
Sunday, September 30, 2012



Scene from Episode 9

Do you recall the email HJ sent on 11/6/2010, after completing Naughty Kiss-YT Special w/JSM? 

The last sentence (highlighted in red) seemed he was talking to somebody in particular and many fans speculated it's perhaps the girl who was looking up the sky with him in a scene in PK episode 9.  Although it was too soon to assume that there was something going on between them during that time, it certainly 'raised an eyebrow', didn't it?  I think it's safe to assume that he already felt something special for MM early on for him to mention that particular scene in his email.

Possibly an early hint or coincidence?  What do you think?

Fanarts credit to:  Cyn Oc
Video credit to:  Ms Hiik


  1. Hi GF. Ewhhh, I should change the font color. hahah I don't like the color combination. BRB

  2. I agree with you GF YJJ.. it seems to me that he was sending a message to a particular someone whom he is looking forward to have a bright and happy future together...

  3. Change the bright red font to light blue. It might be better.

    1. I like the previous combo GF...except the highlighted letters in red fonts I think should be in light blue.

    2. I believe so too -- he seems so inspired after completing NK-YT even though they worked long hous for several days to complete the series.

    3. yes GF YoonJi...like i said before he smile more after PK unlike when he was separated from his SS501 dongsaeng....

    4. I read that comment from a lot of fans. I didn't know anything about him nor SS501 until after I watched PK last year.

    5. GF Michy, how long you've been following HJ?

    6. just this year remember in my confession what lead me to k-drama? but i do watch his earlier days with SS501 before PK....so from there i observe...not much but still there are some different...

  4. That line was definilety for her...remember I'm the expert, the official traslator... I speak Alien language... believe me!!!

    HJ, you are so sweet... I wanna pinch your cheeks!!!... hahaha...

    1. And I've been wanting to pinch his tush from day one... hahahah

    2. Tush???... O_O

      Hola Señor Nieves!!!

    3. Hola Senorita loca-loca..... lol!!!

      Pinching his tush is my dream...lol

    4. It was a very sweet message from him right?

    5. hahahahaaa... Gf, you are the Loca here...

      LOCA LOCA Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Are you talking to me or YJJ and Michy?

    7. @_@ Are you saying Gf Yoonji and Michy are Locas like you??

      I only see one loca here, the one who wants to pinch HJ's tush...hahaha

    8. aiya GFs...HJ tush belongs to MM...i think she already put in Sharpie this is property of MM...hahahaha

    9. Hahahah... she marked his tush with a sharpie. ahahahaah... man, I did not know that MM is greedy when it comes to her man... hahahaha

    10. well its her property not something she can share around...hahahaha

  5. Hello Unnie Rosa Isabel y Unnie María Antonieta de las Nieves

    1. Hahahahahha... I will just laugh with your long names..

    2. Hola Dongsaeng Maria Conchita Margarita Del Cuervo y Petron. hahaha

    3. hahahahaa.... I'm not María Conchita... hahahaaa... here in Perú "Conchita" has a different meaning...hahahaa

      So... I'm María Lucía Lorena del Cuervo Patrón y Tequila!!...hahahaa

    4. Oh? What does Conchita means? hahaha Well there's a lot of amer tv series that I hear them use 'conchita'. hahaha Now, I'm curious what it means. hehehe

    5. Maybe Comchita is the concubine... hahahah

    6. Tequila GF Cyn...no wonder you are so drunk...hahahaha

  6. Hello GF Michy, Mazzy Jelly and Mhell... are you up? Maybe Mhel still sleeping.

  7. hola mi loca bella GFs...
    i'm wide awake now get ready to start my Monday...
    dear work please be nice to me today if you don't want to hear me sing my blues today hahaha

    1. Are you on the road on the way to work?

    2. not yet still at home...my office is very near....most of the time i make it on time...hahaha

    3. Hola Loca Michy!!

      Good morning!!! Have a great day at work!!

    4. Lucky you... no traffic. That means all you have to do is cross the street?

    5. Hi GF Michily -- so you're like GF Snowy, you practically just roll over our bed and get dressed... never had to worry about commuting or anything. Aigooo...

    6. All I have to do is start working right after I step out of the shower....... hahahah

    7. Ugh... don't rub it in! Some of us have to worry about to wear for 20 min. hahaha Sometimes that could last for 30 min. kekeke

    8. i just have to walk to work for about 5 minute...no need for car..hahahaha

    9. I know what you're talking about... I don't miss the days waking up early in the morning to beat the traffic...

      GF Michy... 5 minutes is just at the corner/fron of your house or apartment. Lucky you.

    10. lucky me...because i always show up on time...lazy bum i am...hahahaha

  8. Did I make it worse? Ugh, I hate when I make a mistake changing the background color then I could never find the default. hmp! Does it look better now or should I change it again?

  9. Is he a poet or what... "Continue to dream our amazing future together".... waaaaaahhh

    He is sucg a big C from the get go... hahahahah

  10. Anyway, going back to HJ's email... the 'study hard' I think was definitely a message for MM. And at the same token, I think it was her who encouraged him to start playing soccer. What do you GFs think?

