult sometimes to rely on other people's translation because it could lead to a different meaning of what the person is really trying to say or convey.

    10. They are lucky to be able to communicate with HJ, that's all. We will hear it from HJ himself, when the right time comes....

      As of now, let me sing Guns N' Roses song .... PATIENCE.... lalalalalalalalala,
      lalalla...Woman take it slow, all we need is a little patience.... lalallala

    11. Action speaks louder than words, GF! No need to read between the lines of people's interpretations.

      Again, I'll just go back to the PK memorabilias displayed in Jaksal... why PK? why not Boys over Flowers which earned him recognition and mega bucks? Why not his memorabilia from his SS501 concerts? Why not memorabilia from his other shows?

    12. That's right... we don't!!!!!!

      Yes, I agree.... why only PK memorablias??? What's so special about them? for him? hahah

    13. Yup, it's human nature that we let go of things or matter that we no longer have a need for or attached to, correct? Things that we have emotional attachment or sentimental value, we keep. Enough said.

    14. Just look carefully on Hj's aura... You could see the big difference...no need to elaborate further as we can see how happy and contented he is right now GFs.... ;-)

    15. Yes,,, absolutely right... It's not easy to let go of any object we have an emotional attachment to... HH is so sweet.. I thought only women does that....

    16. I could still vividly remember HJs face at hsi last SG fanmeet.... He was extra happy during thta fanmeet. Maybe because he was well rested and excited for his fans? But something or someone made him very happy at that time... hahah

    17. Or, maybe... just maybe 'special someone' was there watching! hahahaha lalalalala

    18. Maybe so... hahahah...performing for someone special...lol!!!

  7. Hello Gfs!!!! hehehe this interview.. ive read this before :))

    papi, this is rather confusing, 'someone that you had been having affection for a long time?' who are you referring to papi? dont ever said you are referring someone else apart from mami, cos you know right, you would get punished by mami once she found out about this. hahaha understand Mr.Dishwasher man? LOl im kidding papi... hahahahah

    well, as far as i know, after stalking you everyday in my dream, i know you are referring to mami... right papi??? :)))

    1. he aim to confuse us because that's the only he can protect we know who....hahahaha...its like he playing tug of war with us....but in the end i know he will win because we love him the way he is....

    2. Hi GF Mazzy

      Watch as I see it in zen mode until he says a real name we can think or feel whatever we want

    3. Yeah, GF Michy we are "acting" like we are playing the tug of war with him.... hahahah

    4. Yes, The Mr Dishwasher man has to remember GF Mazzy has a big TANK.... he should be scared!

    5. he forget about my screwdriver too GF Snowy...hahahaha...yes we are "acting" playing tug o war with him because its an amusement for us....yah HJ your noonas are so boring here why dont you entertain us more...*wink*wink*

  8. I really love this song from Guns N' Roses "Patience".....Both just have to be patient...they will get to where they both wanna be in time...

    For sure he gets very lonely and probably missing the love of his life when he on his job related travels...

    1. only trust & love & patience can make a long distance relationship working...wish both Papi & Mami have those....

    2. And.... pray to God for blessing....

    3. Yes... much more

      Keeping and making the relationship last takes a lot of hard work... from both!!!

    4. Patience is really needed Gf...lol in due time we will know everything....

  9. Good morning gfs!!

    I'm late here... and too lazy to read all your comments!!... kekeke.

    I have to cook today, so, that take me hours because I don't know how to do it...hahaha.

    Gf Snowy I can't open the link with the interview "If you feel the same". He said he's not longer with that person???... can you please tell me the date of the interview???

  10. You are referring to wondergirrl's article? I did not go to her website but her article was written after THe Choa Magazine interview. The Choa magazine issue came out in March of 2012, therefore she wrote the article right after or months after.I was too busy doing something else last night that I did not bother to add the dates that's why I added the links.

    HJ admitted to wondergirrl's friends that the girl he recently met the girl and immidiately added "he is not with that girl" maybe to protect the girl from the fans who can't accept him of being with anyone at this time.

    I will email you the copy of her article GF Cyni.

  11. I apologize Hyunmins... for some reason the article is no longer available... It was there last night when I added the link.