    1. absolutely for his MM...who else is still in college at that time....hahaha

    2. I can't say. I don't know how often he plays soccer. Study hard, maybe.

      What also caught my eye is the comment of him being "being happy these days." It could be because of Minmin plus his career is going to the right direction.

    3. Yah, you don't think most of his fans are ajhummas, do you? I think some of them are students, aren't they? hahaha GF Mazzy is in college.

    4. No GF, I don't think it's about their career. I think it's about finding his ideal girl. ;)

    5. neh, its about their future..he did mention about kids there....:p

    6. Hmmmm... Yeah you're right GF YJJ. I forgot about the glow he was wearing during his Busan fanmeet.

  11. Regarding HJ's comment about playing soccer, here's an excerpt of MM's interview around the time PK ended:

    I actually like to TAKE PART IN SPORTS rather than watch them. I was the only girl who took part in the SOCCER match during the Bad Guy rally. I’m better in baseball than other girls and actor Kim Jae-wook told that my pose is similar to that of a major league baseball player. (laugh)

    1. MM is not a girly girl i can say...she is sporty kinda girl...and since her oppa love soccer maybe...hahahahha

    2. Do you think she ever had a chance to go with him in one of his soccer practices?

    3. I think so but not in the daytime. I remember reading an interview wherein he said he plays soccer w/friends at some odd hours like 2 or 4 a.m. Perhaps her workout before heading to school then. ;)

    4. That's crazy hours to practice but then again, due to his status and his friends' status, they can't really practice during normal hours.

    5. I think she's one of the friends he practices soccer with -- I think that's why she's so lean just like him. It's necessary to make adjustments on the time or schedule as they were both busy with career and school.

    6. Lucky he is in love with his best friend? Just like Jason Mraz song "lucky"
      He has a playmate till wee hours in the morning.

    7. GF Snowy you make my pervy mind alert when you say playmate...hahahaha..don't get me wrong...i just try to stay awake here...

  12. Hola! good morning GF Chyn, GF Snowy, GF YoonJJ and GF BOOM SHAKALAKA! Whohahahahaahhahahaahahahhaahahahhahaahahahahah ops! I laugh over sangat kan GF Michy? Hahahaahhaahha

    alright, what caught my attention:
    *i feel my self the much deep affection(EHEM! I knew it! Hahah)
    *Im happy these day(for sure! Bcos mami is the one who make you happy ^^ )
    *my heart content (the person in ur heart... Hm.. I knew it!)
    *my kids (what the...? Hahaha why does he mention about having kids all of sudden? Hahha are you hoping for the continuation of PK, additional with your kids and hani? Or with KIM YOON JI? Haha)
    *Christmas present(oh come on! Episode 16.... The yummy kiss in the car~)
    *i wont be appearing on tv frequently tthese day--connected with *Study hard (aigoo, why? Are you referring to mami? Who has to continue her study and be absent for awhile from TV?)
    *hubby, boyriend (gash? I know papi you have experience those thing with mami, hahahah those title really affect much on you, hmm? Hahhaha)
    *soccer(it means, you would play with mami?)
    *****Have you enjoyed????? Throughout the 4motnhs?, we will continue to dream our amazing future together, as we look up on the same sky. (what should i say, ITS OBVIOUS PAPI!)

    wooohooo! Papi, we love you cos you loves mami this much! You are more cheesy than i think! Hahahahhaah mwah!

    1. yah Crazzy Mazzy, you are reading between the line too much...are you trying to replace Gf Loca Cyni as our resident Alien translator here???
      hahahaha or you want me to belanja you Roti Canai????hahahaha

    2. Hello GF Wacky Mazzy -- good morning. Pretty much every sentence in his email caught your attention eh? hahaha And it's all related to Mami.

    3. GF Michy, hahahah that is what comes across to my mind while i read it. Hhahahaha
      GF Chyn, always the fixed alien translator! Hahahahah

      wooohoo! Roti canai? Sure! I want you to belanja me! Ku pegang kata2 mu GF Michy! Whoahahahha crazy!

      Yes GF YoonJJ, all caught my attention! Hahahah from his message, it looks like he's flirting with mami!! Hahaha naughty papi!

  13. Esa línea es una hermosa confesión hehehehe, realmente Hyun Joong se sentía melancólico ese día por haber terminado de filmar PK después de 4 meses de filmación, es obvio que habla de Min Min alias Lucky Girl, la conexión del principio en la que habla de los 4 meses de filmar PK y luego lanza la pregunta al aire de que si disfruto los 4 meses, solo a ella pudo referirse con quien más había trabajado exactamente 4 meses últimamente, de quien dijo el que se había hecho cercano en el fanmeeting de Good Bye Baek Seun Jo, después de 4 meses...de Oh Ha Ni!! (Min Min) como que el 4 es importante para el por que lo menciona mucho. hehehehe

    1. this line is a beautiful confesion part of the lyrics of Kiss Kiss!!!! we'll continue dream of our amazing future together for something, some fans said the song was inspired by Min Min

    2. Hola Liz. Estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que usted dice.

    3. And I believe he wrote the song Kiss-Kiss during the filming of PK so of course there's one only who could've inspired him at that time. ;)

    4. you know who the composer the PK???, he composed the song smile. PK, along with James Burney II listed in the album credits as composers of that song.

    5. hello Liz! :D welcome here!

      Woohoo! Your information is pretty impressive, im going to look up at his album that i bought, wants to see the album credits!!

      Wait.. If the composer of smile is also the PK composer, it means he also mesmerized and inspired by mami's smile!! Aww! How infectious mami's smile is! Woohooo! :D

    6. Yes ZM Mazze in the credits of the song "Smile" the composer's are James Burney and "PK" Who is the misterious PK.

    7. oh yes you are right, i just saw the album credit and it states that
      'composed by JAMES BURNEY II, PK'
      'ranged by JAMES BURNERY II, PK'
      'produced by JAMES BURNEY II, PK'
      and bla bla bla~oh right!! who's this mysterious James Burney II? what does Pk indicates? is it Playful Kiss or.. what? hmm.. i also wonder! hehehe

      Gf Liz, just called me Gf Mazzy ^^

    8. Liz -- I remember reading somewhere that HJ wrote kiss-kiss but I can be wrong. If I have time, I'll look for the article.

    9. GF Mazzy, maybe PK is the name code for the Lucky Guy hehehe. Yoon Ji in the other songs for the album Break Down the official credits are Steven Lee, Drew R Scott, Sean Alexander, but in the mini album Lucky this is very curious is the only song that changes his writers is "Smile" James Burney is the same Jimmy Burney the writer of Please, but PK is a mysterious writer hehehe and only appears in the credits of the song "Smile" Hint o coincidence. heheheeh

    10. GF Mazzy, maybe PK is the name code for the Lucky Guy hehehe. Yoon Ji in the other songs for the album Break Down the official credits are Steven Lee, Drew R Scott, Sean Alexander, but in the mini album Lucky this is very curious is the only song that changes his writers is "Smile" James Burney is the same Jimmy Burney the writer of Please, but PK is a mysterious writer hehehe and only appears in the credits of the song "Smile" Hint o coincidence. heheheeh

    11. Hi Liz -- that's very interesting... would you have a way to scan the album so we can post it as one of Hint or Coincidence topic in the blog? I don't know anyone else who owns a copy of album. I know that Lucky album consists of "U", "I'm Your Man" and "Smile" so maybe PK is HJ. hahaha Again, why use PK to disguise himself? Why not "Mr. Uzoosin". kekeke

    12. Hi,Good morning all GF here.
      Hi Yoon Ji Joong, please give me your email address or advise if you can see below link?
      1. https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/?ui=2&ik=3e0eafffa2&view=att&th=13a1eb599dfeb954&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=1414670489452806144-1&zw
      2. https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/?ui=2&ik=3e0eafffa2&view=att&th=13a1eb604f622bac&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=1414670535514652672-1&zw
      3. https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/?ui=2&ik=3e0eafffa2&view=att&th=13a1eb65a85739a4&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=1414670560973029376-1&zw
      4. https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/?ui=2&ik=3e0eafffa2&view=att&th=13a1eb77d9fa3819&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=1414670636638273536-1&zw
      5. https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/?ui=2&ik=3e0eafffa2&view=att&th=13a1eb80c62d1f09&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=1414670677602992128-1&zw

    13. Hello sowondercouple - I can't view them. ummmm, can you PM me in AFF? If not then, I'll try to PM you in Soompi. Let me know which you prefer. Thanks. I'm guessing their screencaps of the album? wooooohooooo!

    14. HI, Yoon Ji Joong,
      Sorry, I don't have account in AFF and not familiar the use of Soompi forum.
      Here is my email address sowondercouple@gmail.com, if convenient, pls send me your email address.
      I have take some photos on the LUCKY GUY ALBUM and want to share.

    15. Hello Yoon Ji Joong, this is the image i take the picture with my cellphone! http://imageshack.us/a/img577/199/im1387.jpg
      the other is the scan of the page of mini album Lucky http://imageshack.us/a/img207/5277/scan0002yd.jpg I hope can be help you.

  14. Gracias ^^
    jamas habia leido este email d HJ es muy hermoso, hasta senti maripositas en el estomago ^^ y eso que no es conmigo jeje ahora se imaginan que sintio la verdadera dueña de esta dedicatoria?? Waooo me muero * Have you enjoyed?? Throughout the 4motnhs?, we will continue to dream our amazing future together, as we look up on the same sky* Hj solo te faltaba decir su nombre waaaoo que directo, me recuerda en la conferencia de PK cuando él pregunto a SM ¿Te gusto? Jajajaja que hermosa pareja :3

  15. Hello Liz.. you have a very observant eye. PK? could be HJ?

    1. Hello emdzNY, I think may be can be the Lucky Guy! but for me he is the first suspicious, why PK? hidden something "code name" hehehe for not call the attention hehehe

  16. Replies
    1. Hi Snowy ^^
      I hope you had a good day
      I'm happy to read these coincidences
      who will PK?
      I love Kiss Kiss is my favorite, has a beautiful message for...... Lucky Girl ^^
